PAIUCC Meeting Notes
Harrisburg, PA - September 13-14, 2012
Dr. Edward Vollbrecht, Bureau of Teaching and Learning Support Updates
- Ed announced his retirement – effective this Friday! – New granddaughter – 2weeks old and he wants to spend more time with you.
- Ed introduced us to Dr. Rita D. Perez, she will be working with SAS and many of the other initiatives in the Bureau. Rita comes to us from Allentown School District.
- Bureau is moving from the 8th floor because of the reduction in staff
- A new phone system will be installed the first week of November – so it may be difficult to reach PDE.
- 5th floor will be Bob Staver’s work – ACT 48 and Comprehensive Plan
- Federal Programs will be on 7th
- 12th floor will be Shirley Black – standards, curriculum, content areas and bureau director’s office
- PA Leads (formerly SAS Model Districts)
- Have you read, The Answer’s in the Room, It’s Called Positive Dissonance
- The idea is bring – schools together to solve our own problems
- Math teams met on August 1-3 – to develop the Keystone Support – particularly for Algebra –and created a Resource Center
- Algebra I Resources.
- An Algebra I resource center, which includes resources for teachers and students, was developed within the Standards Aligned System (SAS) was developed as part of the PA LEADS initiative, in preparation for the upcoming Algebra 1 Keystone exams.
- A new Algebra I Voluntary Model Curriculum Map was developed based on the work from the Curriculum Framework Revisit to support the PA Common Core Standards and the Keystone Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content.
- PA Leads were assigned to work with schools who are in need of improvement to provide support – if a school does not want the partnership – they do not have to accept it.
- Pennsylvania Leadership, Empowering, Advancing, and Diversifying our Schools (PA LEADS)– a SAS Model for Peer to Peer School Improvement.
- During the 2011-12 rollout of the SAS Model Initiative, PDE selected 9 school districts to serve as model districts for in-depth implementation of SAS. The districts selected are supported by PDE and their local IUs in an effort to identify, implement, record, and disseminate models of good practice with SAS that clearly lead to improved student performance. For School Year 2012-13, an additional cohort of 14 districts and 5 charter schools was invited to participate in this innovative school improvement initiative. In autumn, partnering LEAs in the PA LEADS network will engage in the analysis of student performance data using PVAAS to identify action steps focused on formulating professional development geared toward increasing student achievement, with an emphasis on Algebra I and preparing for the approaching Keystone Exams.
- Curriculum Framework Revisit. In June of 2012, PA educators in Mathematics, English Language Arts, Social Studies and Science gathered to revisit the existing curriculum frameworks. Transfer goals, new big ideas and essential questions that span from Kindergarten to 12th grade were created. Grade level concepts, competencies and vocabulary were revised. The drafts are currently being reviewed by experts in the field.
- PA Common Core Transition Train the Trainer Sessions. Four sessions were conducted across the Commonwealth for IU mathematics and English language arts coordinators. The IU personnel will provide training to the school districts.
- Comprehensive Planning.Comprehensive Planning (CP) process and web application trainings were held at IUs across the state during July 2012. A total of 908 planning leader participants from 303 different LEAs attended these onsite, videoconference and webinar events. The CP Development team is in the process of finalizing the Charter, AVTS and IU versions of the process guidance and online tool, and cross-state training for planning leaders from these LEA types will take place during September 2012. The online tool is now available for the submission of School Level Plans (SLPs). The CP team is preparing for the September statewide review of SLPs, which were submitted by the August 30, 2012 due date
- PA Accountability Block Grants (ABG). A total of $100 million was appropriated for Accountability Block Grants in FY 2012-13. Funds can be used for any one or a combination of the sixteen research-proven strategies found in the ABG legislation (24 PS § 25-2599.2).In the August 2012 Unipay, 326 districts received 50% payment of their allocations, authorized by the fact that they had started their applications in the eGrants system, and another 162 received 100% payment because their applications were final approved.
- 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC).
- A July 2012 PennLink announced the completion of the grant review process for the 21st CCLC grant and the awarding of 61 new 21st CCLC grants totaling $19.7 million for 2012-2013. Three IUs were among the recipients: ARIN IU#28, BLAST IU#17 and Northeastern IU#19.
- A mandatory training for Cohort 6A grantees will be held at PaTTAN Harrisburg on September 18, 2012 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- The following IUs are currently receiving 21st CCLC funds for Cohort 5 and 6 grants: ARIN IU#28 (2), Central Susquehanna IU#16 (2), Chester County IU#24 (1), IU #1 (1), Lincoln IU#12 (2), and Schuylkill IU#29 (2).
- Migrant Education Program
- The PA Migrant Education Program was featured in the National Summer Learning Association’s (NSLA) Best Practices in Summer Learning Programs for Middle and High School Youth. The report may be accessed at:
Terry Barnaby, Alternative Certification
- ACT 24 – School Code Bill – Certification Changes Effective Immediately
- Superintendent – Alternate Route ACT 24 Requirements
- Graduate degree in business or finance or management
- 4 years of relevant experience in business, finance or management
- Attorneys included for 3 years (clearly there was an attorney who wanted to be a superintendent – this was approved this year – and is only valid for 3 years
- Must have a good moral character review, a good health certificate AND a review of credentials
- PIL Requirement – within the first commission term OR – get your letter of eligibility
- If you do the PIL requirement – you will only be able to continue to get a contract in that district – if you want to work in another – you’ll have to apply to for another commission
- Superintendent- Traditional Route no longer states “certified” experience, requires - “successful” experience
- Approved Policy Guidelines Additions
- Candidates will be eligible for a Commission, not a Letter of Eligibility – so only a commission for that district or entity
- Commission relies on offer of employment from School Board
- ACT 82 or 2012
- PDE issues a letter to a candidate PRIOR to interview indicating that an individual has met the criteria to receive a commission – this is not a commission – but a pre-qualification
- This is not required – just an option
- This is because some folks felt without it – boards might disregard them as potential candidates.
- Principal Certificate, Alternate Route
- Initial Requirements
- Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited College or University
- 3 years of relevant professional experience defined as “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process”
- Offer of employment from a Local Education Agency (LEA)
- This will be called a Provisional Certificate
- Requirements to be completed within 2 years:
- An Approved college or university program or
- Within 2 years of employment must produce satisfactory evidence of completing an approved leadership development program (PIL)
- Demonstrated knowledge of Basic School Laws and regulations (traditional principal PRAXIS)
- Although a 5 year certificate – you can loose it in two years
- Administrative I, Traditional Route
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Verification of 3 years of relevant professional experience defined as “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process”
- Completion of approved program of graduate study in education. (Preparation completed outside of Pa must meet Pa standards)
- Satisfactory achievement on the required Praxis test
- Principal Certificate, Level II Requirements
- Both Provisional I and Administrative I candidates:
- Complete the PIL induction program
- Provide 3 years of satisfactory service
- Both Administrative I and Provisional Administrative I are valid for 5 years of service and cannot be renewed.
- Vocational Director Certificate, Alternate Route
- Requirements to be completed within 2 years:
- An Approved vocational administrative director preparation program or
- Proof of completion of an introductory Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) program approved by PDE
- Demonstrated knowledge of Basic School Laws and regulations
- Vocational Director Certificate, Traditional Route
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Verification of 3 years of relevant professional experience defined as “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process”
- Completion of approved program of graduate study in education. (preparation completed outside of Pa must meet Pa standards)
- In the past – only vocational teachers could become vocational directors – in the past – a math teacher who worked in a vocational school for 15yrs would not be eligible for the position – now they are
- Satisfactory achievement on the required Praxis test
- Access all the information on PDE’s website
- OR… Go to Certifications, Level II, Administration Level II Certification and the PIL Induction Requirement
- Out of State Candidates – (Instructional Candidates)
- Used to be 2 out of the past 7 years must have been in a school
- Now
- Valid Instructional Certificate from another state
- Bachelor’s Degree
- 2 years of successful classroom experience
- Demonstrates subject matter competency
- Postbaccalaureate Certification Programs (any certification program)
- Includes traditional post bacc programs, accelerated programs, intern and residency programs and administrative programs
- Provides for PDE approved providers other than institutions of higher education (school districts and IUS)
- Requires PDE to develop guidelines for the approval of flexible postbacc programs
- The bill requires specific postbacc content
- The following areas are to address shortages… and because they are issued a certificate – they are considered Highly Qualified – for example – you put a long-term sub in a position – they are not highly qualified
- Residency Certificate Requirements
- Areas of shortage
- Masters or Doctorate or Bachelors degree with 3 years of experience in related field
- Continuously enrolled in an approved residency program
- Satisfactory achievement on the appropriate content test
- Offer of employment from LEA
- Valid for 3 years, one time only
- Instructional Intern Certificate Requirements
- Bachelors degree
- Continuously enrolled in an approved intern program
- Satisfactory achievement on the appropriate content test
- Offer of employment from LEA
- Valid for 3 years, one time only
Dr. Rich Maraschiello and John Weiss – Assessment Updates
- All Online Testing – must go through e-Direct
- Go there from SAS
- Choose Winter Keystone Exam from the drop down menu and you’ll see a list of ALL materials – former presentations, etc…
- Please become familiar with this in order to support districts
- There is a tremendous Checklist that is available here
- Same rules for HomeSchoolers for Keystones as for PSSA
- Demographics are updated in PIMS – so a student who took a test 2 yrs ago and was IEP – but no longer is – will be identified as non-IEP now
- Although for graduation – it is required to have 1 year of remediation – that is not required for purposes of AYP.
- 8th grade students currently enrolled in Algebra – will take the test at the end of the course – but they are also required to meet graduation requirements – that includes the requirement for remediation of a year.
- Keystone Exam Scale Score and Raw Score Ranges – handout distributed
- Please notes – scale score ranges remain constant from administration to administration. However, raw scores may change slightly to adjust for differences in overall test difficulty. Raw scores may change slightly to adjust for differences in overall test difficulty. Raw scores are from the spring 2011 administration.
- Although not approved – PDE has received email notice from the US Department of Education indicating there should not be an issue.
- The part not submitted are the AMAO’s
- Will be requesting changes to AMAO’s for Keystones as they are a new test – regardless of the AMAO that get’s approved…
- It will be 100% the following year – as it will be 2014
- Question about Biology Keystone –there is no “target” for AYP purposes – participation or otherwise… however, failing to meet the 95% participation rate will show up on the school profile report.
Jason Conway and Jeff Byrem – Comprehensive Planning Updates
- District Level Trainings-July 2012
- Version Trainings-Fall 2012
- IU, CTC and Charter
- For IU training- the majority of the time is focused on input of the guidance tools and system characteristics
- It is built so that it can be added to…
- Special Education plan is not in this plan – for now will continue to be in the e-grants system (this has to do with funding)
- For CTC’s
- Also time to provide guidance on the system characteristics
- For Charters
- The annual plan has been streamlined as the three year plan addresses some of those requirements
- Next Year’s training…
- The plan is to come to each IU – spend 2 hours on overall CP planning and then breaking into groups (in separate rooms) for CTC, Districts and Charters
- In District Improvement – district must complete:
- Needs Assessment
- Planning Committee
- AND – Action Planning – at least one action plan that expands two years and addresses the reason they did not make AYP
- In the future – they will only recertify their plan annually if they are in improvement
- 2013 CP Process Training
- Home page - this will direct folks to PDE’s page on Comprehensive Planning
- Please be sure to look at all pages – including LEA Planners – Planning Process, Web Application – Resources, etc…
- Schools will have longer than November 30th – likely this will move to the end of December as the regulations indicate schools have 90 days from the official notification date
- Principals will receive email notification – no longer paper and snail mail
- Districts will still have November 30th as their deadline
- Statewide Review of Title I School Level Plans
- Each plan will be reviewed twice – the second reviewer only reviewer for deficiencies
- Those with deficiencies will be given time to revise and then reviewed a third time
PVAAS Update - Jennifer Ross and Joan Perkupka
- PVAAS Reporting Release
- LEA Reporting Site to go live September 24, 2012
- Public Reporting Site – TBD
- All account users will receive an email notification once the data is LIVE
- How will the 2012 PVAAS reporting be helpful to high schools when the 11th grade PSSA no longer exists?
- PVAAS value-added and projection data in September 2012 will reflect grade 11 PSSA as was given this past school year.
- Value-added helps high schools determine the effectiveness of their systems in helping students progress towards the standards.
- Projections help high schools assess students’ needs. Important for decision-making about course placement, interventions, and enrichment opportunities. Still more reliable than just using the most recent 8th grade PSSA score.
- Keystones added to the PVAAS analyses in SY2012-2013. PVAAS value-added and projection reporting for Keystones will be available September 2013! – How far back are the projections going to go?
- Webinars for new features for 2012
- Thursday, September 20th 10-11AM
- Wednesday, September 26th 2-3PM
- Summary of New Features Include:
- PVAAS Virtual Learning Modules
- Interactive Online PD – when you are in a section – need help – click on this ICON for Online PD
- Designed to help the user:
- Navigate, interpret, and use PVAAS reporting
- Understand the concepts & foundations of measuring growth
- Integrate PVAAS reporting for better decision-making
- Virtual Learning Modules will be Available in the following:
- Value-Added Reporting
- Performance Diagnostic Reporting
- Quintile Diagnostic Reporting
- Student Projection Reporting
- Projection Summary Reporting
- Concept of Growth
- High Achievement and Growth
- Enhanced PVAAS Scatterplots
- Description of what the plots are showing
- You can make your ICON for your school standout – by making it different
- Can create scatterplots by state, county, or IU region
- Predefined Packets with LEA Scatterplots
- Available Sept 24th!!
- Eliminates need for PVAAS Statewide Team to generate scatterplot PowerPoint files
- Allows LEAs to access the comparison scatterplots immediately upon release of new reporting
- District Diagnostic Summary Reports
- Performance Diagnostic & Quintile Diagnostic
- Diagnostic Summary Reports for Subgroups
- District Custom Diagnostic Report
- Multiple Administrator Option
- Enhanced Report Navigation
- Building PVAAS Capacity NOW for Tomorrow
- District/School Value-Added Reporting
- Teacher Value-Added Reporting
- District/School Diagnostic Reporting
- Teacher Diagnostic Reporting
- Student Projections
- Projection Summaries by Teacher (future)
- Concepts, Skills and Use
- PVAAS page on PDE’s website is bing updated this fall
- Transitioning to a layout that is more intuitive for users to find resources
- Need to Increase Capacity with Teachers
- Teacher Effectiveness Update
- Teacher Value-Added reports
- For individual teachers by grade/subject/year
- Based on robust statistical methodology
- Teacher Diagnostic reports
- Effectiveness by achievement level and subgroups
- Administrator summary reports
- For authorized users in a particular school or district
- “Drill-down” to individual student-level data
- Student testing histories
- Student projections
- Secure PVAAS Web application
- Double level security for teacher reporting
- PVAAS is ONE Measure
- PVAAS will be a part of:
- Building Level Data
- Teacher Specific Data
- Provided to teachers in tested grades/subjects
- 3 Year Average needed to be part of Teacher Evaluation System
- PVAAS teacher level reporting will NOT be linked to teachers in NON-tested grades/subjects
- Note: PA will be working with SAS EVAAS to look at “unintended” consequences over the next three years - any additional controls needed?
- SES (Poverty)
Comprehensive Literacy Plan – Rosanne Javorsky and Cindy Anderson
- The plan is on SAS – anyone is able to use and access
- Links are updated quarterly
- The comprehensive Literacy Plan template for district use is also available on SAS and districts not receiving KtO funds are welcome to access the plan
Bureau of Career and Technical Education – Katherine Simchock