Draft Action points and notes for Patients Participation Group

Monday 7th November 2016 7pm to 8.30pm

Those Present: Bob Denston,Linda Denston, Ian Gillard, Trish Hughes, Audrey White,Karen Bache. Part meeting: Peter Wyatt, Bob Spence, John Cormack, Graham Moulds.

Item 1: Reviewed minutes of the 5th Sept 16 meeting; one point to carried forward, item 7 Patients obtaining results, change in procedures on hold until it’s fully established how System 1 can help in this regard.

Item 2: Bob S gave a brief update on System 1 and mentioned how well the team were getting on with the programme.

Patient numbers stand at 4486

Do not attends DNA’s were down in Septemberat 76 on August, but significantly up in October at 107. IG to raise profile on SWF FB page and ask ST to do the same on Greenwoods FB page.

Item 3: Brief review of last Success Regime meeting in SWF, Clinicians know little or nothing about this initiative!

Next CPPG meeting 30th November, Melanie Crass who is responsible for Primary Care at MECCG will attend.

Item 4: Many thanks to Mick Murray for attending the recent meeting on Medicine waste run by the CCG, crib sheet attached with key headlines. Once again the clinicians have not been involved in this programme thus far. There is a booklet left in the surgery if anyone would like to read.

Item 5: Peter gave an update of the activities of the Health Care and Social group, Lisa Kelly attended the last meeting which was reasonably attended.

Peter also mentioned that c800 patients residing to the South of Maldon (presumable Fambridge, Cold Norton area) currently registered in Maldon could be moved to SWF practices.

Peter also mentioned that an Action for Family carers group is being set up to meet very at Champions Manor, starting 13th January. Peter will ask if the organiser would like to attend our 9th January meeting.

Item 6: IG gave update on the recent letter sent out to a number of health care governing bodies (background attached) regarding the issues in Primary Care, to put it bluntly, in reply there was a lot of passing the buck!

Item 7: Please see attached spread sheet identifying income raised and out goings thus far. The crowd funding, walk and Jars have all been great successes. Thanks to all for their input.

Coffee morning now planned for early spring next year.

JC to agree with ST who should be the signatures on a Bank account that would be used for all donations and outgoings, until we have a bank account opened we can’t move forward on the charitable concept.

Once we gain charitable status we will be able to run a text donation campaign.

Other ideas are a 2018 pre-sold calendar, Local cheese and Wine evening.

Item 8: CQC audit Thursday 10th November BL to attend on behalf of the PPG.

Item AOB:

  • Linda mentioned that there is currently a review of the bus services for SWF being undertaken, Bob to place on TV screen and notice boards.
  • Trish mentioned that due to a signatory’s demise the signing off re the “Sainsbury” development has been held up.
  • Karen voiced concern regarding the future of the clinic, the dentist no longer visits and the family planning support service has been withdrawn

Next Meeting Monday 9th January 2016 19.00 to 20.30.