DT1R 04 (CCLD 208)Support the development of babies and children under 3 years
Elements of competence
CCLD 208.1Observe babies or children under 3 years as part of your everyday work
CCLD 208.2Provide safe physical care for babies and children under 3 years
CCLD 208.3Provide play activities that encourage learning and development
CCLD 208.4Communicate with babies and children under 3 years, interpret their needs and respond to them
About this Unit
This unit is about observing babies or children under 3 years, so that appropriate physical care and play activities can be provided, which effectively support and encourage the development of babies and young children. It includes the accurate recording of developmental progress according to organisational procedures. You will be expected to communicate with babies or children under 3 years as they indicate their needs and preferences and take these into account when providing play activities.
This unit will be most useful to you if you are assisting with the care of babies or children under 3 years in a group setting. It will provide opportunities to observe how babies and children under 3 years develop, and how the play activities and opportunities you provide and encourage can support development through extending the range and scope of children’s ability.
What we mean by some of the words used in this unitBabies / Infants under 1 year of age
Communication / Verbal and non-verbal
Development / Children gaining skills and competence
Inclusion / A process of identifying, understanding and breaking down barriers to participation and belonging
Learning / Children obtaining new knowledge and understanding about something or acquiring a new skill or changing behaviour as a result of experience
Observe / Look carefully and learn about children’s development from what you observe
Parents / Those (mothers and fathers) who have formally and legally acknowledged parental responsibility for the continuous care and well-being of the child in question, whether biologically related or not
Pattern of development / Rate and sequence of development
Rate of development / Timeframe in which development takes place
Sequence of development / Order in which development occurs
Evidence Requirements for the Unit
It is essential that you adhere to the Evidence Requirements for this Unit
GENERAL GUIDANCE- Evidence must be provided for ALL of the performance criteria and ALL of the knowledge.
- Work with children and families does not lend itself to a series of fragmented activities. When assessment planning it is essential that assessors and candidates identify opportunities to integrate a number of activities for assessment on any particular occasion.
- Assessment of knowledge and understanding should wherever possible be carried out during performance to ensure that theory and practice are linked.
- The evidence must reflect, at all times, the policies and procedures of your workplace as linked to current legislation and the values and the principles for good practice in children’s care, learning and development.
- All evidence must relate to your own work practice.
SPECIFIC Evidence Requirements for this unit
- Simulation is not permitted for this unit.
The following forms of evidence ARE mandatory:
- Direct Observation: Your assessor/expert witness must observe you in real work activities which will provide evidence of some part of each element in this unit.
- Reflective Accounts: You should describe your actions in a particular situation and explain why you did things. You may be able to use a reflective account to provide some of the performance evidence for this unit, for example, your role in supporting parents and babies who are anxious at being separated, how you respond positively and in accordance with your settings procedures when parents express concerns.
Issues for consideration:
- The following performance criteria may be difficult to evidence by observation by the assessor or expert witness:
Element 2 – PCs 5 and 9
Element 3 – PCs 9
Element 4 – PCs 1, 4, 9 and 10
Competence of performance and knowledge could also be demonstrated using a variety of evidence from the following:
- Questioning/Professional Discussion: Questions may be oral or written. In each case the question and your answer will need to be recorded. Professional discussion should be in the form of a structured review of your practice with the outcomes captured by means of audiotape or a written summary. These are particularly useful to provide evidence that you know and understand principles which support practice, policies, procedures and legislation, and that you can critically evaluate their application e.g. how you have contributed to meeting the individual needs of babies and children under three years, how you and your setting ensure that parents wishes and instructions are followed, the importance of continuity of experience/key working for very young children, the importance of following instructions regarding babies dietary requirements and cultural needs, current frameworks of effective practice if these are used in your Home Country, legal requirements such as staff ratios when caring for babies andyoung children. In addition the assessor/expert witness may also ask questions to clarify aspects of your practice.
- Products: These are non-confidential records made, or contributed to, by you, e.g. play plans, plans and evaluations of the implementation of programmes such as birth to three matters, toys, books and materials you have made for use with the children in your setting.
- Confidential Records: These may be used as evidence but must not be placed in your portfolio, they must remain in their usual location and be referred to in the assessor records in your portfolio e.g. individual care plans, observations and assessment of developmental progress to which you have contributed, confidential records to which you have contributed.
- Original Certificates and other evidence of prior experience and learning: Where you have relevant prior experience it must match the requirements of the standards. Certificates of training, awards and records of attendance must be authentic, current and valid. Your assessor will also want to check the content of such training so that this can be matched to the standards and check that you have retained and can apply learning to practice, e.g. courses on baby feeding and weaning, training on treasure basket or heuristic play.
- Case Studies, projects, assignments: These methods are most appropriately used to cover any outstanding areas in the knowledge requirement of your award.
- Witness Testimony: Colleagues, allied professionals, children, young people, families and carers may be able to provide testimony of your performance. Your assessor will help you to identify the appropriate use of witnesses.
Knowledge specification for this unit
Assessment of knowledge and understanding should wherever possible be carried out during performance to ensure theory and practice are linked.
You need to provide evidence for ALL knowledge points listed below:
To be competent in this unit, you must know and understand the following: / Enter Evidence Numbers1The importance of work with babies and children under 3 years and the need for training and professional updating to ensure high quality standards of care
2The difference between formal and informal observations of babies and children under 3 years
3Why formal observations of children might need to be carried out
4Why it is important to obtain permission from parents before carrying out observations on babies and children under 3 years
5A basic outline of the expected pattern of development for children from 0 to 3 years, including the acceptable range and recognised limits
6Current frameworks of effective practice within your home country
7Organisational policies and procedures that must be followed when reporting any concerns about development and why it is important to report concerns as soon as possible
8How to record observations of development accurately and clearly
9Legislation relating to the use of personal information e.g. Data Protection Act
10Who it is appropriate to share information with relating to the development of individual babies and children and the importance of following the requirements of the setting
11Which play activities will support different areas of learning and development for babies and children under 3 years, including:
a)Gross and fine motor development and what this means
b)Hand/eye co-ordination
c)Listening and responding
d)Emotional and social competence
e)Thinking and learning
12The importance of giving babies and children under 3 years time to explore their environment in safety, following the child’s interests and direction, sensitively supporting play and learning without unnecessary intervention
13Safe supervision of babies and children under 3 years, the need for prompt identification of hazards and making the environment safe
14What the organisation’s policies and practices are regarding risk assessment and safety and why it is important to follow these
15Providing activities for individual babies and children that encourage them to move on in their development
16How to give praise, encouragement and support to babies and children undertaking challenging activities, whether successful or unsuccessful in their efforts to achieve, and why this is important
17How and why babies communicate from birth, including the different methods they use in the pre-verbal stage
To be competent in this unit, you must know and understand the following: / Enter Evidence Numbers
18Different ways in which adults can support the development of children's communication, including non-verbal and verbal methods
19Why it is important to use recognised language formats, what these are, including recognised non-verbal language e.g. Makaton, BSL
20The importance of providing support for babies and children under 3 years when leaving their parents or changing routines or environments and how this may be done
21How to prepare formula feeds safely, according to procedures and manufacturers’ instructions
22How to bottle-feed babies safely
23How to store expressed breast milk safely
24How to wean babies, weaning foods and procedures, according to best practice guidelines
25Nutritional requirements of babies and children under 3 years
26Signs and symptoms of common illness in babies and children under 3 years and the appropriate response
27Care of skin, hair, teeth, types of toiletries that are recommended for babies’ skin, according to family preferences, sun care, care of dry skin. Different cultural requirements for care
28Hygiene and protection procedures for washing, dressing and changing babies’ nappies and the reasons why you must follow these
29Safe disposal of waste
30How to help babies and children under 3 years with their toilet training
31Information about effective practice (e.g. sleeping position, temperature) that helps protect babies from sudden infant death syndrome
CCLD 208.1 Observe babies and children under 3 years as part of your everyday work
Performance criteriaEnter Evidence Numbers
DO / RA / EW / Q / P / WT
1Observe how babies and children under 3 years move around and what they can do with their bodies
2Observe how babies and children under 3 years communicate with adults and other children and how they play together
3Observe how babies and children under 3 years express their feelings
4 Observe babies and children under 3 years playing, noting how they play and what they most enjoy
5Share what you have observed according to the procedures of your setting and contribute to identifying areas of development that would benefit for support
6Record information about babies’ and children’s developmental progress, according to your setting’s policy and practice
CCLD 208.2 Provide safe physical care for babies and children under 3 years
Performance criteriaEnter Evidence Numbers
DO / RA / EW / Q / P / WT
1Use physical care activities and routines to develop positive relationships with babies and young children, making sure they are enjoyable experiences and encourage language, learning and development
2Prepare formula feeds for babies who are not breast-fed, ensuring equipment is sterilised and formula is made according to manufacturer’s instructions
3Bottle-feed babies at regular intervals, in line with current best practice, parents’ wishes and babies’ requirements
4Help weaned children with feeding,encouraging them to enjoy mealtimes
5Recognise physical signs of illness in babies and children under 3 years and respond according to procedures
6Wash babies and children under 3 years when required, using appropriate toiletries
7Dress and change babies and children under 3 years as required, being sensitive to their feelings and needs
CCLD 208.2 Provide safe physical care for babies and children under 3 years (cont)
Performance criteriaEnter Evidence Numbers
DO / RA / EW / Q / P / WT
8Care for hair, skin and teeth according to procedures
9Make sure babies and children under 3 years are not left on their own and are kept safe and secure at all times
10Comfort babies and children under 3 years when they are distressed, according to the needs of the child and setting procedures
CCLD 208.3 Provide play activities to encourage learning and development
Performance criteriaEnter Evidence Numbers
DO / RA / EW / Q / P / WT
1Identify individual or group play activities that will support different aspects of learning and development for babies and children under 3 years and that are enjoyable and encourage participation
2Ensure organisational policy and practice regarding risk assessment and safety is followed
3Choose a range of play activities for individual babies and children under 3 years that are appropriate to their level of development and provide them with stimulation and fun
4Ensure that the activities are in line with the overall plans for the setting
5Ensure that group activities are inclusive and value diversity
6Help individual babies and children under 3 years choose creative, imaginative learning activities that meet their identified needs and interests
7Ensure that the activities are challenging but achievable for the individual child
8Play with and alongside babies and children, enjoying their company and having high expectations of what they can achieve
9Monitor and record the responses of babies and children to different activities
CCLD 208.4 Communicate with babies and children under 3 years, interpret their needs and respond to them
Performance criteriaEnter Evidence Numbers
DO / RA / EW / Q / P / WT
1Respond appropriately when babies and children under 3 years are distressed, recognising that separating from parents can be a source of anxiety to both babies and parents
2Recognise and reward the communication efforts of babies and children under 3 years in ways that encourage language development and positive relationships
3Use a variety of communication techniques, including songs, rhymes, stories, finger plays and hand movements, gesture and facial expression
4 Respond appropriately to babies’ pre-verbal speech
5Accurately identify the needs of babies and children under 3 years from their communication
6Use a range of different communication methods to respond to babies’ and children’s needs
7Use recognised language formats when talking to babies and children under 3 years
8Where the meaning is unclear from children’s efforts at speech, use other methods of communication to identify their needs
9Recognise and respond to children’s behavioural reactions to communication failures
10Talk positively to parents about their children’s progress with communication
DO = Direct ObservationRA = Reflective AccountQ = Questions
EW = Expert Witness P = Product (Work)WT = Witness Testimony
To be completed by the CandidateI SUBMIT THIS AS A COMPLETE UNIT
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………
Candidate’s signature: ………………………………………..
Date: …………………………………………………………..
To be completed by the Assessor
It is a shared responsibility of both the candidate and assessor to claim evidence, however, it is the responsibility of the assessor to ensure the accuracy/validity of each evidence claim and make the final decision.
I certify that sufficient evidence has been produced to meet all the elements, pcS AND KNOWLEDGE OF THIS UNIT and that the candidate has demonstrated the application of the princples and values.
Assessor’s name: …………………………………………….
Assessor’s signature: ………………………………………....
Date: …………………………………………………………..
Assessor/Internal Verifier Feedback
To be completed by the Internal Verifier if applicable
This section only needs to be completed if the Unit is sampled by the Internal Verifier
Internal Verifier’s name: ……………………………………………
Internal Verifier’s signature: ………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………………..…………………………..
Unit: DT1R 04 (CCLD 208) Support the development of babies and children under 3 years