Lesson Seed - Domain: Counting and Cardinality
Cluster Compare Quantities
Standard: PK.CC.7 Explore relationships by comparing groups of objects up to 5 and then 10. Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies (includes groups with up to 5 objects).
Purpose/Big Idea: Concepts of Conservation – Quantity versus size of objects
  • large blocks
  • small blocks
  • Resource Sheet 1: Place Mats – Use two mats for the teacher
  • Resource Sheet 2: Number Cards (0-10)
*This activity can be repeated using different objects that are different sizes. Be sure the size of the objects is clearly different.
Setting: Small Group (3-5 students)
  • Show the students a set of 5 large blocks on the mat.
  • Say: “Let’s count how many blocks are in this set.”
  • Show children a set of 3 small blocks on the mat.
  • Say: “Let’s count how many blocks are in this set.”
  • Say: “Which set of blocks has more? How do you know?”
  • Model vocabulary and guide children in using vocabulary such as “more”.
  • Say: “I’m going to show you a new set of blocks.”
  • Repeat experience by showing a set of 3 large blocks and 5 small blocks.
  • Say: “Let’s see which set has more. Can you count how many small blocks there are? How many blocks are there? Can you count how many large blocks there are? Tell me about these sets. Which set has less? How do you know?”
  • Model vocabulary and guide children in using vocabulary such as “less”.
  • If a child does not have conservation of number, ask the child to match up the blocks to show how they know which set has more.
  • Say: “I’m going to show you a new set of blocks.”
  • Repeat experience by showing a set of 3 large blocks and 3 small blocks.
  • Say: “Let’s see which set has more. Can you count how many small blocks there are? How many blocks are there? Can you count how many big blocks there are? Tell me about these two sets.”
  • Guide children in using vocabulary such as “same as” and “equal”.
  • If a child does not have conservation of number, ask the child to match up the blocks to show how they know that the sets are the same.
  • Continue showing two sets using different size objects up to 5, and then to 10, if children are ready.
  • This activity can be repeated using various objects of different sizes.
  • Children will more easily identify the group that has more, but will have a harder time identifying a group that has “less” or the “least”.

Guiding Questions:
See above

Resource Sheet 1 Counting Place Mat

Resource Sheet 2 Numeral Cards (0 – 10)

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10