Draft Minutes of the Village HallCommittee Meeting
held on Tuesday 19th January 2016
at 19.30
in the Village Hall Seminar Room
Ermine Street South
Present: Chris Howlett, Chairman (CH), Bob Baker (BB), Barry Hume (BH), Paul Phillips (PP),
David Potter (DP), David Calvert (DC).
In attendance: Paul Hicks, Parish Councillor (PH) Tess Rogers, clerk.
1Apologies for absence
All present
2Declaration of pecuniary interests.
3To confirm and approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 19th May 2015.
Not yet available.
4To confirm and approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 17th November 2016.
Deferred to the next meeting
5Caretaker’s report.
Although not present the caretaker had expressed concerns regarding hall hirers arriving at the hire early before the front bollards are lowered therefore driving around the back of the hall to access the car park. It is hoped this practice will stop when the flower beds are planted up.
6Matters arising or carried forward from the previous meeting.
i)Update on outstanding items still to be purchased.
There are still a number of items outstanding ie door mats etc. CH said it is often difficult to purchase these due to the parish council’s restrictive ruling regarding how items can be purchased.
ii)Stage lighting –to decide upon the acceptance of one of the quotes received for the stage lighting (from the parish council meeting held 13.01.2016).
It was resolved to accept the quote received from Absolute Sound.
iii)Update on outstanding snagging issues.
T J Evers have returned and completed any defects that have occurred during the past 12 months therefore a decision will be required to make a recommendation to the next parish council meeting that the outstanding amount due upon final completion of the renovation contract be paid to the contractors upon receipt of their final certificate.
CH reported that a comprehensive list of ‘snagging’ issues had been presented by the architect to the contractors. The contractors had attended the hall on the 13th January to begin work on these issues and were still attending site on the day of this meeting.
iv)To decide upon any amendments to the hall hire fees with any recommendations regarding these at the meeting of the parish council being held on the 26th January to consider this issue.
CH tabled a new set of fees and following a discussion these will be forwarded to the parish council meeting, being held on the 26th January, for approval.
7To consider the response received from Play Papworth to the village hall committeechairmans’ e mail sent following the last meeting.
A lengthy response had been received from the Play Papworth’s committee regarding how much it had paid towards the hall’s costs for its concert in September. An invoice for the November concert is yet to be raised. There seems slight confusion as to how the fees charged for the hall’s hire had been reached. The clerk was tasked with producing all communications between the parish council and Steve Fenton of ‘Play Papworth’ to ascertain where the confusion arose.
8Discussion to be held regarding any contracts to be arranged following the 12 month period during which the building contractors have been responsible for the building works and fixtures – all under guarantee. Now all the parish councils’ responsibility.
The clerk was charged with ensuring all necessary contracts were put in place.
9To discuss the ongoing management of the village hall booking procedures and on site management.
DC showed interest in seeking enough like minded members of the community prepared to form a committee to run the village hall, thus removing the burden from the parish council. He will visit the parish council’s office to take charge of the information the clerk has previously sourced when consideration was given in the past to forming a committee.
It was agreed that in the future when the caretaker has to attend to lock the hall up following a hire after 22.00, a councillor will attend to escort her. A rota will be operated to ensure sufficient councillors are available.
10To consider the management of hirers over running their hire time and any additional staff payment due because of such instances.
It was agreed that should users over run their hire time they will forfeit their full damage waiver deposit.
11Comparison of hall income over expenditure.
The clerk tabled the updated spreadsheet. It would appear that the hall could be on target to break even following its first year in operation following the renovation.
The clerk was asked to e mail across to DC the 2015 invoices for the hall’s hire during this first year. DC will analyse these and produce a chart showing the revenue produced by the Main Hall, North Hall and Seminar Room
12Matters for future consideration.
None raised.
13Date of next meeting.
16th February 2016
Close of meeting
The meeting was closed at 21.50.
Draft minutes of the PEPC Village Hall Committee meeting
held on the 19.01.2016