Latin 3 Honors – Woo-Hoo! Nomen
Dr. McGay Review for Midterm Examination, Chh. 34-39, page 1
Latin 3 Honors – Woo-Hoo! Nomen
Dr. McGay Review for Midterm Examination, Chh. 34-39, page 1
Part 1: Vocabulary (English to Latin + derivative)
Part 2: Fill in chart of declension endings
Part 3: Other Grammar Charts
Part 4: Verb Synopses
Part 5: Short Answer
Part 6: Multiple Choice (based on readings from the book on Roman language, culture, myth, and religion)
Part 7: Sentence translations
Part 8: Short Paragraph translation.
Latin 3 Honors – Woo-Hoo! Nomen
Dr. McGay Review for Midterm Examination, Chh. 34-39, page 1
Items to Review:
(1)VOCABULARY-VOCABULARY-VOCABULARY! You have made cards, now review them: make piles of familiar and unfamiliar words, then keep going through the unfamiliar pile ‘til it decreases to nothing…say the words aloud to yourself in front of a mirror, record them and play them back before you go to sleep, recite them to a pet, stuffed animal or family member: Do whatever it takes to learn the words thoroughly!
(2)Review Handouts, Quizzes Classnotes and Self-Guided Review Checklist.
- Give the most basicactivepersonalEndings for Verbs (in the present tense.)
Infinitive ("to") -re
Present Imperative Singular*drop off -rePresent Imperative Plural -te
1st Person Singular ("I")-o/-m1st Person Plural ("we")-mus
2nd Person Singular ("you")-s2nd Person Plural ("you")-tis
3rd Person Singular ("s/he,it")-t3rd Person Plural ("they")-nt
Give the basicpassivepersonalEndings for Verbs (in the present tense.)
Infinitive ("to be") -rī (3rd Conj.: -ī)
Present Imperative Singular -rePresent Imperative Plural-minī
1st Person Singular ("I")-r1st Person Plural ("we")-mur
2nd Person Singular ("you")-ris2nd Person Plural ("you")-minī
3rd Person Singular ("s/he,it")-tur3rd Person Plural ("they")-ntur
- Give the activepersonalEndings for Verbs in the perfect tense.
Infinitive ("to") -isse
1st Person Singular ("I")-ī1stPerson Plural ("we")-imus
2nd Person Singular ("you")-istī2nd Person Plural ("you")-istis
3rd Person Singular ("s/he,it")-it3rd Person Plural ("they")-ērunt
III. Present Subjunctive (Active / Passive)
- Fill in the chart with subjunctive vowel changes per conjugation:
Conjugation / Infinitive (-re) / Present Subjunctive
Vowel / What is the mnemonic phrase we memorized to learn the vowel changes of the present subjunctive:
We beat a giant liar.
1st / -āre / -e
2nd / -ēre / -ea
3rd / -ere / -a
3rd-io / -ere / -ia
4th / -īre / -ia
- Explain how to form the other 3 tenses of the subjunctive in the active (Imperfect, Perfect, Pluperfect)
Imperfect: 2nd Principal Part + m, s, t, mus, tis, nt
Perfect Subj: 3rd Principal Part Stem + eri + m, s, t, must, tis, nt
Perfect Subj: 3rd Principal Part Stem + isse + m, s, t, must, tis, nt
- Explain how to form the other 3 tenses of the subjunctive in the passive (Imperfect, Perfect, Pluperfect)
Imperfect: 2nd Principal Part + r, ris, tur, mur, mini, ntur
Perfect Subj: 4th Principal Part + sim, sis, sit, simus, sitis, sint
Perfect Subj: 4th Principal Part + essem, esses, esset, essemus, essetis, essent
Nouns…this chart will be on the exam – refer to handout
Give the Endings for Each Declension. Note: for 3rd-declension i-stems, give only the special endings.
1st Decl / 2nd Decl. (Masc) / 2nd Decl. (Neuter) / 3rd Decl. (M & F) / 3rd Decl. (Neuter) / 3rd Decl.i-stem / 4th Decl. (Masc) / 4th Decl. (Neuter) / 5th Decl.
Nom Sing / us /er
Gen Sing
Dat Sing
Acc Sing
Abl Sing
Voc Sing
Loc Sing / / / / / e/ ī / ------/ ------/ ------
Nom Pl
Gen Pl
Dat Pl
Acc Pl
Abl Pl
Voc Pl
Loc Pl / ------/ ------/ ------
Fill in the chart with the correct subjunctive tenses according to the rules of sequence of tenses:
Main verb sets up the sequence / Prior or Completed Action / Simultaneous or On-going Action / Subsequent Action (except for indirect questions)Primary sequence / Perfect Subjunctive / Present Subjunctive / Present subjunctive
Secondary sequence / Pluperfect Subj. / Imperfect Subjunctive / Imperfect subjunctive
Fill in the chart with the correct subjunctive tenses according to the rules of sequence of tenses for indirect questions:
Main verb sets up the sequence / Prior or Completed Action / Simultaneous or On-going Action / Subsequent ActionPrimary sequence / Perfect Subjunctive / Present Subjunctive / Future Active Participle + sim, sis, sit, etc.
Secondary sequence / Pluperfect Subj / Imperfect Subjunctive / Future Active Participle + essem, esses, esset, etc.
Vocab for next section:
tuba, tubae f = trumpet / frango, frangere, fregi, fractus = to break / scio, scire, scivi, scitus = to know / Flaccus = “Flaccus” (literally, “floppy ears”: this was the cognomen of the famous poet Horace)Main verb present:
- Cur tubam meam frangis? = Why are you breaking my trumpet?
- Flaccus nescit cur ego tubam suam frangam. = Flaccus doesn’t know why I am breaking his trumpet
- What happens when we change the subjunctive verb to fregerim?
Retranslate subjunctive: Flaccus nescit cur ego tubam suam fregerim. =Flaccus doesn’t know why I broke/have broken his trumpet
- What happens when we change the subjunctive verb to fracturus sim?
Retranslate subjunctive: Flaccus nescit cur ego tubam suam fracturus sim. =Flaccus doesn’t know why I am going to break/will break his trumpet
- Cur tuba mea frangitur? = “Why is my trumpet being broken?”
- Flaccus nescit cur tuba sua frangatur. = Flaccus doesn’t know why his trumpet is being broken?
- What happens when we change the subjunctive verb to fracta sit?
Retranslate subjunctive: Flaccus nescit cur tuba sua fracta sit. =Flaccus doesn’t know why his trumpet was being/has been broken?
Main verb past:
- Flaccus nescivit cur ego tubam suam frangerem. = Flaccus didn’t know why I was breaking his trumpet
- What happens when we change the subjunctive verb to fregissem?
Retranslate subjunctive: Flaccus nescivit cur ego tubam suam fregissem. =Flaccus didn’t know why I had broken his trumpet
- What happens when we change the subjunctive verb to fracturus essem?
- Translate: Flaccus nescivit cur ego tubam suam fracturum essem. =Flaccus didn’t know why I would/was going to break his trumpet
- Flaccus nescivit cur tuba sua frangeretur. = Flaccus didn’t know why his trumpet was being broken?
- What happens when we change the subjunctive verb to fracta esset?
Retranslate subjunctive: Flaccus nescivit cur tuba sua fracta esset. =Flaccus didn’t know why his trumpet had been broken?
Review Table of Sequence of Tenses...What does Primary sequence mean?
What does Secondary (or Historical) sequence mean?
What clause is this, whose formula is:
Primary sequence: ut (negative: ne) + present subjunctive --> Translation Formula: in order that (not) ... “may verb”
Secondary sequence: ut (negative: ne) + imperfect subjunctive --> Translation Formula: in order that (not) ... “might verb”
Identify and translate:
- Flaccus cistam aperit ut tubam arripiat. (Purpose clause: primary sequence)
Flaccus is opening the box, in order that he may grab his trumpet.
- Flaccus cistam aperuit ut tubam arriperet. (Purpose clause: secondary sequence)
Flaccus opened the box, in order that he might grab his trumpet.
- Cras pecuniam ad ludum portabo ut tubam novam Flacco emam. (primary sequence)
Tomorrow I will bring money to school in order that I may buy a new trumpet for Flaccus.
- Heri pecuniam ad ludum portavi ut tubam novam Flacco emerem. (secondary sequence)
Yesterday I brought money to school, in order that I might by a new trumpet for George.
- Avis fortem nidum conficit ut hiemem tempestatesque perferat.
The bird is building a strong nest, in order that he may last through the winter and storms.
IV. SYNOPSES – Give the Latin forms
A. Principal parts: loco, locāre, locavi, locatus= “to place, position”
Conjugation #:1stPerson: 2ndNumber: PluralGender: Feminine
FUTURE PERFECTlaudaveritis/
FUTURElocaturi /(Gerundive)
FUTURElocaturi esse/ (Gerundive)
PRESENT loca/locate
B. Principal parts: tego, tegere, texi, tectus = “to cover”
Conjugation #:3rdPerson: 3rdNumber: PluralGender: Masculine
FUTURE/ (Gerundive)
Principal parts: moror, morārī, morātus sum – to delayPerson: 1st Number: Plural Gender: Feminine
Present ActivePerfect “Active”
Future Active
- Give the BASIC FUNCTIONS & special translation (if there is one) formula for each case:
VII. Write out the complete forms of the following irregular verbs in both the indicative & subjunctive:
- sum, esse, fui, futurus
- possum, posse, potui, potiturus
- fero, ferre, tuli, latus
- volo, velle, volui
- nolo, nolle, nolui
- malo, malle, malui
- fio, fieri, factus sum
- eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus
- Conjugate & translate the following irregular verbs as instructed (see section XI in reference grammar):
Number / Latin Present Indicative of sum, esse / Latin Present subjunctive of sum, esse / Latin Present Indicative of possum, posse / Latin Present Subjunctive of sum, esse
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin Imperfect Indicative of sum, esse / Latin Imperfect Subjunctive of sum, esse / Latin Imperfect Indicative of possum, posse / Latin Imperfect Subjunctive of possum, posse
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin Future of sum, esse / English translation of Future of sum, esse / Latin future of possum, posse / English translation of future of possum, posse
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin perfect indicative of sum, esse, fui / Latin perfect Subjunctive of sum, esse / Latin perfect indicative of possum, posse, potui / Latin perfect subjunctive of possum, posse, potui
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin pluperfect indicative of sum, esse, fui / Latin pluperfect subjunctive of sum, esse, fui / Latin pluperfect indicative of possum, posse, potui / Latin pluperfect subjunctive of possum, posse, potui
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin future perfect of sum, esse, fui / English translation of future perfect of sum, esse, fui / Latin future perfect of possum, posse, potui / English translation of future perfect of possum, posse, potui
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin Present Indicative of volo, velle, volui / Latin Present Indicative of nolo, nolle, nolui / Latin Present Indicative of malo, malle, malui / Latin Present Indicative of fio, fieri, factus sum
Imperative Singular / XXXXXXXXXXX / XXXXXXXXX
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin Present Subjunctive of volo, velle, volui / Latin Present Subjunctive of nolo, nolle, nolui / Latin Present Subjunctive of malo, malle, malui / Latin Present Subjunctive of fio, fieri, factus sum
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Latin Imperfect Indicative of volo, velle, volui / Latin Imperfect Indicative of nolo, nolle, nolui / Latin Imperfect Indicat. of malo, malle, malui / Latin Imperfect Indicat. of fio, fieri, factus sum
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Latin Imperfect subjunct. of volo, velle, volui / Latin Imperfect subjunct. of nolo, nolle, nolui / Latin Imperfect subj. of malo, malle, malui / Latin Imperfect subj. of fio, fieri, factus sum
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin Future of volo, velle, volui / Latin Future of nolo, nolle, nolui / Latin Future of malo, malle, malui / Latin Future of fio, fieri, factus sum
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin perfect Indicative of volo, velle, volui / Latin perfect Indicative of nolo, nolle, nolui / Latin perfect Indicative of malo, malle, malui / Latin perfect Indicative of fio, fieri, factus sum
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin perfect Subjunct. of volo, velle, volui / Latin perfect subjunctive of nolo, nolle, nolui / Latin perfect subj. of malo, malle, malui / Latin perfect subj of fio, fieri, factus sum
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin pluperfect Subjunct. of volo, velle, volui / Latin pluperfect subjunctive of nolo, nolle, nolui / Latin pluperfect subj. of malo, malle, malui / Latin pluperfect subj of fio, fieri, factus sum
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin Present Indicative Active of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin Present Indicative Passive of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin Present Indicative of eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus / Latin Present Subjunctive of eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus
Infinitive / XXXXXXXXXX
Imperative Singular / XXXXXXXXXX
Imperative Plural / XXXXXXXXXX
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin Present Subjunct. Active of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin Present Subjunct. Passive of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin Imperfect Indicative of eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus / Latin Imperfect Subjunctive of eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin Imperfect Indicative Active of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin Imperfect Indicative Passive of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin Imperfect Subjunctive Active of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin Imperfect Subjunctive Passive of fero, ferre, tuli, latus
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin Future Indicative Active of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin Future Indicative Passive of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin Future Active of eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus / Eng. translation of Future Active of eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin perfect ind. active of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin perfect ind. passive of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin perfect indicative of eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus / Latin perfect subjunctive of eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus
Infinitive / XXXXXXXXXXX
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin perfect subj. active of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin perfect subj. passive of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin pluperfect indicative of eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus / Latin pluperfect subjunctive of eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Number / Latin pluperfect indicative active of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin pluperfect indicative passive of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin pluperfect subjunctive active of fero, ferre, tuli, latus / Latin pluperfect subjunctive passive of fero, ferre, tuli, latus
1st Sing
2nd Sing
3rd Sing
1st Pl.
2nd Pl.
3rd Pl.
Self-Guided Review Checklist
Check these items off, only if they are familiar to you. If not, 1st review the book, appendices of forms reference grammar, and/or ask me during a review class. I suggest you make notes on these items in your composition books. This is your chance to fine-tune your skills!
I have memorized all the vocabulary, including principal parts for verbs as well as each nom. sing., gen. sing. and gender for nouns. This is your chance to fine-tune your vocabulary!
I have checked off all the items from the midterm self-guided review checklist, which can still be found on the e-board.
The identification & meaning of the 4 principal parts for regular verbs, and 3 principal parts for deponent verbs + irregular verbs (esse, posse, velle, nolle, malle, ferre, fieri, ire)
Conjugation # and ID: The method of determining to which conjugation a verb belongs by looking at the present infinitve (or the 2nd principal part)
What is meant by “mood?” What are the three moods in Latin?
Explain relative time for participles and infinitives using complete sentences and mathematical symbols. Example: How do translate a perfect infinitive in indirect statement when your main verb is also perfect.
The 3 ways in English to translate the Latin present tense: verb(s), is/are verbing, do(es) verb.
Subject and verb (ending) agreement. A singular subject must have a singular verb ending; a plural subject must have a plural verb ending.
The difference in the endings & meaning of active and passive voices.
"Persons" for verbs: The corresponding English pronouns for 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person. Both singular and plural.
The basic active endings: -o (-m), -s, -t, -mus, -tis, -nt; -re; -(imperative singular: drop off –re), te
The basic passive endings: -r, -ris (-re), -tur, -mur, -mini, -ntur; -ri (3rd: i); -re, -mini
I can identify a deponent verb, and I am familiar with how deponent verbs operate.
The indicative forms of Irregular verbs esse, posse, velle, nolle, malle, ferre, fieri, ire.
The subjunctive forms of Irregular verbs esse, posse, velle, nolle, malle, ferre, fieri, ire.
Forms of the present active participle.
I remember that deponent verbs do have a present active participle: ingrediens, ingredientis
Forms of the perfect passive participle (P.P.P. = 4th principal part).
I remember that deponent verbs have a perfect active participle.: conatus, a, um.
Forms of the future active participle.
I remember that deponent verbs do have a future active participle: locaturus, a, um
I have reviewed uses of “Participles”
Present Active Participle
Perfect Participles as Adjectives
Future Active Participles
Forms of the present active & passive infinitives. What about 3rd conjugation verbs?
Forms of the perfect active & passive infinitives.
Forms of the future active infinitive. (4th Principal Part + “ur”)
I have reviewed the forms and translations for deponent infinitives
I have reviewed “Uses of the Infinitive”
Complementary Infinitive
Infinitive as Subject
Infinitive with Impersonal Verb Phrases, e.g. necesse est
Accusative and Infinitive as Subject with certain impersonal verbs
Accusative and Infinitive as Object, e.g., of verbs like docere & iubere
Indirect Statement: Accusative + Infinitive
The imperative or command forms. (for active & for deponent verbs)
The four irregular singular commands dic ("say!, tell!"), duc ("lead!, take!"), fac ("make!, do!")and fer ("bring!, carry!, report!"). Also the plural, ferte ("bring!, carry!, report!").