Dear Parent/Carer,
Next half term your child will begin a new topic ‘To Infinity and Beyond’. The children will study a space based topic which covers science fiction stories, poetry and non-fiction report writing about space and the solar system.
In science we are exploring the solar system and light. The children will also learn computing skills and experience a full day of R.E.
Dear Student,
You can choose to do these activities in any order…have fun!!
These activities are not marked, but if you would like to bring them to school to show, I would love to see them!
Miss Warren and Mrs. Soanes wish you all a safe and happy Easter break.
ARTDraw a picture which shows the solar system with the correct order of the planets. / Reading
Can you find any non-fiction books about space and bring them into school. / Design technology
Design and make your very own space mobile, rocket or spaceship! / Literacy
Write a short story/poem about an alien or an astronaut’s time in space. Remember to include description and a varied vocabulary.
Use the internet to find out all you can about black holes, galaxies and constellations. / ART
Draw and/or paint an alien creature or a new planet! Give it an unusual name and write a paragraph about it. / Ict
Use this site to play games and quizzes to learn more about space. / Reading
Find a story which is set in space and if possible bring it into school.
Teach a member of your family the names of the capital cities of countries from around the world. / Historical research
Find out about space exploration. Who or what went to space first and why? / Times tables
Learn the times tables for your stage. Do you know them out of order? Do you know the division facts to match? / Ict/maths
Play ‘moon maths’ to practise your multiplication skills.