Expression of Interest
Individual Consultant through Consulting Entity[1]
Consulting Entities may offer services of their full-time staff, retainers and affiliated consultants for individual consultant’ assignments with ADB.
Individual consultants need to be registered in ADB Consultant Management System.
Individual consultant may have “confirmed” affiliation status with more than one consulting entity.
Individual consultants must confirm their affiliation with the consulting entity in writing at the time of the proposal.
A.Project Data (pre-populated from CSRN posting)
Project NumberProject Name
Project Country
- Consulting Entity Data (*pre-populated from CMS registration)
Consulting Entity Name
Country of Nationality
- Individual Consultant Data
Individual Consultant Name
Country of Nationality
Personal Address of the Consultant
Personal E-mail of the Consultant
Nature of expert's involvement with the firm (full-Check appropriate option
/ full time staff
Part time staff
Other (specify details)
Individual consultants need to register in ADB CMS system prior to commencement of negotiations with ADB
Copy of Consultant’s Government issued photo ID (e.g. passport) attached to the Individual CMS registration
E. Assignment Specific Qualifications and Experience
Assignment Specific Experience (Provide information demonstrating proposed expert’s ability, skills and experience to undertake advertised assignment and deliver inputs/ outputs required under the TOR)F. Performance Management. Contract Supervision and Quality Control,
How will you ensure the quality of proposed expert’s performance over the life of this assignment?
Does your firm have a dedicated unit or staff solely responsible for quality assurance? How does it apply to individual expert’s proposed for the assignment. If yes, describe briefly.
What social practices you have in place to safeguard well-being of your proposed expert? (specifically describe arrangements you have in place for medical, accident and life insurance coverage during the assignment).
- Eligibility Declaration:
We, the undersigned, certify to the best of our knowledge and belief
(i)Both the consulting firm and the proposed consultant are eligible to participate in ADB-funded, -supported and –administered activities
(ii)Neither the consulting firm nor the proposed consultant are currently under sanctioned by the ADB or other MDB. Neither the consulting firm nor the proposed consultant has ever been convicted of an offense or crime related to theft, corruption or fraud.
(iii)We understand that it is our obligation to notify ADB should we or the proposed consultant become ineligible to work with ADB or other MDB, or should we or the proposed consultant be convicted of an offense or crime as described above
(iv)Both the consulting firm and the consultant have become registered on ADB’s Consultant Management System (CMS), and contact information in that system is current.
(v)The consultant has confirmed his/ her availability and interest for the advertised assignment in writing.
(vi)The consultant has authorized us in writing to represent his/ her interest in undertaking the assignment and negotiating the contact with ADB on his/ her behalf
(vii)The consultant has signed his/her CV himself/herself.
(iii)The proposed consultant is not employed by the Executing or the Implementing Agency
(iv)Both the consulting firm and the consultant have read the advertisement, including the terms of reference (TOR), for this assignment;
(v)Neither the consulting firm nor the consultant prepared the TOR for this activity;
(vi)We further confirm that, if any of one or more of our experts is engaged to prepare TOR for any ensuing assignment as part of our work product under the assignment to which this advertisement relates, our firm and any such expert(s) will be disqualified from short-listing and/or participation in the assignment
(vii) We understand that any misrepresentations that knowingly or recklessly mislead, or attempt to mislead may lead to the automatic rejection of the proposal or cancellation of the contract, if awarded, and may result in further remedial action, in accordance with ADB’s Anticorruption Policy.
Completed by(Name/Position)
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
EOI-individuals from firm
Dec 2010
[1]This EOI template is applicable for TA and maybe adapted for loan projects to accommodate an executing agency's specific requirements.