Dr. Tony Campolo

The Peoples Church

Toronto, ON, CANADA

April 28, 2013

9:15AM, 11:30AM, 2:00PM

1. Black churches vs. White churches

2. One day you will die, so what will your life be about?

3. Which would you choose titles or testimonies?

4. Jesus came to declare that the Kingdom of God is at hand.

5. We are asked to transform the world

6. T.S. Elliot: “This is the way the world will end, not with a bang, but with a whimper” He was wrong. The world will end with God returning and the Kingdoms of this world being God’s.

7. Philippians 1: He is working in us and through us to create his Kingdom

8. What the kingdom of God will look like. The Earth will be renewed and there will be peace

9. Its not our righteousness that saves us, it is what Jesus did for us

10. We are saved by grace, we don’t have to be perfect

11. God is glorified in your shortcomings and in your weaknesses.

12. Shane Claiborne preaching the greatest sermon “The sermon on the mount” and asking “Are we going to take Jesus’ words seriously”

13. The world has told us how to act and how to live; we need to live for Jesus.

14. Duck Story: Ducks waddling home from church, even if they can fly

15. Some of us are willing to be Christian, up to a point.

16. If you’re willing to go with Jesus, he will enable you

17. We pray to show God we are dependent on Him

18. Mother Theresa listening to God, and God listening to her

19. Look at Jesus, and the things of the world will dim

20. Go to the quiet place, and surrender to God

21. The Seven Seal film: The King has one more move

TAGS: Duck story, testimonies, Kingdom of Jesus, T.S. Elliott, Philippians, perfect, Shane Claiborne, praying, Mother Theresa, surrender