DRAFT: Whitehall Choir Committee Meeting 24 May 2010, COI


Jonathan Williams (Minutes)

Graham Hand

Richard Grafen

Sam Foley (Chair)

Liz Walton

Ruth Eastman

Ken Holmes

Penny Prior

Tamsin Cousins

Martin Humphreys

Kate Goulden

Rose Chandler

Katherine Herzberg


Paul Spicer

Malcolm Todd

Rachel Nixon

Previous Minutes

A record of the Committee’s discussion/acceptance of the financial report, in the absence of the Treasurer at the previous meeting, needs to be added (action Secretary).

Come & Sing 22 May 2010 feedback

External singers 46, Choir 40, tickets 18, totalling £1015, this represents a loss of £185. However - it was a very enjoyable day, Paul was delighted, and attendees were very enthusiastic. Several of those who came were keen to perform the Music Makers specifically. It is seen as a good opportunity for choir recruitment. 25 people responded to the questionnaire and there is a very good spread of choirs attending – who might be tapped to aid our marketing activity in future. After some discussion, it was decided that we would choose a pure “crowd pleaser” (Mozart Requiem, Elijah etc) for next time and test the theory that this brings in more people/money. Action Sam – book a date in Paul’s diary.

Financial Report

Deficit for the year is currently forecast to be £1800 which is better than £2500 in the original budget, mainly due to the better return on the Handel concert at SJSS. This will still mean that the closing General Fund balance for the Choir’s 2009/10 financial year will be slightly less than the Officers feel is comfortable (£4,000-4,500, the cost of a major concert) and this is not a position that should be encouraged for next year. Action Ken, and Committee, to address next Season.

Future Repertoire

For Easter 2011, a programme of Parry, Britten with some other items by Finzi, Stanford or Leighton (Sam/Paul to firm up). First choice venue would be Sloane Square (Action: Sam to agree diary date; Jonathan to book venue).

Ritz replacement

Update from Martin. The Dorchester have said probably not. Claridges already have a choir booked. Lainsborough are about to choose someone so we have a chance. The Savoy are being refurbished but were also interested. A couple of shops such as Fortnum & Mason, Selfridges. Martin will continue to work on these leads. Sam thanked Martin for all hard work on this essential item for the Choir. Continuing action: Martin.

Website project

The “about us” page is out of date and needs revision. Also, we need some more recent photographs where possible.Action Tamsin/Liz/working group.

New chairman

There is a job specification on the website which we will update/circulate to members as well. Members will be encouraged to talk to their part rep in the first instance or to Sam if they wish. Sam, Ken, and Jonathan (consulting Paul) will agree the final version (action Sam).

Spem in alium – concert summer 2011 plus workshop weekend/day

Liz Walton has carried out some research: Alfriston is completely booked until October 2011. Lewes – church costs £170 per day and has a portable organ suitable for early music. With good advance publicity we could get a good attendance. April or May 2011 would be a possibility. We would need about 100 external singers for this. After discussion, a workshop in London was considered to be lower risk but we would use this occasion to choose extra singers to join us for a concert.Action: future Chairman to take forward as appropriate.


  • President – no further progress at the moment (action Richard)
  • Bob Porter has asked if we want to sing at SJSS again (possibly a Nelson Mass on 14 January 2011; alternatively a Mozart Req) – we will accept this but avoid a Saturday rehearsal because of the cost (action Sam).
  • Making Music – Jonathan to contact them to find out if we can “adopt our own composer” (action Jonathan)
  • Music for the next concert will be approximately £22 to buy and £8 to hire. Thanks to Rose for keeping this as manageable as possible.

Next meeting 14 June (but might be shifted to accommodate Paul’s diary – Action Sam).
