Draftnotes from the Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC) Meeting

Date: May 31, 2016

Next meeting: June 13, 2016 Telecon

  1. Attendance

Patti Aymond
Rex Brooks
Gary Ham
Elysa Jones
Darrell O’Donnell

A quorum was in attendance.

  1. Meeting notes. Rex made and Patti seconded a motion to approve the May 17, 2016 notes as amended. All agreed, none opposed.
  1. Notes from Chair
  1. The Emergency Interoperability Consortium (EIC) meeting was held May 25, 1-3EDT. Mike Kennedy of DHS PM-ISE Information Sharing Environment provided the focus presentation.
  2. Emergency Member Section does not have budget assigned to attend the Health Level 7 (HL7) Working Group meeting in Baltimore, MD September 17-23. This meeting will be a time for us to highlight the work we have completed on the transformation document. Patti offered that IEM would support her attendance if the MS can cover the registration fee. I may also be able to attend with a company paying my expenses. We will bring this issue to the MS Steering Committee and see if there is a way to support the event.
  3. We continued discussion about how to proceed with HL7 regarding the next steps with TEP 1.1 and HAVE 2.0. Do we want to pursue a joint release as was suggested by the HL7 Patient Administration (PA) Work Group (WG) and also supported by the Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) WG? My initial thought after struggling to keep OASIS CAP and ITU Recommendation in line is no. There is a lot of effort to coordinate between the standards bodies and their associated governance structure. Keeping a more complex specification like TEP and even HAVE coordinated between the SDOs is a significant effort. Not to mention the actual technical work. Patti thinks adoption will benefit from a joint work but we cannot do it without help from the HL7 members. Rex agreed and hopes that we can enlist help from some of the joint members like Kaiser Permanente and IBM for example. I agree that if we get the help we need from HL7 a joint release would be the best way to promote adoption. No decision has yet been made but will be discussed further within our TC as well as with the PA and PHER WG.
  1. Subcommittee (SC) Reports.
  1. EDXL Common Alerting Protocol (CAP). Rex reported that the SC met 5/27. They went over updates needed for comment resolution. The ballot closed to vote on ASN.1 being moved to a separate document for maintainability. This will be a recommendation to the TC. There has been a problem with government firewalls keeping members from being able to collaborate. David Askov is checking out “one drive” forthis purpose. Rex has used it and concurs.
  2. EDXL Tracking of Emergency Patients (TEP). Patti reported she has worked through the SDOs with Chet and Elysa. After we voted to advance the Committee Note which is the transformation document, there were a number of changes required. There were changes required for the copyright details for the two organizations, logos, statements regarding intellectual property, etc. Also since this is a CN, we aren’t able to use the words “standard” or “specification” so the term “document” has been used. Patti identified each of the changes in her post to the list 5/31 along with the updated document. There is no change to technical content. We can now vote to finalize this effort.

Rex made and Patti seconded a motion to advance the Committee Note found at TC admin for publication. All agreed and no on opposed. (Note: incorrect url has been corrected)

  1. EDXL Hospital Availability Exchange (HAVE). Darrel reported he has been busy with other things but now should have time to focus on getting this done and to the TC for review in the next couple of weeks.
  2. EDXL Situation Reporting (SitRep). Jeff and Rex continue to address the needed changes to SitRep during the RIM SC.
  3. EDXL Reference Information Model (RIM). Rex reported on SitRep. Jeff has been working on cleaning it up from the comments received during review. He has completed his work with the schema validating and examples worked out. They discussed the next steps and would like to ask Patti, Gary or someone to put fresh eyes on this and make sure the schemas will validate with other tools, etc. The examples need to be verified with any feedback to the RIM SC. We would like to vote it out of the SC next week for the TC to consider. They are now using just two examples (the casualty and illness ICS report). The ICS 209 will be looked at separately in a lean forward toward specification. Once we have Committee Specification for SitRep, Rex canfinish up RIM with all the EDXL work.
  1. Emergency Adoption TC. Rex reported that Tom has already sent a note to the CAP IPAWS users. We do not have a copy of that but have requested it from Tom. Once we know what has been sent, Dee can follow up with another letter to them and any others with additional consideration fromOASIS EMTC, EMATC and CAP SC. We are hoping that OASIS staff Robin and Carol will join our call to discuss adoption plans for the remainder of 2016.
  1. Adjourn. With our business complete, Rex made and Darrell seconded a motion to adjourn. All agreed.

Respectfully submitted,

Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS

Emergency Management Technical Committee