Driver Training Syllabus

Dear Parent/ Guardian:

Your son/ daughter is now enrolled in our Driver Training course, which includes both classroom instruction and in car-instruction.

It is essential for the student to get as much practice time behind the wheel as possible. We hope that our Driver Training Course along with your guidance and encouragement will help your son/ daughter become a safe and competent driver.

Synopsis of course:

  1. Driver Training is designed to teach and develop safe driving skills. The course consists of two parts (classroom instruction and driving/behind the wheel instruction). The 1st part will consist of 30 hrs. of classroom instruction by the teacher along with different media and special speakers. The 2nd part of the course will consist of 6 hrs. of driving/ behind the wheel instruction. The student must pass the 30 hrs. of classroom instruction in order to be eligible to complete the 6 hrs. of driving instruction. The student must pass both the classroom instruction and driving instruction to receive the ½ credit.
  2. Grades: The first 9 weeks grade will consist of classroom work. The 2nd 9 weeks grade will consist of the driving skills portion of Drivers Training along with a combination of the following: skills evaluations and research.
  3. Textbook used: Drive Right: Pearson, Eleventh Edition, 2010
  4. Classroom work will consist of Notebook, Homework, Tests, Videos and Final Exam.
  5. Missed work will be made up according to school policy. You can find this information and other helpful material in your student handbook.
  6. One must pass both the classroom and driving portions of Driver Training to obtain the ½ credit.
  7. The student must make a C or above in both the classroom and driving portions to receive insurance credit if your insurance company participates in the program.
  8. If you have earned a failing grade (below a 70) on a test or written assignment, you have the option to redo the grade. The assignment must be completed during lunch remediation within a week of the assignment date. No exceptions.
  9. The option of the redo of an assignment does not apply to the driving skills test portion of the class.

Thank you for your cooperation,

W.C.H.S. Driver Training Dept.

Jim Duvall

J.W. Holt

Erica Bragg

Student signature,


Parent/ Guardian signature,
