This is the list of awards and scholarships available to 4-H members who complete the Member Evaluation process. Materials are sent the first week of August and due the Tuesday after Labor Day. Awards are distributed during Achievement Night in mid-October.

4-H Project Awards

Selection based on the following criteria:

enrolled in the project

exhibited a quality project at the fair and judging results of exhibit(s)

have shared knowledge gained in the project with other 4-H members at the

club and county levels

have shown growth and development in their project

4-H Project Awards Plaques

This award is presented to members who have received the same 4-H Project Award for three years.

4-H Team Award

Selection will be based on the quality of team effort among a group of 4-H members/youth leaders for a specific project or program.

Agriculture Award

This award is given to members enrolled in two or more of the following projects: Beef, Dairy, Goats, Horses, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep, Swine, Veterinary Science, or Plant and Soil Sciences. The selection is based on personal development and the accomplishment of their projects and its contribution to a more complete agricultural education.

Home and Family Living Award

This award is given to a member enrolled in two or more of the following projects: Child Development, Clothing, Foods and Nutrition, Home Environment, Knitting, or Crocheting. Selection is based on the evidence of the individual’s excellence in the needed homemaking skills.

“I Dare You”Award

This award is designed as recognition of excellence in character, personal growth, and demonstrated leadership.

Elise Harvey Memorial 4-H Youth Leader Service Trophy

This award recognizes an outstanding young person who has, through demonstrated leadership, added significantly to the 4-H Youth Leadership Program in DouglasCounty.

Elise Harvey Memorial 4-H Equestrian Trophy

This award is designed to honor an older 4-H member who has been active in the 4-H Horse project and who has demonstrated leadership in the 4-H Horse project.

Mabel Luostari Memorial Scholarship

Two scholarships are given to two graduating members who are continuing their education. The selection for these scholarships is based on the member’s past participation in 4-H club, county, and community work.

DouglasCounty 4-H Scholarship

A $100 scholarship is given to a selected graduating member of 4-H who is continuing his/her education. The selection for this scholarship is based on the member’s past participation in 4-H club, county, and community work.

Achievement Award

This award recognizes outstanding achievement through involvement with 4-H and community activities, programs, and projects which benefit the community at large.

Citizen Award

Selection is based on the member’s participation in 4-H work and county activities, community and civic affairs, and good citizenship work. The member displays an understanding and knowledge of the responsibilities of a citizen.

Youth Leadership

This award is given to a member who demonstrates outstanding leadership in his or her club, the youth leaders association, and county level activities.

Key Award

The purpose of the Wisconsin Key Award is to provide special recognition to 4-H members who have shown consistent growth in their 4-H involvement, who have developed and applied their leadership skills, and who have been helpful members in their club and community.

County 4-H Service Award

This award is presented to individuals who tremendously contributed to the Head of the Lakes Junior Fair by volunteering numerous hours and exhibiting dedication toward the county

4-H program.

Outstanding ME Form

This award of a $50 savings bond is presented to an individual for outstanding quality, content, and overall appearance.