- 1 -RTCM Paper 080-2011-SC119-140


Changes to this standard made at or since the last meeting are highlighted like this

Not for distribution outside of the members of RTCM SC119.

This Draft Standard is not yet approved or issued and should not be used for type approval testing at this time. Subject to change without notice. Use of this document for any purpose until it is officially published by RTCM is entirely at the risk of the user.

This draft incorporates proposed changes to Annex A DSC MSLDs

and a new proposed Annex E on AIS MSLDs



2Normative references

3Definitions and abbreviations



4Performance requirements

4.1Controls and Indicators

4.1.1User Controls for manual activation

4.1.2User Controls for manual and automatic activation

4.1.3Function of the ON control


4.1.5Water activation function

4.2Self-test function

4.2.1Battery self-test

4.2.2RF self-test


4.4Environmental factors

5Construction requirements



5.2.1Battery hazards

5.2.2Battery life for primary battery

5.2.3Battery replacement



5.3.2Identification and instructions

6Optional performance features

6.1Lifesaving equipment

6.2Vessel control


8Performance Tests

8.1Alerting unit (AU)

8.1.1Test conditions

8.1.2Tests for durability and resistance to environmental conditions

8.1.3Buoyancy test

8.1.4Controls and indicators tests

8.1.5Activation tests

8.1.6Test of the self-test mode

8.1.7Battery capacity and low-temperature test

8.1.8Spurious and out-of-band emissions

8.2Base unit

8.2.1Tests for durability and resistance to environmental conditions

8.2.2Compass safe distance test

8.2.3Conducted interference test

8.3Locating unit

8.3.1Compass safe distance test

8.3.2Conducted interference test

AnnexA (normative) DSC type MSLD

A.1Operational scenario

A.2System components

A.2.1Alerting unit (AU)

A.2.2Base unit (BU)

A.2.3Locating unit (Optional)

A.3Performance characteristics

A.3.1Operating time


A.3.3Operational functions

A.3.4Alerting signal

A.3.5Radio locating signal (if applicable)


A.4Performance Tests - DSC Transmitter

A.4.1Frequency error

A.4.2Carrier power

A.4.3Adjacent channel power

A.4.4Conducted spurious emissions conveyed to the antenna

A.4.5Cabinet radiation and conducted spurious emissions other than those conveyed to the antenna

A.4.6Transient frequency behavior of the transmitter

A.4.7Residual modulation of the transmitter

A.4.8Frequency error (demodulated DSC signal)

A.4.9Modulation index for DSC

A.4.10Modulation rate for DSC

A.5Performance Tests – DSC Receiver

A.5.1Maximum usable sensitivity

A.5.2Co-channel rejection

A.5.3Adjacent channel selectivity

A.5.4Spurious response and blocking immunity

A.5.5Intermodulation response

A.5.6Dynamic range

A.5.7Spurious emissions

A.5.8Arrangements for test signals applied to the receiver input

A.5.9Standard test signals for DSC

A.5.10Determination of the symbol error ratio in the output of the receiving part

A.6Power measuring receiver specification (required for test 4.3.1)

A.6.1IF filter

A.6.2Attenuation indicator

A.6.3RMS value indicator

A.6.4Oscillator and amplifier

AnnexB (normative) 121.5 MHz type MSLD

B.1Operational scenario

B.2System components

B.2.1Alerting unit (AU)

B.2.2Base unit (BU)

B.2.3Locating unit (required unless AU indicates its location)

B.3Performance characteristics

B.3.1Operating time


B.3.3Operational functions

B.3.4Alerting signal

AnnexC (informative) Intellectual Property


C.2Essential patented technologies

C.3Non-essential patented technologies

AnnexD (normative) Active Signalling Type MSLD System

D.1Operational Scenario

D.2System Components

D.2.1Altering Unit (AU)

D.2.2Base Unit (BU)

D.2.3Optional BU Repeaters (BUR)

D.2.4Locating Function

D.3Controls and Indicators

D.3.1User Controls

D.3.2Indication of an Alert

D.3.3Self-test Indicators

D.4Additional Sources of Alerts

D.5Safeguards Against Accidental Manual Alerts


D.6.1Battery Self Test

D.6.2Radio Link Self Test



D.9Performance Tests

D.9.1Buoyancy test

D.9.2Activation tests

D.9.3Battery capacity test

D.10Performance Characteristics

D.10.1Suitability of A-MSLD System


E.1Operational scenario

E.2System components

E.2.1Alerting unit (AU)

E.2.2Base unit (BU)

E.2.3Locating unit

E.3Performance characteristics

E.3.1Operating time


E.3.3Operational functions

E.3.4Unique identifier (user ID)


E.3.6Output Power

E.3.7Transmission performance

E.3.8Position Source and Data

E.4Transmitter Requirements and Characteristics


E.4.2Parameter settings

E.4.3Transmitter shutdown

E.4.4Transmitter characteristics

E.4.5Link layer requirements


E.6Performance Tests


E.6.2Performance Requirements

E.6.3Preparation of the AU for testing

E.6.4Test Signals

E.6.5Artificial antenna (dummy load)

E.6.6Modes of operation of the transmitter

E.7Physical Radio tests

E.7.1General description

E.8Link layer tests

E.8.1Tests for synchronisation accuracy

E.9Internal Navigation Device Test Methods and test Procedures

1Scope...... 1

2Normative references...... 1

3Definitions and abbreviations...... 2

3.1Definitions...... 2

3.2Abbreviations...... 2

4Performance requirements...... 3

4.1Controls and Indicators...... 3

4.1.1User Controls for manual activation...... 3

4.1.2User Controls for manual and automatic activation...... 4

4.1.3Function of the ON control...... 4

4.1.4Indicators...... 4

4.1.5Water activation function...... 4

4.2Self-test function...... 4

4.2.1Battery self-test...... 5

4.2.2RF self-test...... 5

4.3Buoyancy...... 5

4.4Environmental factors...... 5

5Construction requirements...... 6

5.1General...... 6

5.2Battery...... 6

5.2.1Battery hazards...... 6

5.2.2Battery life for primary battery...... 6

5.2.3Battery replacement...... 7

5.3Labeling...... 7

5.3.1Battery...... 7

5.3.2Identification and instructions...... 7

6Optional performance features...... 7

6.1Lifesaving equipment...... 7

6.2Vessel control...... 7

7Documentation...... 8

8Performance Tests...... 8

8.1Alerting unit (AU)...... 8

8.1.1Test conditions...... 8

8.1.2Tests for durability and resistance to environmental conditions...... 9

8.1.3Buoyancy test...... 9

8.1.4Controls and indicators tests...... 9

8.1.5Activation tests...... 9

8.1.6Test of the self-test mode...... 10

8.1.7Battery capacity and low-temperature test...... 10

8.1.8Spurious and out-of-band emissions...... 10

8.2Base unit...... 10

8.2.1Tests for durability and resistance to environmental conditions...... 10

8.2.2Compass safe distance test...... 10

8.2.3Conducted interference test...... 11

8.3Locating unit...... 11

8.3.1Compass safe distance test...... 11

8.3.2Conducted interference test...... 11

AnnexA (normative) DSC type MSLD...... 13

A.1Operational scenario...... 13

A.2System components...... 13

A.2.1Alerting unit (AU)...... 13

A.2.2Base unit (BU)...... 13

A.2.3Locating unit (Optional)...... 13

A.3Performance characteristics...... 14

A.3.1Operating time...... 14

A.3.2Interoperability...... 14

A.3.3Operational functions...... 14

A.3.4Alerting signal...... 14

A.3.5Radio locating signal (if applicable)...... 17

A.3.6Battery...... 20

A.4Performance Tests - DSC Transmitter...... 20

A.4.1Frequency error...... 21

A.4.2Carrier power...... 21

A.4.3Adjacent channel power...... 21

A.4.4Conducted spurious emissions conveyed to the antenna...... 22

A.4.5Cabinet radiation and conducted spurious emissions other than those conveyed to the antenna 22

A.4.6Transient frequency behavior of the transmitter...... 26

A.4.7Residual modulation of the transmitter...... 29

A.4.8Frequency error (demodulated DSC signal)...... 29

A.4.9Modulation index for DSC...... 29

A.4.10Modulation rate for DSC...... 30

A.5Performance Tests – DSC Receiver...... 31

A.5.1Maximum usable sensitivity...... 31

A.5.2Co-channel rejection...... 31

A.5.3Adjacent channel selectivity...... 32

A.5.4Spurious response and blocking immunity...... 32

A.5.5Intermodulation response...... 33

A.5.6Dynamic range...... 33

A.5.7Spurious emissions...... 34

A.6Power measuring receiver specification (required for test 4.3.1)...... 34

A.6.1IF filter...... 34

A.6.2Attenuation indicator...... 36

A.6.3RMS value indicator...... 36

A.6.4Oscillator and amplifier...... 36

AnnexB (normative) 121.5 MHz type MSLD...... 37

B.1Operational scenario...... 37

B.2System components...... 37

B.2.1Alerting unit (AU)...... 37

B.2.2Base unit (BU)...... 37

B.2.3Locating unit (required unless AU indicates its location)...... 37

B.3Performance characteristics...... 37

B.3.1Operating time...... 37

B.3.2Interoperability...... 37

B.3.3Operational functions...... 37

B.3.4Alerting signal...... 38

AnnexC (informative) Intellectual Property...... 43

C.1Policy...... 43

C.2Essential patented technologies...... 43

C.3Non-essential patented technologies...... 43

AnnexD (normative) Active Signalling Type MSLD System...... 45

D.1Operational Scenario...... 45

D.2System Components...... 45

D.2.1Altering Unit (AU)...... 45

D.2.2Base Unit (BU)...... 46

D.2.3Optional BU Repeaters (BUR)...... 46

D.2.4Locating Function...... 46

D.3Controls and Indicators...... 46

D.3.1User Controls...... 46

D.3.2Indication of an Alert...... 47

D.3.3Self-test Indicators...... 47

D.4Additional Sources of Alerts...... 47

D.5Safeguards Against Accidental Manual Alerts...... 47

D.6Self-test...... 48

D.6.1Battery Self Test...... 48

D.6.2Radio Link Self Test...... 48

D.7Buoyancy...... 48

D.8Battery...... 48

D.9Performance Tests...... 49

D.9.1Buoyancy test...... 49

D.9.2Activation tests...... 49

D.9.3Battery capacity test...... 49

D.10Performance Characteristics...... 50

D.10.1Suitability of A-MSLD System...... 50

AnnexE...... 51

E.1Operational scenario...... 51

E.2System components...... 51

E.2.1Alerting unit (AU)...... 51

E.2.2Base unit (BU)...... 51

E.2.3Locating unit...... 51

E.3Performance characteristics...... 52

E.3.1Operating time...... 52

E.3.2Interoperability...... 52

E.3.3Operational functions...... 52

E.3.4Unique identifier (user ID)...... 52

E.3.5Battery...... 52

E.3.6Range performance...... 52

E.3.7Transmission performance (this section AIS-SART subject to change)...... 53

E.3.8Position Source and Data...... 55

E.4Transmitter Requirements and Characteristics (this section AIS-SART subject to change)55

E.4.1Channel...... 55

E.4.2Parameter settings...... 55

E.4.3Transmitter shutdown...... 56

E.4.4Transmitter characteristics...... 56

E.4.5Link layer requirements...... 57

E.5Documentation...... 59

E.6Performance Tests...... 59

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- 1 -RTCM Paper 080-2011-SC119-140






This document specifies the minimum functional and technical requirements for Maritime Survivor Locating Devices (MSLD).

Maritime Survivor Locating Device alerting units (AU) are intended to be carried by individuals engaged in on-deck activities on vessels, or in activities on shore where falls into the water are a risk, or in other marine activities where location of persons may be required.

The purpose of the AU is to send a local alert primarily to a base unit on one’s own vessel or facility, and possibly also to base units on other vessels nearby. An MSLD system is not intended to perform the functions of an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). The AU may also serve as a locating beacon to assist in the individual’s recovery.

The MSLD typically consists of an AU with a transmitter module, an integral antenna, and a power source, all contained in a wearable watertight case. The AU is typically used with a base unit on a vessel, but may be used with an existing receiver suited for the purpose. In addition, a locating unit is often included, which may or may not be part of the base unit.

The MSLD operates on a radio frequency authorized for this type of service.

The body of this standard includes requirements for all MSLDs (Sections 1 through 8). Requirements for specific classes of MSLDs are contained in the Annexes.

2Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document to the extent specified herein. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

IEC 60529 - Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

IEC 60945 - Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems general requirements - methods of testing and required test results (2002-08)

IEC 61097-3 –Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 3: Digital selective calling (DSC) equipment - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required testing results

IEC 61097-7 – Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 7: Shipborne VHF radiotelephone transmitter and receiver - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results

IEC 61108-1 - Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems – Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) – Part 1: Global positioning system (GPS) – Receiver equipment – Performance standards, methods of testing and required test results (2003-07)

IEC 62238 – Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - VHF radiotelephone equipment incorporating Class 'D' Digital Selective Calling (DSC) - Methods of testing and required test results

ITU-R M.493-131 - Digital selective-calling system for use in the maritime mobile service

ITU-R M.690-1 - Technical characteristics of emergency position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) operating on the carrier frequencies of 121.5MHz and 243MHz

ITU-R M.693 – Technical characteristics of VHF emergency position-indicating radio beacons using digital selective calling (DSC VHFEPIRB)

ITU-R M.821-1 - Optional expansion of the digital selective-calling system for use in the maritime mobile service

ITU-R SM.332-4 - Selectivity of receivers

3Definitions and abbreviations


Marine Survivor Location Device (MSLD)

A Marine Survivor Locating Device is a system consisting of at least one Alerting Unit (AU) and one Base Unit (BU). All MSLD should provide as a minimum these functions:

1)Alert – AU shall be capable of sending an RF signal to alert the BU and,

2)Alarm – BU shall provide on-board alarm to notify crew of an overboard situation and,

3)Locate – The BU or other on-board component of the MSLD system shall provide some means for crew to locate a person overboard.

Depending upon the MSLD system design, one or more locating units and additional base units may also be used.

alerting unit

A device carried or worn by a person which communicates by radio with a base unit to indicate that the person is either on board or not on board a vessel, or inside or outside a protected area.

base unit

A device that receives radio signals from one or more alerting units to indicate that a person using an alerting unit is either on board or not on board a vessel, or inside or outside a protected area.

locating function

The AU provides means for crew to determine a course to recover a Man Over Board (MOB). This requirement may be satisfied by RF transmission of location information from AU or by visual light on the AU. Alternatively, for AU with RF homing transmitter, a radio direction finder (RDF) either integral to or separate from BU may be used.


AUAlerting Unit

BUBase Unit

DSCDigital Selective Calling

EMCElectro Magnetic Compatibility

EPIRBEmergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon

EUTEquipment Under Test

GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System

IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission

ITUInternational Telecommunication Union

LULocating Unit


MOBMan Over Board

MSLDMarine Survivor Locating Device

PEPPeak Envelope Power

PERPPeak Effective Radiated Power

PLLPhase Locked Loop

RDFRadio Direction Finder

RFRadio Frequency

RMSRoot Mean Squared

RSSIReceived Signal Strength Indicator

SARTSearch and Rescue Transponder

TTFFThe Time To First Fix

4Performance requirements

The performance requirements in this clause apply to all classes of MSLD.

4.1Controls and Indicators

All controls should be:

  • clearly and durably marked.
  • designed to prevent inadvertent activation
  • few in number and the function of each control should be kept simple to permit ease of operation of the MSLD.

The various modes of the MSLD controls should be readily apparent by visual observation.

AUs should be designed for manual activation, or for both manual and automatic activation.

Not less than two simple, independent actions should be required for manual activation of the AU. Examples of independent actions include protection of a switch by a removable cover, or two independent switches.

Each AU control should be so designed that personnel wearing immersion suit gloves can use it.

A positive visual and/or audible indication that the AU is activated should be provided.

4.1.1User Controls for manual activation

AUs provided with only manual activation should have as a minimum, clearly marked integral manual controls to operate the device in the following modes:

OFFIn the OFF mode, the AU is deactivated.

ONIn the ON mode, the AU is manually activated.

TESTSee paragraph 4.2.

4.1.2User Controls for manual and automatic activation

AUs provided with both automatic and manual activation should have, as a minimum, clearly marked integral manual controls to operate the device in the following modes:

READYIn the READY mode, the AU is normally deactivated, but automatically activates when the wearer enters the water. Once activated the unit should remain ON until it is switched to the OFF or reset to the READY mode.

ONIn the ON mode, the AU is activated, whether in or out of the water. This function must be provided by a separate mechanism in addition to the automatic actuator. It is not sufficient to require the user to short the water contacts for manual activation.

TESTSee paragraph 4.2.

OFFIn the OFF mode, the AU is deactivated.

4.1.3Function of the ON control

Consideration should be given to delaying transmission of an alert not to exceed 30 seconds when the unit is first activated, to allow users to deactivate the device if it is an inadvertent activation.


A visual and/or audible indicator visible by the user should commence within 5 seconds of the device being activated, and should continue to indicate that the AU is transmitting with a distinguishable audible or visual indication until it is no longer transmitting. The visual indicator should be visible in direct sunlight, low light, and no light conditions. The audible indicator should have a distinctive alarm tone with a minimum sound output of 85 dBA when measured 30 cm from the MSLD.

A visual and/or audible indicator or indicators should be provided to show that a self-test was either successful or not successful. If the self-test takes longer than 5 seconds, a different indication should be given that the self-test is in progress.

4.1.5Water activation function

The optional AU water-activation function should be protected against inadvertent activation from salt-water spray or rain.

4.2Self-test function

The AU should include a functional self-test designed to test the following items under a fullload condition as a minimum:

  • battery,
  • RF output and,
  • if used, phase lock of the phase locked loop (PLL).

The self-test should be functional throughout the operating temperature range.

The manufacturer should verify at the minimum, ambient, and maximum operating temperatures, that the selftest pass/fail indicator(s) correctly identifies(y) a fail condition when a failure in the monitored function(s) has been detected

4.2.1Battery self-test

The manufacturer should verify at the minimum, ambient, and maximum operating temperatures, that the AU battery experiences fullload current drain during the self-test.

The battery self-test should indicate when the battery is no longer capable of providing the minimum operating time.

4.2.2RF self-test

The RF self-test should include the connection of the transmitter to the antenna or an equivalent dummy load.

During the self-test function, the AU should transmit in such a way that it will not cause a distress alert.

If the AU includes a 121.5 MHz radiolocating device, the signal transmitted during the self-test should not exceed 3 audio sweeps or 1 second, whichever is greater.

The means of activating the self-test feature should prevent the test signal from being continuously activated.


Unless the AU is intended to be incorporated into a buoyant device, it should have sufficient positive buoyancy to float in fresh water and to operate while floating in fresh or salt water.

4.4Environmental factors

The AU should not be activated accidentally or damaged by:

a)dry heat

b)damp heat

c)low temperature

d)thermal shock

e)drop onto hard surface

f)drop into water

g)vibration sweep

h)water immersion

i)solar radiation

j)oil contamination


The electronic components should be protected to prevent malfunction under prolonged conditions of high humidity, including condensation.

The AU should be watertight.

5Construction requirements


The AU should be wearable, or arranged to be attached to the user’s clothing without interfering with the user’s activities. The AU should be provided with adequate means of attachment to the user in its “operational” position.

The AU should be designed for “hands free” operation, so that the user is not required to hold the unit out of the water for operation after activation.

The external design of the AU should avoid sharp edges or points to prevent injury or damage to equipment.


The AU should have its own battery or batteries and should not depend upon any external source of power for its operation when activated. The batteries should be an integral part of the equipment

5.2.1Battery hazards

The AU should not be hazardous to personnel handling it, operating it, or performing manufacturerapproved servicing of it nor should it release toxic or corrosive products outside the AU case:

a)during or subsequent to storage at temperatures between 55C and +75 C;

b)during a full or partial discharge at any rate up to and including an external short circuit;

c)during a charge or forced discharge of a cell or cells by another cell or cells within the battery; and

d)after a full or partial discharge.

All AUs should be safe with respect to reversal of polarity, shorting, and the effects of selfheating, celltocell charging, and forced discharging.

5.2.2Battery life for primary battery

The MSLD manufacturer should establish a useful life and an expiration date for primary (non-rechargeable) batteries. The useful life is the period of time after the date of battery manufacture that the battery will continue to meet the input power requirements of the MSLD, over the entire specified operating temperature range. The following losses must be included (at a temperature of +20 C ± 5 C):

a)Testing, as recommended by the manufacturer or as required by the regulatory authority, whichever is the more demanding.