



Drug & Alcohol Resources

How to use them!

These resources have been developed to enable workers to deliver basic drugs and alcohol awareness to young people, they should be used after having received training from the Tier 2 coordinator and substance misuse coordinator to ensure that workers are competent in the delivery of this work.

Slang names - Sort it out!

By laminating these words which include, substance names, slang words, legal categories and substance categories, you can play a variety of games with young people, place the cards e.g. substance names around the room or on the table and then get the young person(s) to identify the slang for each substance, you can use the legal and substance categories in the same way getting them to place the substance names under the right categories. Once they have sorted the names into categories you can get the group to identify any other slang words that they use.

What am I?

Laminate these cards, place the different substance names around the room, or on a table, the aim is to get the young people to identify the substance from the information that you read out from the pack. The answer may be guessed after a few clues or it may take all the clues, as you work through

Drug & Alcohol Effects

In this game you can explore the effects of particular substances, place the substance names on the floor or table, distribute the smaller cards around the group, and ask them to place the effects card on the matching substance. The aim is to show the different effects of substances and also to show that the effects are the same for different substances.


Here are a couple of quizzes about alcohol and solvents, copy them and use them individually or print and cut out the true and false cards place them at opposite end if the room, read out the questions and let the young people move to the answer

All mixed up!

Plain and simple it’s an anagram, get the young people to try on their own first, then in pairs and then as a group, this will show how working together can help solve problems!

Breaking the mould

This exercise looks at breaking down stereotypes and challenging views about drug users; use this exercise to stimulate discussion.

What’s good? What’s bad?

Cut out and laminate these cards

This activity enables you to explore the pros and cons of drug and alcohol use, place the cards on a table or stick them on a wall.

Give the young people a few post it notes and ask them to write one thing on each post it to answer the questions on the cards.

Feedback the answers and discuss with the group

Can be done in small groups

What would you do?

This is a dilemmas exercise, you can use the letters around the room and get the young people to move to the answer they agree with or you can run it as a discussion.


You can use these websites alongside any of the interventions to provide young people with more information and as a lead on from discussion they are a fun and interesting way to find what can sometimes be quite boring information.


Contact Bolton’s Tier 2 Coordinator, Ceri Blackmore on 01204 337329 or email or for further help, information and support.

cb@360 Bolton’s under 19’s substance misuse service


cb@360 Bolton’s under 19’s substance misuse service


Sort it out!




Bevvy, booze, pops


Class C

Depressant / Hallucinogen

Blow, puff, draw, weed, hash, pot


Class A


E, doves, Mitsubishis, playstation,


Class A – when prepared for use (dried or stewed)




Class A


Trips, microdots, acid, dots


Class C


Moggies, diazepam, mazzies, valium, vallied up



Aerosols, glue


Class B


Amph, billy, uppers, whizz, speed, sulphate, phet


Class A


C, Charlie, coke, snow

Crack Cocaine

Class A


Stone, rock


Class A


Smack, gear, skag, brown, horse

N.B. Gear is traditionally a slang word used for Heroin but young people do use this word as a cover all and in particular to identify cannabis, it is important to be clear about the way young people interpret their slang.





  • I am made from a natural material, what am I?
  • I was brought into Europe in the 14th Century, what am I?
  • Native Indians in South America first used me, what am I?
  • I am very difficult to give up, what am I?
  • My effects last for up to one hour, what am I?
  • I speed up your heart rate and lower your blood pressure, what am I?
  • Using me you risk addiction, lung and heart problems and cancer, what am I?
  • I will leave you with smelly breath and clothes, a cough, brown teeth and no money, what am I?


  • I have been used for as long as history has been recorded, what am I?
  • I affect your central nervous system and brain what am I?
  • I cause dizziness, sickness, tiredness and collapse what am I?
  • My risks include dependence, poisoning and aggression what am I?
  • My effects depend about your age, weight and gender what am I?
  • I can make you behave stupidly what am I?
  • I am a depressant what am I?
  • I am the most used drug in the UK what am I?
  • I can ruin your looks, give you bad breathe and make you gain weight what am I?
  • I am made in lots of different strengths what am I?


  • I come from natural ingredients, what am I?
  • I was first known to be used in China in the first century AD, what am I?
  • You could get me from a doctor’s with a prescription up until 1973, what am I?
  • My effects last for up to 1 hour, what am I?
  • My effects include, relaxation, giggling, hunger, memory loss and anxiety, what am I?
  • My risks include cancer and damage to the lungs, paranoia and anxiety, what am I?
  • I can make you moody and tired getting you in trouble at school and at home, what am I?
  • I can be smoked or eaten, what am I?
  • I am also known as hash, weed, ganga, what am I?
  • I am a Class C drug, what am I?
  • I am mixed with tobacco and smoked, what am I?


  • I was discovered in 1910, what am I?
  • Scientists made me, what am I?
  • I was first used as a recreational drug in 1968 on the West Coast of America, what am I?
  • I am a stimulant, what am I?
  • I come in different shapes, sizes and colours, what am I?
  • It takes about ½ and hour for my effects to kick in, what am I?
  • I increase your heart rate and will make you sweat, what am I?
  • My effects include increased energy, lack of coordination, paranoia and not sleeping, what am I?
  • My risks include problems with liver and kidneys due to lack of water, what am I?
  • Some people have died from using me, what am I?
  • I am a Class A drug, what am I?
  • I am made into tablets, what am I?
Magic Mushrooms
  • I grow naturally, what am I?
  • I have been used since prehistoric times, what am I?
  • I was used in rituals called ‘Flesh of the Gods’ by the Aztecs in 1000BC, what am I?
  • I became a popular misused substance in the 1960’s, what am I?
  • I am a hallucinogen, what am I?
  • I am one of 24 species, which grow in natural habitats, what am I?
  • I can make you feel relaxed and ‘spaced out’, what am I?
  • I can make you feel sick and numb, what am I?
  • By using me you risk panic attacks, poisoning, accidents and overdose, what am I?
  • I can be eaten and drunk in tea, what am I?
  • I am a Class A drug, what am I?


  • I can be found naturally in a fungus called’ergot’, what am I?
  • Iwas used as a drug for psychiatric patients in 1950’s and 1960’s, what am I?
  • I became illegal in early 1971, what am I?
  • I take about 30 minutes to have an effect on your body, what am I?
  • I last for 8 –12 hours, what am I?
  • I will make you see things that other people can’t see, and make things feel and seem different to usual, what am I?
  • By using me you are more likely to have an accident, what am I?
  • Once you take me you can’t stop the effects and they can be pretty scary, what am I?
  • I can cause you to have flashbacks, what am I?
  • I am a Class A drug, what am I?


  • I am widely available in loads of different places, what am I?
  • I will make you feel dizzy and drowsy, what am I?
  • My effects last for 15 – 45 minutes, what am I?
  • I am inhaled through the nose and mouth, what am I?
  • I can make you sick, give you blackouts and slurred speech, what am I?
  • I can kill you the first time you use me by freezing your throat or stopping your heart, what am I?
  • 1n 1999 I killed 73 people in the UK, what am I?
  • 11 – 16 year olds, mostly use me what am I?
  • I have loads of famous names, what am I?
  • You will find me in the kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms in your house, what am I?


  • I was first produced in Switzerland in the 1960’s, what am I?
  • I was made by scientists to help people who could sleep or to reduce anxiety, what am I?
  • I am available in hundreds of different types, what am I?
  • I come in capsules and tablets, what am I?
  • I am a Class C drug, what am I?
  • I will slow down your reactions and make you more likely to have an accident, what am I?
  • After a while you will have to keep taking me just to get to sleep, what am I?
  • I am addictive, what am I?
  • I am a depressant, what am I?
  • If you use me with alcohol you can easily overdose, what am I?
  • I am a drug that is prescribed by a doctor, what am I?
  • I can help you to calm down and relieve tension, what am I?


  • I was first made in Germany in the 1930’s, what am I?
  • I am a stimulant, what am I?
  • I was made to help people who wanted to loose weight, what am I?
  • I was used in the Second World War and the Vietnam War to help soldiers stay alert and to stop them feeling hungry, what am I?
  • Hitler is supposed to have had regular injections of me everyday, what am I?
  • I can be found in tablet and powder form, what am I?
  • I am a Class B drug, what am I?
  • I will quicken your heartbeat and breathing and can make you feel more confident, what am I?
  • By using me you risk problems with sleep, concentration and memory in the short term, what am I?
  • Long term I can give you real problems with your heart, what am I?
  • I can be snorted, swallowed, injected and smoked, what am I?
  • I was first commercially made for medical purposes in 1860, what am I?
  • I was found to be a powerful local anaesthetic in 1884, what am I?
  • I was put into a tonic in 1886, what am I?
  • I became a popular recreational drug in the 1920’s, what am I?
  • I can be sniffed, smoked or injected, what am I?
  • I am a stimulant, what am I?
  • I will take effect in about 12 – 20 minutes, what am I?
  • My effects last for 15 – 30 minutes, what am I?
  • I am a Class A drug, what am I?
  • I will make you feel more alert and confident, what am I?
  • By using me you risk permanent damage to your nose and problems with your heart and breathing, what am I?
  • I am made from the coca leaf, what am I?
  • I am generally snorted by cutting a line of powder onto a smooth surface and snorting it up through a tube or straw, what am I?
Crack Cocaine
  • I began to appear on the drug market in the 1980’s, what am I?
  • I am normally smoked, what am I?
  • I come in yellowish crystals, what am I?
  • I am smoked using a pipe, what am I?
  • I am a stimulant, what am I?
  • I will take effect immediately, what am I?
  • My effects last for only 12 minutes, what am I?
  • My risks include serious damage to lungs
  • I am made through a process of ‘freebasing’, what am I?
  • My name is linked to the sound mead when the carbon dioxide in the bicarbonate crackles, what am I?
  • I can make you very aggressive and violent, what am I?
  • I take effect within seconds of being inhaled, what am I?
  • I will make you feel tired, depressed and anxious after you’ve smoked me, what am I?
  • I have been around since the Iron Age, with some tablets being found from as far back as 6000BC, what am I?
  • In the 1800 I was regularly used in cough remedies, what am I?
  • I can be injected, smoked and sniffed, what am I?
  • I am a depressant, what am I?
  • I am a Class A drug, what am I?
  • I will make you feel calm, drowsy and stop feelings from pain and hunger, what am I?
  • I can make you feel or be sick, what am I?
  • I am very addictive, what am I?
  • I am made from the seeds of the opium poppy, what am I?
  • If you inject me you risk damage to your veins and blood borne viruses, what am I?
  • My risks include reactions to the other substances that have been mixed in with me, and cause serious health problems, what am I?

cb@360 Bolton’s under 19’s substance misuse service

Very ver

Very ver

Effects game


depressant , increases blood pressure, speeds heart rate


depressant, disorientated, violent outbursts, loss of consciousness, alcohol poisoning, exaggerate mood, reduce inhibitions, slurred speech, loss of balance, vomiting, hangovers


depressant, hallucinogenic, relaxed, talkative, heightens senses, paranoid, short term memory loss, lack of coordination, sickness, panic attacks, laziness, giggly, bloodshot eyes, hunger pangs


stimulant, energy buzz, alert, intense emotions, chatty, dilated pupils, tingling feeling, raises body temperature, heart beats faster, sweaty, anxiety, confused


hallucinogenic, distortion of colour / sound / objects, intense emotions, creative, nervous, twitchy, disorientated, speeds up or slows down time


hallucinogenic, speeds up or slows down time, colour / sound / object distortion, enhance mood, panic flashbacks


depressant, sedative, slows down the body, relieve tension, overdose with alcohol, sickness, anxiety


depressant, drunk behaviour, dreaminess, fits of giggles, can hallucinate, headaches, sleepy, not thinking straight, rash


stimulant, feel wide awake, excited, chatty, energetic, stops hunger, irritable, depressed, panicky


stimulant, raises body temperature, heart rate increases, feel wide awake, confident, violent outbursts with alcohol, mood swings, restless, paranoia

Crack cocaine

short lived, exhilarated, wide awake, kills all feeling of pain, tiredness, huge mood swings, massive paranoia, sickness, aggression


painkiller, slows body function, stops physical and psychological pain, feels a rush, sleepy, very relaxed, very addictive, ‘cravings’

Check out how much you know?

1. Most violent crimes occur 2. Strong coffee helps sober up

under the influence of alcohol someone who’s drunk

true false true false

3. An alcopop contains the 4. Heavy drinking over a long

same amount of alcohol time can lead to heart disease

as a pub measure of whisky and high blood pressure

true false true false

5. At 14 you can go anywhere in 6. It takes your body 1 hour to

a pub, but not buy alcohol process 1 unit of alcohol

true false true false

7. Alcohol is stimulant, it gives 8. Alcohol has been used for

you energy and wakes you up 10,000 years

true false true false

9. If you drink a lot of beer, lager 10. Young people are often drunk

or cider you will put on weight the first time they have sex

true false true false

11. If someone passes out after 12. Alcohol affects men more

drinking it’s best to lie them than women

on their back

true false true false

13. Binge drinking is seen as a 14. Drinking small amounts of

big problem at the moment alcohol damages your health

true false true false


  1. True, the British Medical Association estimates that alcohol is a factor in 60 –70 % of murders, 75% of stabbings, 70% of beatings and 50% of fights and domestic violence.
  1. False, only time helps to sober up a drunk person.
  1. False, an Alcopop contains 2 units of alcohol and a pub measure of whiskey contains 1 unit.

½ pint lager = 1 unit, glass of wine = 1 unit

Recommended allowances are

Women 2 – 3 units per day, max: 21 per week

Men 3 – 4 units per day, max: 24 per week

  1. True, long term drinking can have a damaging effect upon your

health and can lead to serious problems including heart disease,

it is estimated that there are 22,000 premature deaths each

year from alcohol related problems.

5. True, Under 14’s can only go into a pub which has a ‘children’s

certificate’. If it doesn’t have a certificate they can only go into

parts where alcohol is not served e.g. beer garden.

6. True, that means that it takes 5 hours to get rid of 5 units, that’s 5

hours to get rid of 2 ½ pints of beer.

7. False, Alcohol is a depressant, which slows down the brain and

reactions. In the early stages inhibitions are depressed, it may

make you more talkative and as you become more drunks you

slow down rapidly and you lose coordination.

8. True, some people believe that the use of alcohol pre-dates

historical records and that it was already popular around 8,000


9. True, these are high in calories and drinking a lot will increase

your weight. A can of strong lager has the same calories as a

Mars Bar

10. True, one study of 13 /14 year olds found 40% were drunk or

stoned the first time they had sex.

11. False, if they are sick then they could choke, so the best thing to

do is to put them in the recovery position.

12. False, the same amount of alcohol affects women more than

men, because women tend to be smaller and weigh less and

the differences in distribution of body fat. This does depend