Clerk: Louise Morgan-Turner

4 Moorside View


BD11 1HN

Telephone (0113) 2879084/07968107193 ______

The Meeting of Drighlington Parish Council was held on Monday, 18th December 2017 at 7.30pm in the Meeting Hall, Moorland Road, Drighlington.



Cllrs Cattle, Scholes, Thornton, Slater, Clark, Hutchison and Purins. Also in attendance were 14 members of the public, Ward Cllr Finnigan, PSCOs Rachael Fogg and Dave Dale, Litter Patroller and the Clerk.



Cllr Keighley



The minutes, having been circulated, were proposed by Cllr Thornton and seconded by Cllr Cattle that they be signed by the Acting Chair as a true record.






Last Month’s recorded crime report 20/11/17 – 18/12/17; PSCO 750 Rachel FOGG

Burglary Residential x 5


05/12/17 – 06/12/17 – MOORSIDE VALE – move heavy rock in front of garage door. No entry gained


20/11/17 – 9:50pm – BRADFORD RD –offenders climbed fence then smash window. Disturbed by neighbour and make off. 2 males in dark clothing one on pedal cycle. No entry gained.

21/11/17 – 8:20pm – Group of 4 hooded suspects attend front door of property and try door handle. Security light activates and group leave in a silver Mercedes A class. No entry gained. A silver Mercedes A class was stolen during early hours of same date in the Queensbury area of Bradford. It is believed to be the same offenders

22/11/2017 – 11:00pm – BEECHWOOD GROVE – Offender approaches rear of property and attacks lock of rear door. Noise causes occupant to wake who disturbs offender and makes off when seeing occupant. No entry gained

24/11/2017 – 2:40am – DEAN HALL AVENUE – 2 suspects. Attack rear door lock and gain entry. Remove cars from front door. On exiting take watch and then parked vehicle on drive.

VW GOLF stolen. Recovered next night in LEEDS RD area of Bfd

Burglary Commercial x 3

30/11/17 – 01/12/17 - KING STREET – Use stone to smash window. Remove cash till from premises. Neighbour sees offenders make off in vehicle when alarm heard. Insufficient quality to ID VRM/vehicle/suspects

01/12/17 – 02/12/17 – WHITEHALL RD – Force lower panel of side door. Enter and remove cash.

11/12/17 – 12/12/17 – MOORLAND RD – Offender approaches side of building and enters via insecure window. Search is made and laptop and cash box stolen. Cash box recovered from rear of building. Forensic examination of scene/cash box indicated offender wearing gloves. Some suggestion that a white male in his 30's smartly dressed, black curly hair with beard and moustache attended purporting to be from Youth Offending. The male was with a white male 15/16yrs old, tall slim build with short brown hair. Youth offending confirm they have not booked the room. No CCTV at premises.

Theft from Motor Vehicle (TFMV) x 7

27/11/2017 - Overnight - WAKEFIELD RD – damage locks to enter Ford Ranger –tools stolen

28/11/17 – 17:30 x 19:30 – GOLF CLUB, BRADFORD RD – enter Transit causing no damage and remove power tools. CCTV x 2 suspects and Silver/Grey Renault scenic. Same vehicle used in a number of offences around Force. Recovered for forensic examination.

02/12/17 18:40 – 19:00 - KINGSWAY – Front and rear registration plates stolen from AUDI.

04/12/17 – Overnight – HODGSON LANE – Break lock of Ford Ranger and remove tools.

07/12/17 – 17:15 – OAKWELL RD – Offenders attend in vehicle and enter using hole from previous theft in Peugeot van door and steal tile cutter. Make off.

04/12/17 – 05/12/17 – OLD BRICKWORKS, Wkfld Rd – gain entry to Transit van front driver’s door. Steal tools.

Theft of Motor Vehicle (TOMV) - NIL


The Home Security Packs are still available and previously PCSO 825 Alex GOODALL has been allocated as a contact for these packs to be allocated out when requested. – 07590359140

Additionally PCSO 624 Joshua TOLHURST can be contacted - 07711 391324


The packs contains a number of items you can retain such as warning stickers, anti - tamper registration plate screws, door handle alarm, safe can, UV pen, 2 x plug timers for lamps and 2 window alert alarms.

The pack also contain items that you can use but return at the end of the period you are away. These include the box the pack comes in, a device that simulates your TV is working (it flashes coloured lights to make it look like someone is watching the TV), 2 low energy bulbs (to use in conjunction with the 2 timers) and an Infra - red alarm sensor that you can programme 3 telephone numbers in. If there is a break in the sensor with automatically telephone 3 numbers of your choice (friends, neighbours, relatives) who will receive a message that you can record in to the device to alert the recipient to the fact a break in has occurred. You need to plug the device in to your phone line.

On-going cases

PS ABBOTT has previously advised that a juvenile from the area that had previously been under investigation for a number of different offences.

**UPDATE** The individual was in court 13/12/17 for a number of matters. It is envisaged that sentencing will be made on 20/12/17 and the Criminal Behaviour Order will also be heard on that date. ( s.22 Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 ). Application made by ASB link Officer PC TOMLINSON. LASBT have been made aware of the above to ensure further tenancy action is made.



Sanne reported less litter due to the cold weather and it was harder to clear litter because it was frozen on paths etc. Two bus stops had been vandalised recently (one twice after it had been repaired) and Leeds City Council were quick to respond. She asked members of the public to be vigilant and report any incidents to the Police without getting involved with the perpetrators.

There was very little litter at Drigmass and stallholders asked Sanne for black bags to put their rubbish in. They also came back the day after to help. The workshop she held at Drigmass went down very well and she would like to repeat this at future events.

Although she has a key now for the dog poo dispenser, she hasn’t enough bags to refill it and this needs addressing.

She has been using new waste bin bags for the festive period depicting a Christmas pudding and has had positive feedback about these from residents.



Cllr Purins commented that planning issues are very quiet. He told members of the public that the latest press release from MP Andrea Jenkins about Pitty Close Farm is attached at the back of the meeting papers.



Cllr Cattle said that there is inconsiderate parking particularly near West Street and Hodgson Lane. Some stones may be put down to stop people parking on the grass.

Cllr Hutchison reported that there is now an Enforcement Officer working for Morley North which includes Drighlington. There have been 15 tickets issued already. If someone is parked on double yellow lines they can’t be issued a ticket until they have left their vehicle. Litter and dog fouling fines will also be imposed.

A member of the public asked what was happening with a vehicle on Moorside Road that had been ticketed six times and had a flat tyre. Cllr Hutchison said the vehicle had now been removed. Another member of the public also reported that a vehicle on Kingsdale Gardens was causing a dangerous obstruction by blocking the pavement. Cllr Finnigan said in these cases the Police liaise with the owners. He asked for the public to send him a photograph in these instances showing clearly the registration number and the information will be forwarded to the Police.

Cllr Hutchison said that the Enforcement Office deals with people ignoring lines and signs. If anyone sees any one doing this report it to the Parish Council through their website. He also said there is a real problem of dog fouling on King Street and if anyone sees this happening, again please let the Parish Council know with dates and times, so the Enforcement Officer can be there. Dog owners usually have set times when they walk their dogs.



·  Cllr Cattle asked for Cllr Finnigan’s help to sort out the broken kerb stones near the Co-op due to leaves pushing up. He said he would contact LCC.

·  Cllr Thornton asked the Chair, Cllr Cattle, to consider the ever increasing crime rate and the fact he doesn’t think we get the support that we deserve from the Police. He said that two Councillors used to meet once per month with the Duty Officer to discuss any issues and problems. He believes this should be reinstated because the Police attend the public meeting and go through crimes in the area, but there is never any follow up. A member of the public said that resources have been withdrawn and the lighting is now turned off in the early hours of the morning. Cllr Finnigan said the Police Commissionaire is sat on £187 million and what are the plans for this? The Parish Council are going to compile statistics year on year to find out whether crime rates have been going up year on year and if 2017 is worse than previous years. There is definitely a need for more Police. Cllr Finnigan concluded that there should be some interaction with the Duty Inspector to compare statistics with Rothwell and Wetherby.

·  A member of the Bowling Green Club in Drighlington said it may have to close due to lack of members. He also thought the fee to use the green was expensive. However, Cllr Finnigan thought it was good value at £1.27 per week, which equates to approx., 20p per day. Cllr Cattle said if the member could put something together about the club to evoke interest other people to join. He said the Parish Council will put information supplied on their website and other social media. The member of public said he would, although it may close after an extraordinary meeting in January 2018. Cllr Hutchison said he thought 50% of residents are not aware there is a Bowling Green Club.

·  Cllr Clark informed the meeting that the library had been broken into recently. Their cash and donation boxes have been stolen. The cash box had £160.00 taken from it and fortunately, there wasn’t much in the donation box, as one of the staff had emptied this the day before the break-in. Although, it is short notice Cllr Clark said the library were holding an event which includes having a cup of tea/coffee and cakes plus a raffle etc., on Tuesday, 19th December 2017 between 10.30am-4.00pm to recoup some funds. Everyone is welcome. A member of the public asked if the building is still alarmed. Cllr Clark said unfortunately there has been a problem with it, but it is being sorted out.