DRAFT DRAFT - Parkway Secondary Responsive Reading FrameworkOct. 18, 2011– DRAFT DRAFT
Identified Student Need (not a label, an academic need) / Identifying Assessments (assessments that identify the student need) / Reading Intervention / Intervention Description / Monitoring Assessments (6-8 week data review and analysis) / Practitioner / Training Required / Delivery Model (Push-In, Pull-Out, Co-Teach, Classroom Differentiation) / Instructional time needed to implement / Publisher Recommended duration (trimester, two trimesters, year, multiple year)Universal Supports / All students / SRI
Formative Assessments / Content Enhancement Routines ® / Developed for use in content area General Education classes.
Content Enhancement is an approach to planning instruction for and teaching content to diverse groups of students.
Meets both group and individual needs while maintaining the integrity of content.
Instruction includes an interactive presentation and co-construction of the visual device following a set of Linking Steps that are imbedded within an instructional sequence called the Cue-Do-Review Sequence. / Increase in unit/chapter test scores / Teacher / Yes by certified SIM Professional Developer / General Education Classes / Embedded in content instruction. / ON-going
All students in Grades 6 – 12 to understand and use various types of text. / Common Benchmark Assessments
Formative assessments / Differentiated Instruction and Content Literacy strategies within allclassrooms / Based on identified need students receive explicit strategy instruction to utilize in reading and understanding class room text.
Each student will transfer strategy instruction to meet individual and situational needs across the curriculum. / Classroom
Communication Arts common assessments
formative assessments
SRI / Classroom teacher / Training in content literacy and differentiation by Literacy Coach or other qualified teacher / Within classroom / Integrated into instruction / On-going
Comprehension Programs
Students in Grades 6 – 8 reading up to 2 years below grade level who could benefit from development in reading strategies and pro-social behaviors / SRI / Making Meaning
Grades 6 – 8
(Reading Strategies 2 classes) / Strategies taught directly:
- Visualizing
- Wondering/Questioning
- Making inferences
- Understanding text structure
- Determining important ideas
- Synthesizing
- Making connections/Using schema
- Giving reasons to support thoughts and opinions
- Talking and listening to one another
- Using prompts to add to another person’s thinking
- Asking clarifying questions
- Reaching agreement
- Discussing opinions respectfully
- Confirming that they understood another person
- Including one another
- Contributing to group work
- Giving and receiving feedback
Formative assessments developed for the program by Parkway teachers / MS reading teacher / Training available through the Developmental Studies Center / Separate class in addition to the regular Communication Arts class / 45 minutes – 5 days a week / A trimester
Students in Grades 9 – 12 who are reading 2 years below grade level and could benefit from more time to succeed with the regular curriculum. / RAPS 360
(measures comprehension, vocabulary, eye-tracking, fluency, phonemic awareness/phonics) / Literacy elective to run alongside the regular CA class / Use of instructional scaffolds to strengthen proficiency in priority standards from the regular curriculum and areas of need revealed from the RAPS 360 assessment (comprehension, vocabulary, fluency) / RAPS 360
Formative assessments / Reading teacher; CA teacher / Training available through Mindplay / Separate class in addition to the regular Communication Arts class / 45 minutes daily / Semester or yearlong
Students in Grades 6 – 12 who could benefit from reading support in the context of the regular CA classroom and/or structured study hall/Ac Lab / SRI
RAPS 360 / Push in support
Ac Lab/Study Hall support / Support for independent reading:
Help student to pick a book
oUse Lexile.com
oPreview the book
oFive finger rule
Take student to library
Partner read with individual student
Provide support with Reader Response to independent novel
Article of the Week (MS)
Become familiar with nonfiction text structures
Skim article and then read questions before reading to determine purpose
Read article, think aloud and mark text while student reads silently
Support student with independent reading of article and marking text as they read
Provide support with vocabulary development
Review vocabulary – games?
Assist students with responses to Article of the Week
Help students to always answer using REACH (How to read a question and respond)
Become familiar with Six Traits of Reading
Assist students in reaching higher levels of comprehension through questioning and rereading
Help students prepare for literature circles
Read and discuss with small groups
Read aloud the assignment
Read aloud the test
Shadow teacher for ideas on how to confer with students about reading
Confer with students and take notes for classroom teacher
Become familiar with the Six Traits of Writing
Assist with the writing process
Shadow teacher for ideas on how to confer with student about writing / Classroom assessments
Goal setting and reflection
Help students connect each day to the Essential Question and I CAN
Using Reflection Rubric sentence starters, help students reflect on their learning
Help students begin the period by reading/writing the Essential Question, I CAN statement, completing bell ringer, copy down homework
Participate in activities
Move around room
Homework support during independent work time
During Extra Time
Confer with students and take notes for classroom teacher / Reading TA / From qualified teacher, literacy coach / Assignment -specific / Daily / On-going
Targeted Support / Students in Grades 6 – 12 who have low comprehension and could benefit from highly structured exposure to select reading strategies / RAPS 360
IEP Present Level
Standardized measures (GORT, WJ, WIAT)
Common Assessments
Jerry Johns
Corrective Reading Comprehension Placement Test / Corrective Reading – Comprehension
Available in (some? All?) Middle Schools and at least one HS / Corrective Reading Comprehension delivers tightly sequenced, carefully planned lessons that give struggling readers the structure and practice necessary to comprehend text. Instruction is explicit, systematic and provides ample practice opportunities. / Running Record with analysis of accuracy,
comprehension and
self-correct rate
Corrective Reading Mastery Tests
Common Assessments / Special Educator / Yes by certified Corrective Reading Professional Developer / Pull-Out
Reading / Learning Strategy Class in Special Education Setting / Five times a week for 45-60 minutes daily / Evaluate at each trimester to determine if student is able to return to the core curriculum; may be multi-year intervention
Students in Grades 6 – 12 who have low comprehension and could benefit fromhighly structured exposure to select reading strategies / IEP Present Level
Common Assessments / SIM: Strategic Instructional Model Comprehension Strategies
See list of individual SIM® strategies in next column / The Strategic Instruction Model is designed to help students learn, use, and generalize skills needed to meet curricular demands.
Comprehension Learning Strategies for include:
-The Self-Questioning Strategy: Teaches students to create questions, predict answers, search for answers as they read, paraphrase the answers.
-The Visual Imagery Strategy: Teaches students to visualize scenery, characters and actions and describe scene.
- The Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing Strategy
Teaches students to put ideas into their own and identify main ideas and details that is required for paraphrasing
- The Paraphrasing Strategy
Teaches students to Identify and improve recall of main ideas and details of paragraphs, rephrase the content in own words. (prerequisite is decode and comprehend 4th grade text)
- The Inference Strategy
Teaches students to make inferences from text (prerequisite is decode and comprehend 4th grade text) / SIM designed Pretest and Post Test assessments and SIM designed progress monitoring sheets. / Any teacher who has the training. / Yes by certified SIM Professional Developer / Push-In, Pull-Out, Co-Teach, Classroom Differentiation / 30 minutes at least 3-5 times per week.
Strategies classes / Six to 12 weeks per strategy.
Targeted/Intensive / Students in Grades 9 - 12 identified as most at-risk in literacy areas (2+ grade levels below) - Based on performance on standardized achievement tests (cluster 3, 6, 9) / Program Assessment / Empower 3000 / Utilizes non-fiction reading in order to boost both reading and writing skills. Computer-based, individualized reading intervention with opportunities to interact as a group around shared reading. Aligned to Missouri state standards and able to progress monitor / Provides assessments to progress monitor every 3 weeks / Any teacher that has received the training from Achieve 3000 / Yes, training required by someone familiar with the program / Pull-out during Strategy classes or I2 classes
(Currently only at North High) / 30 minutes 2-3 times per week / Semester
Reading Fluency / Running record with little/no attention to punctuation noted / Area to be investigated for appropriate programs – currently investigating the possibility of :
Read Naturally
(not currently in any of the schools)
My Reading Coach (see below)
Intensive / Students in middle school who read at a 2.5 grade level or above, have mastered single syllable words and who are ready for multi-syllabic skills / IEP Present Level
Standardized measures (GORT, WJ, WIAT)
Jerry Johns / REWARDS™ Intermediate / Strategy for decoding long words, including those in content-are textbooks
Fluency-building strategies with reading passages that are at a reading and interest level for middle schools
Vocabulary development
Oral and silent fluency development / Pre- and Post- assessments from REWARDS™
REWARDS™ generalization test / Any teacher that has received training / No / Pull-out strategies classes / 30 minutes 3-5 times per week / One semester
Students in 6th -12th grade who read at a 2.5 grade level or above, have mastered single syllable words and who have difficulty with multi-syllabic skills / IEP Present Level
Standardized measures (GORT, WJ, WIAT)
Jerry Johns / REWARDS™ Secondary / Strategy for breaking words containing two to eight parts into manageable decodable blocks
Develop prerequisite skills by identifying vowel sounds, prefixes, and suffixes
Accurately read more multisyllabic words in sentences and in context area textbooks
Read content area passages accurately and greater speed
Improve comprehension as fluency increases / Pre- and Post- assessments from REWARDS™
REWARDS™ generalization test / Any teacher that has received training / No / Pull-out strategies classes / 30 minutes 3-5 times per week / One semester
Students in grades 6th-12th that are in need of intensive systematic instruction in phoneme awareness, phonics and sight words. / SIPPS Assessment / SIPPS PLUS and SIPPS CHALLENGE
Available in Middle Schools
(Reading Strategies 1 classes)
Should consider for high school / SIPPS (Systematic Instruction in Phoneme Awareness, Phonics and Sight Words) is a program that quickly develops decoding strategies for students in second through fifth grade. Teachers work in small groups with students who require intervention to develop word-recognition strategies and skills to become independent readers and writers. / Use two or more of the following:
Running Records
Writing Samples
MAP/EOC / Special Education Teacher or Reading Teacher (Gr. 6 – 8) / Yes, by SSD reading literacy coach; Developmental Studies Center / Pull-out
Strategies classes / 30 minutes daily until the child demonstrates mastery as evidenced by the SIPPS assessment. / Semester
Basic decoding is below grade level and students need a more intensive intervention than SIPPS. / IEP Present Level
Standardized measures (GORT, WJ, WIAT)
Jerry Johns / Corrective Reading – Decoding
Available in some Middle Schools currently / Corrective Reading Decoding delivers tightly sequenced, carefully planned lessons that give struggling readers the structure and practice necessary to become skilled, fluent readers. Instruction is explicit, systematic and provides ample practice opportunities. / Corrective Reading Assessments
Common Assessments / Special Educator / Yes, by SSD reading literacy coach / Pull-out
Strategies classes / Five times a week for 45-60 minutes daily. / Evaluate at each semester to determine if student is able to return to the core curriculum
For students in Grades 6 – 12 who need intensive one-on-one support in decoding. / Program assessment / My Reading Coach
(software) / Offers 60 lessons in phonics tailored to student’s individual assessment profile. / Program assessment / Regular CA teacher, special educator / Yes, by Mindplay / Could be used in conjunction with other interventions. / Daily for 40 minutes – 2 lessons a day. / Dependent on number of lessons needed. 60+ provided.
Targeted / Students who have low comprehension due to low or weak vocabulary skills. / RAPS 360
Students with an IEP: Identified vocabulary as an area of need on IEP present level. / SIM- LINCS Vocabulary Strategy
Available in some Middle and high schools currently / The LINCS Strategy is designed to enable students to learn new vocabulary words by using powerful memory-enhancement techniques. Three instructional goals are associated with teaching students to use the LINCS Strategy: (a) increasing students’ ability to independently learn key vocabulary, (b) providing students with a sense of empowerment or control over their learning, and (c) promoting students’ motivation about learning new strategies. / SIM designed Pretest and Post Test assessments and SIM designed progress monitoring sheets. / Any teacher who has the training. / Yes by certified SIM Professional Developer / Push-In, Pull-Out, Co-Teach, Classroom Differentiation / 20-30 minutes per day / Three- Six weeks to mastery.
Targeted/Intensive / Students who have low comprehension due to low or weak vocabulary skills. Instruction works best when students have learned basic decoding skills and are reading at the 4th or 5th grade level. / RAPS 360
Students with an IEP: Identified vocabulary as an area of need on IEP present level.. / SIM- Word Mapping Strategy
(SLPs may be trained in this strategy) / The Word Mapping strategy is designed to help students quickly learn how to predict the meaning of unknown words. This strategy is designed for students who are not achieving because (a) they have not learned the meaning of a large number of words, (b) they do not know how to identify parts of words that have meaning, (c) they do not know the meaning of word parts, and (d) they do not know how to use the meaning of word parts to predict the meaning of words. / SIM designed Pretest and Post Test assessments and SIM designed progress monitoring sheets. / Any teacher who has the training. / Yes by certified SIM Professional Developer / Pull-Out / 30 minutes daily / Six-Twelve weeks to mastery.
Phonemic Awareness
Intensive / See SIPPS in Decoding section
Emergent Literacy - Replacement
Students have a 55 IQ or lower and need an early literacy skills program / IEP Present Level
Basic Literacy Checklist / Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB)
Available in some Middle Schools currently
Need to consider for West middle/high MU programs / Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB) is a evidenced-based and language-rich literacy curriculum for children ages five to ten with moderate to server developmental disabilities. It incorporates systematic instruction to teach both print and phonemic awareness. ELSB is a multi-year program with seven distinct levels and ongoing assessments so that students progress at their own pace. This program accommodates students who have an IQ below 55. They can be verbal or nonverbal. / Basic Literacy Skills Checklist
Get It, Got it, Go
ELSB Checklists / Special Educator / Self-contained classrooms for students with severe and/or multiple disabilities / 90 minutes daily, broken into smaller blocks of time. / Multi-year
Comprehensive Reading Intervention
Intensive / Students in Grades 9 - 12 identified as most at-risk in literacy areas (2+ grade levels below) - Based on performance on standardized achievement tests (cluster 3, 6, 9) / Program Assessment / Empower 3000
(Currently only at North High) / Utilizes non-fiction reading in order to boost both reading and writing skills. Students are required to respond in essay format after reading text. Computer-based, individualized intervention. Aligned to Missouri state standards and able to progress monitor / Provides assessments to progress monitor every 3 weeks / Any teacher that has received the training / Yes, training required by someone familiar with the program / Pull-out during Strategy classes or I^2 classes / 30 minutes 2-3 times per week / Semester
Comprehensive Reading Intervention - Replacement
Intensive / Students in Grades 6 - 12 who are below grade level in basic reading, reading comprehension, writing and/or possibly language. / IEP Present Level
Standardized Measures
Common Assessments
Jerry Johns
RAPS 360 / Language!
Available in some middle and high schools
Approved course for alternative
replacement communication arts classes
Plans to implement in all replacement / alternative communication arts classes by 12-13 school year / Language! Is a comprehensive literacy curriculum that integrates phonemic awareness, phonics, word recognition, spelling, vocabulary, morphology, grammar and usage, listening and reading comprehension, along with speaking and writing. It provides explicit, sequenced, systematic instruction in a structured language curriculum. / Language! Assessments
Common Assessments / Special Educator / Yes by certified Language! Professional Developer / Pull-Out / 45-90 minutes daily (90 minutes is recommended for maximum results). / Evaluate at each trimester to determine if student is able to return to the core curriculum
May be a multi-year intervention
Written Expression
Universal / All students in Grades 6 – 12 to learn and use an effective writing process. / Classroom
Communication Arts common assessments
formative assessments / Differentiated instructional strategies within CA / Based on identified need students receive explicit strategy instruction to utilize in reading and understanding class room text.
Each student will transfer strategy instruction to meet individual and situational needs. / Classroom
Communication Arts common assessments
formative assessments / Classroom teacher / Instructional strategy training, by Literacy Coach or other qualified teacher / Classroom differentiation / Varies by student need / NA
Universal/Targeted / Students in Grades 6 – 12 that do not require intense written expression skill instruction. Students are able to generally access general education curriculum (write complete sentences, have an understanding / mastery of paragraph writing / Step Up to Writing
Available in some Middle Schools / Provides a range of writing strategies for secondary learners with basic or advanced skills. Students explore how structure and perspective can affect meaning.
- Teaches traits of well-written expository, narrative, and personal narrative pieces
- Shows students how to enhance their writing with important details and create complex written compositions
- provides strategies for students to cooperate with peers to revise and edit work
- asks students to think critically about what they read and respond / 4 trait scoring guides / Anyone who has training. / No / Push-in
Differentiation in general education
Or pull-out strategy classes / Varies by lesson and student need / Varies by lesson and student need – short term intervention to address specific deficits
Targeted / Students in middle and high school not meeting writing expectations
Strategy level is determined by student need / IEP Present Level
Standardized Measures
Common Assessments
KU Writing Assessment / SIM – Writing Strategies
(5 written expression strategies)
Available in some Middle and high Schools
- Not ALL strategies are available at all schools / The Strategic Instruction Model is designed to help students learn, use, and generalize skills needed to meet curricular demands.
The written expression strategies include:
Fundamentals in Sentence Writing Strategy: beginning writing-simple sentences (should be taught in self-contained or elementary classrooms only)
Proficiency in Sentence Writing: simple through compound-complex sentences (should be started in the upper elementary and continued into middle school OR in self-contained high school programs)
The Paragraph Writing Strategy: Nine types of paragraphs (should be started at the upper elementary or middle school and continued through high school strategy classes)
The Theme Writing Strategy: Multi-paragraph essays (could be started at upper middle school and continued through high school strategy classes) / SIM designed Pretest and Post Test assessments and SIM designed progress monitoring sheets. / Anyone who has the training. / Yes by certified SIM Professional Developer / Push-In, Pull-Out, Co-Teach, Classroom Differentiation / 30 minutes daily / Depends on which writing strategy is selected.
(12wk-semester per strategy)
May be a multi-year intervention if student requires instruction in several writing strategies.
Intensive / Students whose written expression level is significantly below grade level / Students identified as most at-risk in literacy areas (2+ grade levels below) - Based on performance on standardized achievement tests (cluster 3, 6, 9) / Empower 3000
(Currently only at North High) / Utilizes non-fiction reading in order to boost both reading and writing skills. Students are required to respond in essay format after reading text. Computer-based, individualized intervention. Aligned to Missouri state standards and able to progress monitor / Provides assessments to progress monitor every 3 weeks / Any teacher that has received the training / Yes, training required by someone familiar with the program / Pull-out during Strategy classes or I^2 classes / 30 minutes 2-3 times per week / Semester