/ Driving risk assessment (DRA)Human Resources
The manager should complete this form withany employee or people working for MoJ, including agency workers, consultants and interim staff who drive on official duty except those whose business area has developed specific replacement guidance and procedures.This applies to all vehiclesused for official driving duties including Secure Cellular Vehicles (SCV) and must be completed:
- before driving on official driving duty
- annually for normal work related official driving duties
- as a separate one-off assessment for significantly different official driving duties.
Driver’s name / Date DRA completed
Driver’s location / Review date
(next action resolved date)
Manager’s name / Annual review date
DRA for / Normal driving duties / Significantly different duties
Give a brief description of the driver’s official driving duties
To obtain the risk level, use the five-point scales below to identify the appropriate probability and severity ratings for potential hazard areas, and record these in columns P and S. To obtain R, the risk level for each potential hazard area, multiply P by S. You must identify additional measures to reduce the probability and/or severity if the risk level is above what is acceptable in MoJ’s Risk Assessment guidance.
Probability / Severity0 = Nil to very low (minimal/no discomfort) / 0 = Nil/No discomfort or injury
1 = Very unlikely / 1 = Slight discomfort (e.g. First Aid not required)
2 = Unlikely / 2 = Minor injury (e.g. First Aid required)
3 = Likely / 3 = Significant injury (e.g. 3 day absence injury)
4 = Very likely / 4 = Serious injury (e.g. hospitalisation)
5 = Almost certain / 5 = Fatal/very serious injury (e.g. death, loss of limb etc)
Key: P = Probability S = Severity R = Risk level (P x S = R)
You must refer to the Driving Risk Assessment completed example for the list of potential hazards and points to consider, when completing this form for factors that are appropriate to your team member.
Potential hazard area / Points to consider / Risk / Action required to reduce risk / Date action resolved
P / S / R
Manager’s signature / Driver’s signature
Please email Health & Safety Branch for further assistance: MoJ Health & Safety Enquiries
Data Protection: Ministry of Justice will process this information fairly and lawfully to assess, control and minimise risk during official driving on duty. The data will be stored securely and not be subject to unauthorised use, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Driving risk assessment (DRA) (01.10)PROTECT – PERSONAL1