Drop-in sessions with the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety

Friday 13 April 3pm – 7pm at the Grenfell United Community Centre

Tuesday 17 April 3pm – 8pm at the Curve Community Centre

What is the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety?

After the Grenfell Tower tragedy and multiple other buildingsfailingsafety tests on cladding, the Government decided that there should be an independentreview of building regulations and fire safety.

The Review is led by Dame Judith Hackitt.Dame Judith is an engineer, Chair of a manufacturers association (EEF), and a former Chair of the Health and Safety Executive, where she was responsible for changes to make building sites safer for workers. Dame Judith is independent of Government. She is supported by a small team of civil servants, who are also independent of Government whilst they work on the Review.

What is the purpose of the Review?

The Review will make recommendationsto Government on changes to make sure that there is a strong system of building regulations for the future, and to provide assurance that people’s homes are safe and will remain safe in the future.The Review will not consider what happened in the Grenfell Tower fire – this is a matter for the Public Inquiry, led by Sir Martin Moore-Bick.

What has the Review done so far?
The Review published an Interim Report in December. The Review identified weaknesses within the buildings regulations system and that there needs to be culture change throughout the system. One of the key areas identified was residents’ voice.

How can I be involved?
The Independent Review team would like to hear your opinions and ideas about the building regulations system, and how it could change to work better for residents.Some of the questions we are interested in are:

  • What information do residents want about building safety? What is the best way for residents to be informed about building safety issues?
  • How can we ensure that residents’ voices are listened to in discussions with landlords and TMOs on building safety?
  • Do residents need a clearer route to raise safety concerns to someone independent?

The Independent Review Team will be hosting informal drop-in sessions. Please come to feed in your views on what a better future system looks like. We are asking people local to, and affected by the tragedy to meet because we want to ensure that a future system meets the needs of residents. Any information you wish to share will be treated confidentially if you wish.

Do you want more information?
You can read the Review’s Interim report here: