Curriculum vitae

Dr Hadj Salah Fatiha spouse Merah

Civil Status:

Name: Hadj Sakah spouse Merah

First name : Fatiha

Date and place of birth : 27 May 1942 inOran

Marital Status: Married+ four (4) children

Function: - Professor of medicine

-Head of department of forensic –Teaching hospital

Beni-Messous , Algiers

-Expert attached to tribunals


1970-Doctor of medicine, Faculty of medecine of Algiers.

1970-Certificate of specialized studies in occupational medicine,

Faculty of medicine of Algiers.

1973-Certificate of specialized studies in forensic medicine,

Faculty of medicine of Algiers.

1983-Certificate of medical studies to legal redress of physical damage-Paris.

1983- Certificate of demography studies, economy of health and social security –Paris.

1985-Doctor in medicalsciences, Faculty of medicine of Algiers.

University activities

1973-Assistant lecturer in forensic medicine-Faculty of medicine of Algiers.

1985-Doctor in forensic medicine-Faculty of medicine of Algiers.

1993- Professor in forensic medicine-Faculty of medicine of Algiers.

-theoretical and practical teaching related to matters of forensic medicine, medical

Law, medicaldeontology and ethic to students of medicine.

-training of specialists in forensic medicine.

-Chairwoman of many national examining boards of 1st year specialists of forensic medicine and DEMS of forensic medicine.

-Member of recruitment examinations of assistant lecturers of Algiers.

-Member of scientific board of forensic department of Algiers.

-Member of disciplinary committee of forensic department of Algiers.

-1991-2009- Professor in High School of Magistracy – Teaching forensic medicine to magistrates student.

-2009- Chairwoman of national committee of pedagogy in forensic medicine (CPNS).

Hospital Activities

1970-1973- Doctor in the department of occupational medicine Algiers.

1973-1979- Doctor at the central drugstore- Algiers.

1979-1983- Assistant lecturer in forensic medicine at teaching hospital-Algiers.

1983-2009- Head of department of forensic in the teaching hospital-Beni Messous.

-medical and judicial examinations

-medical and judicial expertises

-thanatology activities: medical and judicial post mortem

-unity of penitentiary medicine : hospitalization of prisoners for specialized care

-examination of medical law and ethics

-Unity of psychotherapy for victims of violence

1983-2009- sworn doctor expert attached to the court of Algiers.

Scientific society

-Member of international academy of forensic medicine.

-Member of board of directors of the Mediterranean society of forensic medicine.

-project creation of the Algerian society of medical and judicial sciences and ethics.

-Organization of scientific days on medical law and ethics in teaching hospital- Beni Messous Algiers.

-Participation to organized seminars by doctors of the world dealing with violence towards women and children.

Publications and communications

-Author and co-author of more than 200 communications, lectures dealing with:

-The field of judicial forensic medicine.

-Violence: Child abuse, conjugal violence and sexual violence.

-The taking and the transplant of organs.

-Medical responsibility.

-The teaching of medical ethics.

-Judicial redress of physical damage.

-The rights of the sick.

-Participation to international congresses (conferences) and days of forensic medicine, medical law and ethics in Algeria, France, Spain, Belgium, Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal, Portugal, Italy, etc…

-Participation to seminars of continuous training of doctors dealing with the themes of medical law, ethic of medicine in Algiers, Oran, Constantine, Annaba, Setif, Biskra, Chlef, Mostaganem, Tamanrasset, Ghardaїa, Tiaret etc…

Other activities

-Member of High Magistracy Council

-Vice-President of ethic Committee in University Hospital Center (CHU)- Beni Messous- Algiers

-Member of National Committee of forensic- Ministry of Health

Personal coordinates

Address: Centre Hospitalo Universitaire de Beni Messous (CHU)- Service de la Médecine Légale- Alger- Algérie

Office telephone number: +213 21 93 14 54

Cellular telephone number: +213 774 962 597
