2017Girls’ Fall Longhouse
Day / Time / Event / Responsible
Nov. 10 / 3:00 -8:00pm / Setup Camp / All Tribes
3:00 – 3:30pm / Setup Big NSD Tepee
8:00 - 10:00pm / Movie Night / All tribes
11:15pm / Lights Out / All Tribes
Nov. 11

/ 8:30– 9:00am / Chiefs Meeting
(Each Tribe must be represented) / All Chiefs
9:00–9:30am / Opening Ceremony (Bring 4 Logs per tribe for Sacred Fire) / All Tribes
9:30-10:00am / Set-Up Zip Line
10:00-11:00am / BB guns & Archery
11:00-12:00pm / Lunch
2:00 – 4:00pm / Water Slide
3:45-4:15 pm / 3-Legged Race
4:15-4:45pm / Tug-of-War
4:45 – 5:15pm / Egg Toss
5:30 – 6:30pm / Nation Chief Campsite Review
5:30 – 6:45pm / Dinner
6:45 – 7:30 pm / Skit Contest
6:45 – 7:45pm / Setup Luminaries
8:00pm / Line up for Sacred Fire Walk
(Don’t Forget Tribal Tiki Torches) / All Tribes
8:15pm / Begin Sacred Silent Walk
(The Key Word is “Silent”) / All Tribes
8:30 – 9:15pm / Sacred Fire / Acorn Ceremony
Bring your acorns for the Sacred Fire / Federation Council
Immediately After / Pictures with Fed Council
(~15 min.) / Federation Council
9:15 – 9:45pm / Cleanup Luminaries
11:15pm / Lights Out / All Tribes
Nov. 12

9:00-9:30am / Pack-up Big NSD Tepee
9:00-9:30am / Tear Down
9:00-9:30 / Clean Campground
9:30 – 10:00am / Raffle Drawing
Award Ceremony / All
10:00–10:15am / Closing Ceremony / All Tribes
10:15 – / Open Camp / Canoe / Hike / Pack / Depart / Have Fun / Drive Safe / Thanks!

Sacred Fire & Respect for the Great Spirit: Each tribe should deliver at least 4 nice, big, juicy logs to the Opening Ceremony for the Sacred Fire). During the Sacred Fire, as well as the Opening & Closing ceremony, everyone should remember to wear their vests and be respectful when someone has the Talking Stick. During the Firewalk all Big Braves and Princesses are to observe silence and reflect on their time together. Please, no flashlights, only torches


~Sunset is at 5:37PM

~ Dress in layers – temps can fluctuate this time of year.

~ Bring your vests and your new Native Sons and Daughters headbands.

~ Bring chairs to Sacred Fire

~ Don’t forget your Tiki Torches for the Sacred Fire Walk.

~ If you want electric power for your campsite, bring an RV plug converter.

~ Put your campfires out completely – cold to the touch – 18 inches deep.

~ Leave your campsite better than you found it. Reinforce respect for forest, field and stream with your Braves.

Your Iroquois, Shoshone and Sioux Nation Chiefs,

Tomahawk and Red Bear