Draft Meeting Notes from the EM CAP-Profile SC Telecon Meeting

Date: January 13, 2009 11:00 AM EST

A quorum was in attendance.

1 Attendance

Sukumar Dwarkanath
Bob Bunge
Art Botterell
Tom Merkle
Jacob Westfall
Gary Ham / Rex Brooks
Elysa Jones
Tim Grapes
Bill Kalin
Tim Putbrush,
Marlon Johnson

2 Note taker appointed

Rex Brooks will take notes.

3 Meeting Notes Approved:

1/6/2008, With Amended Date: Art Moved, Tim seconded, 1/8/2008 With Change to reflect NWS HazCollect needs data-matching change; Art Moved, Tom seconded,;

4 Tables Discussion – Discussion

4.1 <expires> required by EAS with TimeZone offset mandatory; CMAS UTC+offset mandatory in document (localtime minus offset) only supporting values up to 24 hours; HazCollect puts onus on originator to perform difference between sentTime and expiresTime with 6 hour maximum: Recommendation: make <expires> mandatory with TimeZone (If a delivery system has a constraint, it is their responsibility to conform with their constraints with informational notes: e.g. 6 hour and 24-hour limits) (Note: important for next rev of CAP to capture these requirements).

4.2 <senderName> required, may be different in different languages, (in DMIS, must be DMIS COG ID string—Defer this detail.)

4.3 <headline<description> <instruction<web<contact> no constraints.

4.4 <parameter>EAS requires two parameters: <EAS ORG> and <EAS STN ID> with details for compatibility for SAME for STN ID not strictly required, but <EAS ORG> is; <EAS Must Carry> required for Presidential invocation; may be needed for State Governors to invoke mandatory carriage. Recommendation: <EAS ORG> and <EAS MustCarry> required. (Check Art's Worksheet for wording.)

4.5 <resourceDesc> Value of "EAS Broadcast Content" MUST be used to designate content intended for EAS broadcast.

4.6 <mimeType> HazCollect, <EAS STN ID> optional; (Check Art's Worksheet for wording.)

4.7 <mimeType> Take from Recommendation

4.8 <size<uri<derefuri<digest> no constraints.

4.9 <area> Required. At least one area element MUST be present. Individual rules. For EAS "only the first area block will be processed; HazCollect requires that each FIPS code has separate area block.

4.10 <areaDesc>No constraint outside spec.

4.11 <polygon<circle> no constraints...

4.12 <geoCode> Broadcasters use 6-digit location code; CMAS and HazCollect use 5-digit FIPS code. HazCollect adds a 6th digit. Recommendation: Require EAS 6-digit code, but note that HazCollect can use its codes in addition (Use Art's Worksheet for wording.).

5 Form of Initial Strawman Specification

5.1 Take CAP IPAWS Worksheet and make two tables:

5.1.1 Elements and Requirements-Normative

5.1.2 Elements and EAS, CMAS and HazCollect System Requirments-Informational

5.2 BASIC Boilerplate Template and Required Sections (not populated)

6 Meeting Adjourned.