Name______Block ______Teacher ______

Drilling test 1 – The Multi-Store Model of Memory

1)How many components make up the Multi-store model of memory? / a)1
2)What is the capacity of STM? / a)7 + or – 2
b)6 + or – 3
c)9 + or – 2
d)5 + or – 1
e)7 + or - 3
3)What is the capacity of LTM / a)Up to a life-time
c)Up to an estimated 46 Gigabytes
d)Until LTM is 85% full
e)36,000 single pieces of information
4)What is the duration of both STM and LTM respectively? / a)18 seconds and 46 years
b)18 minutes and up to a life-time
c)1.8 seconds and up to five years
d)18 seconds and up to a life-time
e)None of the above
5)What are the findings of Baddeley’s research into encoding of STM / a)acoustically similar were harder to accurately recall (35% accuracy) compared with acoustically dissimilar words, (95% accuracy).
b)acoustically similar were easier to accurately recall (65% accuracy) compared with acoustically dissimilar words, (35% accuracy).
c)acoustically similar were easier to accurately recall (95% accuracy) compared with acoustically dissimilar words, (55% accuracy).
d)acoustically similar were harder to accurately recall (45% accuracy) compared with acoustically dissimilar words, (85% accuracy).
e)acoustically similar words were harder to accurately recall (55% accuracy) compared with acoustically dissimilar words, (75% accuracy).
6)According to the model, what has to happen for information to be transferred from STM to LTM? / a)Recoding
7)How is information encoded in STM and LTM respectively / a)Visually and acoustically
b)Tactilely and visually
c)Semantically and visually
d)Acoustically and olfactorily
e)Acoustically and semantically
8)What were the percentages for Bahrick et al’s study on very long-term memory? / a)Ps could match names to photos of class mates with 55% accuracy after 47 years, although only 15% of photos could be recognised if Ps were not give the names to match.
b)Ps could match names to photos of class mates with 40% accuracy after 47 years, although only 10% of photos could be recognised if Ps were not give the names to match.
c)Ps could match names to photos of class mates with only 10% accuracy after 47 years, although 60% of photos could be recognised if Ps were not give the names to match.
d)Ps could match names to photos of class mates with 60% accuracy after 47 years, although only 20% of photos could be recognised if Ps were not give the names to match.
e)Ps could match names to photos of class mates with 90% accuracy after 47 years, although only 30% of photos could be recognised if Ps were not give the names to match.
9)How does information pass through the sections of the MSM? / a)In a cyclical manner
b)In a linear manner
c)In a diagonal manner
d)In a multi-dimensional manner
e)In a unilateral manner
10)Murdock’s study supports the MSM because it shows… / a)The limitations of sensory memory
b)The duration of LTM
c)The distinction between STM (recency effect) and LTM (primacy effect)
d)The differences between encoding in STM (acoustic) and LTM (semantic)
e)The distinction between STM (primacy effect) and LTM (recency effect)
11)The MSM fails to explain the case of Clive Wearing because… / a)He could still remember most of his experiences even though his hypothalamus had been largely destroyed by illness
b)He could still remember most of his experiences even though his hippocampus had been largely destroyed by an accident
c)Despite near total destruction of his hippocampus, he could still do things, such as talk, walk and play piano, meaning LTM is not a single unitary store, as suggested by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968).
d)He could form memories of new events, but could not remember information that occurred before his illness
e)He had no short-term memory but his long-term memory was intact
12)Which of these is not associated with the Multi-store Model? / a)Maintenance Rehearsal
b)Short-term Memory
c)Central Executive
d)Sensory Memory
e)Loss of information because of decay

Score: _____ / 12 Grade ______(A = 12, B = 11, C = 10, D = 9, E = 8)

Retake: Yes/No (you must re-take the test if you scored 7 or below)

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