The University of Jordan
School of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
1st Semester – A.Y. 2014/2015 /
Course: / ElectronicsLaboratory – 0903368(1 Cr. – Core Course)
Instructor: /

Dr. Omar Al Ghezawi

Office: E316, Telephone: 5355000 ext 22854, Email:

Eng. Noor Awad

Office:Electronics Lab., Telephone: 5355000 ext 22860, Email:

Enaam Al-Khatib

Office:Machine Lab., Telephone: 5355000 ext 22836, Email:
Course Website: /
Catalog Data: / Rectification. Regulation and clipping. BJT characteristics. BJT biasing and small signal amplification. BJT as an amplifier. FET as an amplifier. Cascaded amplifiers. Frequency response of amplifiers. Feedback amplifier. Differential amplifier. Op-Amp Applications. Projects.

Prerequisites by

Course: / EE 0903261 – Electronics I(pre-requisite),and
EE 0903361 – Electronics II (pre-requisite or co-requisite)


By Topic: / Students are assumed to have sufficient knowledge pertaining to the electronics components and its characteristics
Textbook: / Lab Manual which can be obtained from the course Website
References: /
  • Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design by Donald A. Neaman, 3rd Edition, OXFORD University Press, 2001.
  • Microelectronic Circuits by A.S. Sedra & K.C. Smith, 2nd Edition, Mc-Graw-Hill, 1998.
  • Electronic Circuits by Intellin Organization, BookSurge Publishing, 2006.
  • Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design by Donald A. Neamen ,javascript:void(0) Irwin Professional Publishing, 1996.

Schedule &
Duration: / 16 Weeks, 8Labs (3 Hours each) plus exams.

Minimum Student

Material: / Experiments Manual, class handouts, and scientific calculator.


Facilities: / Lab with proper equipment and measuring instrumentation facilities.
Course Objectives: / The objective of this Lab is for studentsto perform a set of experiments to:
  • Examine various electronic components and their characteristics
  • Learn how to design an electronics system.

Course Learning Outcomes and Relation to ABET Student Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, a student should:
1. / Know basics of electrical laboratory instrumentation, including multimeters, power supplies, function generators and oscilloscopes. / [k]
2. / Design and conduct experiment as well as to analyze and interpret data. / [b, d]
3. / Perform fundamental measurements on electronic circuits. / [b, k ]
4. / Know format and content requirements for complete technical reporting. / [g]
Course Topics:
Topic Description / Hrs
1. / Lab Equipment Familiarization. / 3
2. / Diode Characteristics and Rectification / 3
3. / Diode Clippers and Clampers / 3
4. / Zener Diode Characteristics & Voltage Regulator / 3
5. / Bipolar Junction Transistor Characteristics / 3
6. / BJT AC Amplifier & Switch / 3
7. / Frequency Response of BJT Amplifier / 3
8. / Operational Amplifier Applications / 3
Ground Rules: / Attendance is required and highly encouraged. To that end, attendance will be taken every lecture. All exams(including the final exam) should be considered cumulative. Exams are closed book. No scratch paper is allowed. You will be held responsible for all reading material assigned, even if it is not explicitly covered in lecture notes.
Assessments: / Exams, Quizzes, and Lab reports.
Grading policy: / Lab reports / 15 %
Quizzes / 15 %
Midterm Exam / 30 %
Final Exam / 40 %
Total / 100%
Last Updated: / October 2014