KS4 French Generic Curriculum Plan

Year 10 / Key Language area
® = Revisit / Main structures and grammar / Suggested activities, skills and ideas
(emphasise: progression; assumed knowledge & new skills). / ICT & HW ideas / School resources
Term 1A / Holidays
Holiday activities Destinations
Lost property Accommodation problems Post
Money / Alphabet
Prices (numbers)

Avoir & être

Past tense focus
Être verbs / For & against hotels / campsites etc
L/R/W postcards
Move towards 3 tense work as soon as possible
(ie usually ….. last year …. next year ….)
Set up a travel agency !
Questions for general conversation / Writing letters / postcards home from holidays
Produce holiday documents / tickets etc for travel agency
Term 1B / Leisure ®
TV ®
Cinema ®
Going out
“cool presents”
purchases and problems / Faire
Reinforce past / present / future / Opinions
Justifying your point of view
Questions for general conversation / Graphs showing preferences
Power point presentation on leisure activities
Year 10 / Key Language area
® = Revisit / Main structures and grammar / Suggested activities, skills and ideas
(emphasise: progression; assumed knowledge & new skills). / ICT & HW ideas / School resources
Term 2A / Health ®
Sport ®
Food & Drink, fast food, snacks ®
Illness & injury ® / Food: Du, de la, de l’, des
Question words/forms
Illness: au, à la, à l’, aux / For and against fast food
Healthy eating
Interview teachers re: eating habits
M. Gourmand v. M. Actif
Questions for general conversation / Paragraphs for & against
Table showing findings
Term 2B / Daily routine ®
Indoor leisure ®
House and home ®
Helping at home
Meals / Negatives (including word order with tenses)
Reflexive verbs
Time phrases / Survey of pocket money earned for helping at home
Rate activities on a scale of 1 to 10
Fantasy house / room
Celebrity lifestyle / routine
“OK Magazine” interview
Questions for general conversation / Table showing findings
Write up interview
Year 10 / Key Language area
® = Revisit / Main structures and grammar / Suggested activities, skills and ideas
(emphasise: progression; assumed knowledge & new skills). / ICT & HW ideas / School Resources
Term 3A / Self
Clothes & fashion
Exam preparation / Nouns, gender, and Adjectives
Imperfect tense
Comparatives / Imperfect tense – receptive
& si j’étais riche
Questions for general conversation / Internet to research famous people etc
Powerpoint fashion show
School routine
Times / Time phrases
Adverbs /

Imperfect – active use

Questions for general conversation

Year 11

/ Key Language area
® = Revisit / Main structures and grammar / Suggested activities, skills and ideas
(emphasise: progression; assumed knowledge & new skills). / ICT & HW ideas / School resources

Term 1A

/ Work experience
Buying things
Future plans
Clothes for work
Dry Cleaners
Bank / Groovy “coursework phrases”
Conjunctions / Coursework 1
Gap-fill practice ready for exams
Questions for general conversation / Use ICT for gap-fill
Write up work experience

Term 1B

Trial exams
/ Role play phrases for oral exam / Coursework 2
Focus on preparing listening and reading exams
Prepare oral exam – presentation, role plays etc / Coursework
Oral presentation
Year 11 / Key Language area
® = Revisit / Main structures and grammar / Suggested activities, skills and ideas
(emphasise: progression; assumed knowledge & new skills). / ICT & HW ideas / School resources

Term 2B

/ EXAM FOCUS / Revision of all above / Coursework 4 and select coursework for moderation
Possible oral exams / Past papers

Term 3A

/ EXAM FOCUS / Oral exams
Listening and reading exams / Past papers