DRAWING (ART 111, 122, 211) Phoenix College, Spring 2016
M, W 9:00-11:45am, room # ART 101 Office hours: after each class and by appt.
Instructor: Carolyn Lavender (Hughes) , or Canvas.
RULES: No use of phones or headphones. Everyone helps in the clean up of the room after each class.
CODE OF CONDUCT: We will be dedicated to providing a healthy, comfortable, and educationally productive environment. For more information see pages 44-52 of the student handbook.
General Education Assessment:The faculty and staff at Phoenix College believe that your college education should not only include learning content, but also developing important life-long skills. We call these general education outcomes. The 5 general education outcomes we have identified that should be developed throughout your college career are:
Writing - develop effective writing skills to communicate.
Numeracy - learn to use numerical concepts and data effectively.
Critical Thinking - learn to apply critical thinking skills to solve problems, makeinformed decisions, and interpret events.
Oral Presentation - plan and deliver an oral presentation to a target audience.
Information Literacy - learn to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively,ethically, and legally.
In this course, we will be focusing onCritical Thinking.
COURSE DESCRIPTION:Fundamental principles of drawing. Emphasis on composition, with facility in objective and expressive representation using variety of media.
This studio class requires participation and practice. To achieve good results you will need to attend all classes, on time, and do homework. Drawing is a complex skill that is not quickly mastered. Success in drawing will help you focus, persist, visualize, imagine, communicate visually, and apply critical thinking skills to solve problems and make informed decisions.
HOMEWORK DEADLINES: There will be homework due each day of class. If you attend class and have completed the homework, you will get 3 points. If you miss a class, you must find out what the upcoming homework is from Canvas or a classmate, or you will also miss deadline points when you come back.
PORTFOLIOS: Three portfolios will be turned in for grading. Late portfolios are dropped down one grade level.
Rendering: The ability to draw realistically from life.This may be your first time to learn drawing, or you may be building on previous experience. Much of this class will be drawing from still life objects, but you will also draw outdoors and do head drawings from life. The primary emphasis is drawing from direct observation.
Composition: Use and arrangement of visual space. It is a requirement in this class to work in complete compositions. No empty backgrounds. You will demonstrate your ability to manage the entire composition and to complete your drawings.
Values: All projects will be done in black and white. This allows focus on the basic principles of drawing without the distraction of color. You will demonstrate your ability to draw with a full range of value. The blackest black the drawing tool will make, all the grays in between, and the white of the paper. 1/3 of the values should be darks, 1/3 mediums, and 1/3 lights.
Details: You will draw with enough detail to create visual interest and to make your drawings appear finished.
Technique: You will have the opportunity to explore various techniques and media. Technique should not be a distraction from learning to render, mastering composition, and using drawing to express your thoughts and ideas. Drawing style and technique are often by-products of becoming comfortable with the drawing process.
Ideas: This class will encourage you to be a “thinking” artist, who creates work that is connected to who you are. Some of the assignments are rudimentary, but usually there is a way to personalize it. With a still life, the background will provide a place for some creativity. Later assignments are more flexible.
Other areas of emphasis: Line, the illusion of depth, art history, and class critiques. During class critiques you will present and speak about your artwork.
Frequent Terms for this class:
Sketch: Always approximately 5 x7”, drawn within a lined out rectangle (not the edge of the paper), with full composition, and shaded values. Sketches are not finished drawings and do not require refined technique. Sketches can be drawn from the head and do not need to be well rendered. They allow you to quickly work out scale, placement, overall value patterns and ideas.
Exercises: These can vary, but can be quick drawings on inexpensive full-sized paper or practice done on 12 x 18” paper.
Drawing Assignment: Full assignments must be done on 18 x 24” paper or larger. Larger is better, but takes more time. The final assignment will be done on 22 x 30”, paper provided by instructor.
18 x 24” drawing paper. Can use Strathmore DRAWING pad, 400 series, cold press, or equiv.
18 x 24” pad rough (not smooth!) newsprint or similar weight inexpensive white paper
18 x 24” charcoal paper or other better quality paper (optional)
Sketchbook. (optional) You can use a past (used) sketchbook if you wish.
Graphite: an assortment of pencils and sticks. HB, and 6, 7, 8, or 9B for sure.
Compressed soft charcoal sticks. Optional: 4B or softer pencils, powder,
Rags, or some other blending material. (chamois, tortillions and stumps.)- optional
Erasers- I think Mars white plastic is great. Get whatever type you like.
Can workable spray fix (optional). Not to be sprayed inside any rooms.
Utility knife
Pencil sharpener or leadpointer (used with leads and leadholders). Fine sandpaper.
Portfolio: Large enough to hold 18 x 24” or 22 x 30”. Can makeout of cardboard. Name on outside.
Clips, masking tape- for securing paper to drawing boards
At least one of the following: (to make larger, thicker marks)
1. Bottle of india ink. With brush:acrylic or w/c flat brush. ½” in size, or a little smaller. Or bamboo brushes. Or any other medium to large size round brush.
2. Markers: Use of markers is fine, but know that some are not lightfast (Sharpies)
3. Large, soft chunky sticks of graphite, charcoal, pastel or conte.
Sample Portfolio Grade Sheet: (each semester is different)
Portfolio 3, due Mon. Nov 2nd, 2015
Deadlines: 10 (3 points each)30
Depth Control Drawing exercise, 12 x 18”10
Six Depth Principles exercise, 9 x 12”10
6 Life Landscapes60
3 Depth sketches, 5 x 7” 3 points ea. 9
3 Self-Portrait sketches 9
Class Work:
3 Object Still Life Drawing
Values from light5
Checkerboard discs depth exercise 5
Depth Quiz 7
Baby Doll Still Life Drawing
Depth Drawing
Repeated object (4 times)5
Dim. v. contrast, details, and scale.
Lin. perspect. and overlapping.5
Portfolio 2 grading scale:Total grade:
87.5- 230 = A347.5- 386 = A
78- 87 = B309- 347 = B
68- 77.5 = C270.5- 308.5 = C
58.5- 67.5 = D232- 270= D
0- 58 = F0- 231.5 = F