Pro-ENBIS deliverable 6.3

Draft for holding a series of conferences around Europe

Members of pro-ENBIS have extensive experience of holding conferences. This draft begins with a summary of the conferences held, the numbers attending and the pro-ENBIS members directly involved in the organisation. It continues with plans for future conferences. A proposal to hold a meeting of European partners is described in detail. Guidelines for costing conferences and a roadmap for organising them are given, followed by a summary of important points.

The following ENBIS conferences have been held:

«  The official launch of ENBIS Date: 11th December 2000. Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 80 attended

«  First Annual ENBIS Conference Date: 17th-18th September 2001. Location: Oslo, Norway, 101 attended

«  Second Annual ENBIS Conference Date: 23rd-24th September, 2002 Location: Rimini, Italy, 150 attended

«  Third Annual meeting of ENBIS and ISIS3 Date: 21–22 August, 2003 Location: Barcelona, Spain, 177 attended

«  Fourth Annual Meeting of ENBIS Date: 20th–22nd September, 2004 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark, 153 attended

Pro-ENBIS partners on the organising committee (since the start of the pro-ENBIS project 01.01.02)

Second Annual ENBIS Conference Date: 23rd-24th September, 2002 Location: Rimini, Italy

There were 105 participants to the ENBIS 2002 conference. A full list is available including contact information on the ENBIS website.

Soren Bisgaard (invited expert) - Conference Program Chair

Professor of Industrial Statistics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Fabrizio Ruggeri CNR.AMI (MB23) - Chair Local Organizing Committee

Senior researcher CNR IAMI, Milan, Italy

Henry Wynn LSERS.STA (CR34)

Professor of Industrial Statistics, University of Warwick

Paolo Giudici UPAV.EPMQ (MB36)- Vice-Chair Local Organizing Committee

Professor of Business Statistics, University of Pavia, Italy

Ronald Does UAM.IBIS (CR10)

Professor of Industrial Statistics, IBIS UvA, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Arnoldo Frigessi

Professor and Chief Research Scientist, Norwegian Computing Centre, Oslo & Dept. of Mathematics ,University of Oslo, Norway

Lesley Fairbairn UNEW.ISRU (CO1) - Conference Co-ordinator

ISRU, University of Newcastle, UK

Oystein Evandt IPCONS (CR27)

Statistical Consultant, ImPRO, Oslo ,Norway

Shirley Coleman UNEW.ISRU (CO1)

Principal Statistician, ISRU, University of Newcastle, UK

Jeroen de Mast UAM.IBIS (CR10)

Statistical Consultant, IBIS UvA, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Third Annual meeting of ENBIS and ISIS3 Date: 21–22 August, 2003 Location: Barcelona, Spain

There were 177 participants to the ENBIS 2003 conference. A full list is available including contact information on the ENBIS website.

Programme committee

Søren Bisgaard (invited expert) - Conference Program Co-Chair for ENBIS

Professor of Industrial Statistics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

and Professor of Technology Management, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

David Steinberg - Conference Program Co-Chair for ISI

Professor of Statistics, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

ENBIS members

Jeroen de Mast UAM.IBIS (CR10)

Statistical Consultant, IBIS UvA, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Fabrizio Ruggeri CNR.AMI (MB23)

Research Director, CNR-IMATI (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche), Milan, Italy

Dave Stewardson UNEW.ISRU (CO1)

Director of Industrial Statistics Research Unit, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

ISI members

Osvaldo Ferriero - Professor of Economics and Management Department, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile

Albert Prat- Co-Chair Local Organizing Committee

Professor of Industrial Statistics, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain

Sheng-Tsaing Tseng - Professor of Statistics, National Tsing-Hua, University

Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

Organising committee

Søren Bisgaard (Invited expert) - Conference Program Chair

Professor of Industrial Statistics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Xavier Tort-Martorell UPC.SOR (CR3) - Chair Local Organizing Committee

Professor of Industrial Statistics, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain

Albert Prat - Co-Chair Local Organizing Committee

Professor of Industrial Statistics, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain

Josep M. Catot – Researcher, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Av. Diagonal, 647; E-08028, Barcelona, Spain

Pere Grima

Professor of Industrial Statistics, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain

Pia Margarit

Administrator Statistics Department, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain

Fourth Annual Meeting of ENBIS Date: 20th–22nd September, 2004 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

There were 153 participants to the ENBIS 2004 conference. A full list is available including contact information on the ENBIS website.

Programme committee

Poul Thyregod DTH.IMMOD (MB22) - Conference Program Chair

Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark

Shirley Coleman UNEW.ISRU (CO1)

Technical Director of ISRU, United Kingdom

Søren Bisgaard (Invited expert)

Professor of Industrial Statistics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Professor of Technology Management, Isenberg School of Management University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

Henry Wynn LSERS.STA (CR34)

Statistics Departmental Convenor, London School of Economics, UK

Ron Kenett KPA (MB32)

KPA Ltd., Israel

Anja Schleppe

Autoliv GmbH, Germany

Elie Maza


Organising committee

Henrik Melgaard - Chair Local Organizing Committee

Manager Statistics, Novo Nordisk A/S, Gentofte, Denmark

Jørgen Meinertz

Metrologic, Espergaerde, Denmark

Helle Rootzen

Associate Professor, Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark

Xavier Tort-Martorell UPC.SOR (CR3)

Professor of Industrial Statistics, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain

Marianne Meinertz

FAST / dENBIS, Administrator FAST, Hoersholm, Denmark

Ellen Borup

Administrator Section of Mathematical Statistics , Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark

Fifth Annual Meeting of ENBIS Date: 14th –16th September, 2005 Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

The next ENBIS conference will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne 14th –16th September 2005 and will be held at St James Park (Newcastle United Football Club) Conference Suite.

Conference committee

Ron Kennet KPA (MB32) Conference Chair

KPA Ltd., Israel

Shirley Coleman UNEW.ISRU (CO1)

Technical director ISRU, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Poul Thyregod DTH.IMMOD (MB22)

Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark

Søren Bisgaard (invited expert)

Professor of Industrial Statistics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

and Professor of Technology Management, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

Henry Wynn LSERS.STA (CR34)

Statistics Departmental Convenor, London School of Economics, UK

Rafaello Levi PTRN.DSPEA (MB19)

Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Local Organising Committee

Shirley Coleman UNEW.ISRU (CO1)

Technical director ISRU, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Christopher McCollin UTNOTT (MB35)

Nottingham Trent University, UK

Tony Greenfield GREENF.CC (CR6)

Greenfield Research, UK

Other members of ISRU UNEW.ISRU (CO1) team will also be involved in organising the conference,

Other ideas and plans for workshops include a submission for a European Science Foundation grant - ESF Exploratory Workshops.

Workshop Title: European Business and Industrial Statistics: Future Opportunities

Co-ordination by Dr SY Coleman UNEW.ISRU (CO1) ISRU, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Proposed Dates and Location of the Workshop - University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Stephenson Centre, Sept 12 -13th 2005

Keywords relating to the proposed workshop topic

Quality Improvement in the Service Sector

• Operational Risk Management

• Design for Data Mining

• Six Sigma Academy

• Forecast Prediction and Uncertainty in Sparse Data

Aim of the ESF workshop

Fostering links created in FP5 Thematic Network (Pro-Enbis G6RT-Ct-2001-05059). This successful network wishes to continue its alliance of experts and forge new research in identified key areas of business & industrial statistics.

Content of the ESF Workshop

The proposal is for a multi themed workshop to examine some key issues facing the business community and in particular the service sector. The focus will be on statistical methods of predicting and measuring operational risk, customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Preliminary Workshop Programme (science topics and how discussion will be structured)

During discussions of the proposed workshop 2 major themes have been identified and will be examined in close detail over the 2 day workshop.

Theme 1: Operational Risk Management, Measurement and Quality in the Service Sector

Theme 2: ENBIS Six Sigma Academy

The University of Newcastle’s FP6 Co-ordinator, Deidre Dodds will be briefed on the nature of the proposal and will be invited to the workshop to give us a seminar of relevant and current funding opportunities

Day 1: 12th Sept 2005. Venue Stephenson Centre, University of Newcastle.

·  1 hour Seminar from D Dodds FP6 Co-ordinator (RIS UNEW) future funds and collaboration under FP6 relevant calls

·  Outline of Major themes (hot topics within business & industrial statistics)

·  Theme 1: Operational Risk Management, Measurement and Quality in the Service Sector

·  Individual Presentations (case based)

·  Team Work on presented cases

·  Group Presentations (Team Feedback on Research Challenges and possible solutions to presented practical problems)

·  Compilation of Research Ideas

·  Action Plan

Day 2 13th Sept 2005: Venue Stephenson Centre, University of Newcastle University

·  Theme 2

·  Six Sigma Academy

·  Brainstorming

·  Feedback

·  Research Ideas

·  Action Plan

·  Summary of Workshops day 1 & 2

Andrea Ahlemeyer Stubbe AHSDM (MB31) has been involved in the organisation of a number of datamining conferences such as The Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2002 held at Hotel Victors, Leipzig, Germany.

3rd Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM´2003 venue - Renaissance Hotel Leipzig, Germany

Andrea has invited proENBIS members to attend meetings/planning at her company to look into datamining.

At the Copenhagen project meeting a list of forthcoming conferences in which pro-ENBIS members had an active interest was drawn up on flip chart. This will be ongoing via the ENBIS website.

Future ENBIS conferences are in Poland in 2006 and offers to hold the next conference in France and Germany have been recorded.

Other conferences involving pro-ENBIS members

The 13-th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry 21-25 June 2004 Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Organising committee included the following proENBIS members

T. Greenfield GREENF.CC (CR6)

P. Thyregod DTH.IMMOD (MB22)

D. Stewardson UNEW.ISRU (CO1)

DEINDE 2002 - (DEsign of INDustrial Experiments) 2002

Date: February 2002

Location: Turino, Italy

Grazia Vicario (Chair of the conference) & Raffaello Levi PTRN.DSPEA (MB19).

DEINDE (DEsign of INDustrial Experiments) 2003

Date: May, 29-30, 2003

Location: Cagliari, Italy

Daniele Romano UCAG.DME (MB11)

Plan of timings for conferences from Ronald Does UAM.IBIS (CR10)

The roadmap below is the procedure used during the organisation of the ENBIS conferences. Due to the close links between ENBIS and Pro-Enbis many Pro-Enbis contractors are involved with the ENBIS conferences.

Roadmap for an annual ENBIS Conference, September 200x

September 200(x -2) Announcement on the ENBIS website

Look for a suitable venue for the conference

October 200(x -2) Make a budget proposal

July 200(x -1) Establish program committee

Start looking for sponsors

Book the venue for the conference

October 200(x -1) 1st Announcement to ENBIS members

Book the venue for the welcome reception / catering

Invite speakers

January 200x Send an email to all ENBIS members about the conference, mention the link to the ENBIS website for registration.

2nd Announcement and call for papers / abstracts

February 200x Make arrangements for technical support for presentations

Make arrangements with suitable hotels and arrange for registration on the ENBIS website

Other items:

Set deadline for submitting abstracts/papers.

Arrange for conference maps/bags.

Financial planning for conferences

A spreadsheet for calculating the conference finances and predicting how many participants/revenue is needed to make a profit has been provided by Ronald J.M.M. Does UAM.IBIS (CR10) and is been developed for general use for future conferences.

Summary of important points for organising conferences

«  Plan well in advance

«  Make sure there is a need for the conference

«  Appoint a conference chair

«  Appoint a broad conference programme committee

«  Appoint a local organising committee

«  Agree method of disseminating papers, ENBIS issues a CD of abstracts with the conference pack

«  Exhibitors provide interest and additional income, contact exhibiters early

«  Provide a range of low cost to luxury accommodation through an agency, in Newcastle we have the Newcastle Gateshead Convention Bureau

«  The next section contains a copy of a checklist/form to be sent for the proposed venue to complete.






I have investigated the possibility of holding the ENBIS Conference in:


Venue Name:

Venue Address:

Does the venue have the following facilities?

Main Hall/Lecture Theatre (seating 200)

2 Seminar Rooms/Lecture Theatres (seating up to 50)

Large room/area for exhibitors and refreshments

Large room/area for poster display

Suitable registration area (adjacent to above)

Rooms and/or computer labs for running short courses

Office for Enbis Staff/Organising Committee with communication
equipment (including internet point and telephone)

Computer suite for use of delegates (with email facility)

Social seating area

Other small meeting rooms

Full disabled access

Are the above facilities within the same building?
If not, please indicate how they are located
and the approximate distance between buildings.

Venue Cost (please break down by room if possible and indicate any additional payments):

How near to transport links (i.e. bus, train, roads and car parking) is the venue?


What arrangements are there for the serving of lunch and refreshments?

Are the lunch facilities in the same building as the conference facilities?

Please mention here any other facilities that might be relevant:


Does your venue have a good range of accommodation available?

University Standard

University En-suite

Bed & Breakfast Guest House/Hotel

What is the approximate cost of the different types of accommodation?

How near to the conference venue is the available accommodation?


ENBIS Conference usually includes the following social events:

Conference Dinner

Civic Reception

Buffet Dinner

Wine Reception for Posters

Please comment on whether it is likely you would be able to arrange similar events and on possible venues.

Are there bar facilities available that will be open for delegates following evening meals?


Will you be able to offer/recommend other activities in the local vicinity of the conference venue to delegates? For example, sports facilities, local attractions etc.


Does your venue have a conference office that assists with the organisation of events? If so, would you envisage using it, and to what extent?