Traoona High School
Assessment and Reporting Policy
This policy is guided by the following departmental guidelines:
- Tasmanian Curriculum Framework
- Assessment Implementation Guidelines – SPS
- Tasmanian Year 10 Assessment Policy and Guidelines
- Report of the Reporting to Parents Taskforce
- Dept.of Education Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting Policy
- TaroonaHigh School Improvement Plan
This policy sets out the schools philosophy and practices relating to the assessment and reporting of students learning outcomes. The purpose of any assessment is influenced by different audiences and the type of information required from the assessment. The purpose of assessment is to improve student learning, make judgements about student achievement,identify when intervention is warranted, to evaluate teaching programs and inform parents and improve decision-making.
Students will be responsible for:
- Contributing to discussions about assessment
- Assessing their own learning and that of their peers
- Responding to assessments made by peers, teachers and others
- Maintaining evidence of their learning across all learning areas.
Teachers will responsible for:
- Ensuring their assessment practices and processes meet the requirements of this policy.
- Ensuring that students know what is being assessed, and when and why
- Ensure assessment is both formative and summative and identifies students who need interventions aimed at ensuring all students are successful.
- Ensuring that students develop the skills needed to maintain personal assessment portfolios
- Providing students with opportunities to develop the necessary skills to participate in self and peer assessment
- Using assessment information to inform their teaching and learning and to provide feedback to students
- Participate in professional collaboration through learning area professional learning communities to ensure consistency of judgements
- Where-ever possible collaboratively design assessment opportunities that explicitly measure what students know, can do, and understand in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
- Maintain records of assessment that can be used to justify judgements about student performance, identify students at risk, inform future teachers and which can contribute to collaborative assessment of the key cross curricula outcomes.
The school will report using SARIS as the primary reporting tool. Student progress will be reported on in a variety of ways for both formative and summative purposes.
This will include for all students at least:
- Formativewritten mid-course progress reports on:
- Anticipated learning outcomes and assessment opportunities in each course being undertaken
- An ‘at the present time’ judgementagainst the moderated stages of the Tasmanian Curriculum Framework.
- Indicators of personal and social skills development
- Satisfaction rating for attendance and participation
- One formal opportunity for parents and students to meet with teachers to discuss progress and plan for future learning midway though each course being undertaken
- Appropriate reporting for studentswith special and/or additional needs.
- A summative report at the end of each course indicating an achievement level at the end of a course.
- A summative report at the end of the year for all courses studied during the year using the assessment stages detailed for the learning areas of the Tasmanian Curriculum Framework
In addition:
- Grade 7 and 9 students will receive written reports on their performance in literacy and numeracy national benchmark testing
- Grade 8, 9 students will have a written pathways plan to guide their studies in subsequent years
- Grade 10 students will receive:
- A Grade 10 assessment certificate from the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority attesting to their achievement against the mandated key element outcomes.
- A school reference detailing their personal qualities, work place readiness and level of attendance and participation during their secondary schooling.
- A copy of their pathways plan for education, training or employment.