Downloading and Inserting Graphics Into Word Documents
By Chris Kilkenny
Use of graphics and images from the Internet are a good way to spice up a plain word document. This step-by-step how-to guide will show you how to download an image from the Internet, insert it into a word document, and then resize it for proper fitting.
- Open up your web browser to a web page you want to download a picture from. In this exercise we will use the address
- With your mouse pointer on the picture you want to download, click the right button on the mouse and select save picture as.
3. Pick the destination where you want to save the picture to. Remember this location because you will have to be able to locate the picture in a later step. Give the picture a name; by default it will say untitled, I changed mine to picture. You also have the choice on the format to save it under. Click, save as type, and select .jpg because this is what is commonly used file type for pictures.
- Now close your web browser and open up your word processing program. In this demonstration we will be using Microsoft Word.
5. You can either create a new document or open up an existing document to insert the picture into. This demonstration we will use an existing document that is a flyer for the Kimball Art Museum.
- Now position the mouse cursor and left click where you want the picture to be inserted. We will insert it just above the word Information on the flyer. Then select Insert < Picture < From File from the drop down menu.
- With the location of the picture known in step 3, select the filename of the picture you previously downloaded then click on the insert button to insert the picture.
- The picture should now be visible in the document. To resize the picture left click it once and the resizing squares should show up around the picture. Just left click and drag any of these squares to resize the pictures as needed.
- To move the and put it anywhere in the document, right click the picture and select “format picture from the menu.
- Click the layout tab and then select in front of text.
- Now when left click on the picture you can hold and drag the picture and move it into any location on the document. I will move the picture and place it centered and right above Information on the flyer.
Now you have the tools necessary to be able to download your own pictures from the Internet and insert them into any word document.