Dr Ernest Hung Yu NG

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

The University of Hong Kong


Inability to conceive after one or two years of regular unprotected intercourse

10-15 % of couples affected


Normal fertility

Causes of infertility

Basic investigations


Normal Fertility

Pregnancy rates

peak monthly pregnancy rate ~ 30%

cumulative preg. rate in 1 year ~ 85%

cumulative preg. rate in 2 years ~ 95%

important in the interpretation of pregnancy rate by assisted methods

Cumulative PR

Causes of Infertility

Causes of infertility

Multiple factors are common

Female factors (2/3)

ovulatory (15%)

tubal (20%)

endometriosis (25%)

others: cervical, immunological, coital

Causes of infertility

Male factors (1/3)

subnormal semen due to production defects e.g. idiopathic, endocrine, trauma, genetic

no sperm due to obstructive defects e.g. absent vas, vasectomy



ovulation, patent tubes and normal semen

Three important causes

Ovulatory dysfunction

Tubal problems

Male factors



Menstrual cycle


History of PID or pelvic surgery

Previous investigations and treatment

Age / occupation

Past health

Coital history


Physical examination

Body weight

Vaginal examination

uterine size


adnexal mass

? Necessary

Testicular size

Vas & epididymis


Early referral

>35 years old

Irregular cycles

Previous pelvic surgery

Previous STD

Abnormal pelvic examination

Basic Investigations


Basic semen analysis:

2 to 3 samples after 2-7 days of sexual abstinence

WHO criteria:

volume: >=2.0 ml
concentration: >=20 million / ml
motility: >=50% forward progression or >=25% rapid progression
normal forms: ??? 20% at QMH

Predictive values

Sperm Functions



Mid-luteal progesterone

Irregular cycles

FSH/LH, prolactin, thyroxine
Ultrasound--ovarian morphology (PCO)

Regular cycles

prolactin or thyroxine not indicated

Transvaginal scanning


Tubal patency


Laparoscopy-diagnostic / therapeutic

Ultrasound examination


Not indicated in routine practice:

Serum antisperm antibody

Postcoital test

Sperm function test

Endometrial biopsy


USS of endometrium


General advice (Female)

0.4 mg folic acid whilst trying to conceive and during the first 12 wks of pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects

Reduce body weight in obese women

Stop smoking

Avoid excessive alcohol

General advice (Male)

Stop smoking

Avoid excessive alcohol

Men with poor quality sperm advised to

wear loose fitting underwear and trousers and

avoid occupational or social situations that might cause testicular hyperthermia

Causes of infertility


Tubal factors

Male factors

Unexplained/min. endometriosis


Development of a single follicle

Ovulation induction

Weight reduction


Clomiphene citrate

Gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist--pulsatile manner via a pump


Insulin sensitising agents (metformin)


ovarian drilling

Clomiphene citrate

Started from day 5 for 5 days

Dose: 50-250 mg daily for 6-9 months

Ovulation: 60-80%; pregnancy rate: 30-40%

Higher failure in obese women and those with greater ovarian volume on scanning

SE: multiple pregnancy (10%); hot flushes, hair loss, visual change, ?ovarian cancer

Clomiphene citrate

Not indicated in patients with regular ovulations

Not useful in improving pregnancy rates!


Anti-oestrogenic effects on cervical mucus / endometrium

Long term risks e.g. risk of ovarian CA

Problems in ovulation induction by gonadotrophin

Unpredictable responses

Exaggerated responses

High risk of multiple pregnancy and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

High risk of abortion

Expensive: drugs, monitoring, preterm baby

Causes of infertility


Tubal factors

Male factors

Unexplained/min. endometriosis

Tubal Factors

Tubal surgery

microsurgical technique

laparotomy or laparoscopy

adhesiolysis, re-anastomosis, salpingostomy



Tubal Surgery Vs IVF/ET

The lesions

The infertile couple

The medical service

Causes of infertility


Tubal factors

Male factors

Unexplained / endometriosis

Male Infertility

Effective Treatments

Vasectomy reversal/overcome correctable obstruction

Gonadotrophins or GnRH for hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism

Bromocriptine for sexual dysfunction associated with hyperprolactinaemia

Male Infertility

Varicocele treatment may improve semen quality and pregnancy rate in oligozoospermic men , but not in infertile men with normozoospermia

Ovarian stimulation+insemination


Male Infertility

Ineffective Rx or Rx of Doubtful Value

Anti-oestrogens, androgens, bromocriptine & kinin-enhancing drugs for abnormalities of semen quality

Antioxidants, mast cell blockers & alpha blockers need further evaluation

Systemic corticosteroids for antisperm antibodies

Minimal/ mild endometriosis

Medical treatment does not enhance fertility

Surgical ablation (diathermy or laser) improves fertility in infertile women

Ovarian stimulation+insemination


Assisted Reproduction Procedure

Density gradient centrifugation

Superovulation & IUI--efficacy

932 women with ovulation and patent tubes

up to 4 treatment cycles

TreatmentPR/patient (%)

ICI 23/233 (10)

IUI42/234 (18)

COH/ICI44/234 (19)

COH/IUI77/231 (33)

(Guzick et al., 1999)

Factors affecting the outcome

Ovarian stimulation regimens

Clomiphene citrate (CC)

hMG/FSH (gonadotrophins)


GnRH agonist (long protocol) + hMG/FSH

GnRH agonist (short protocol) + hMG/FSH

GnRH agonist (ultrashort) + hMG/FSH

Transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval (TUGOR)

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection

Sources of sperm for ICSI

Preimplantation biopsy

Unfertilized egg

Polar body biopsy

Cleavage stage embryo

Blastomere biopsy

Blastocyst (IVF or flushed)

Trophectoderm biopsy

Psychosocial care




Psychosocial clinic at QMH