West Virginia Commission for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
May 13, 2004
State Capitol Complex, Charleston, West Virginia
Building 6, Room 819-B
Members Present: Members Absent: Visitors:
Doug GodfreyPierre SevignyCharity Reedy Hines
Jimmy Harrison Dr. Charles Abraham Delores Pyles
Gary Vandevander Earl Hollinshead III
John Knisely Staff: Roy Pyles
Emily Hopta Deanna Stone, Executive Director
Jennifer Burgess Kari Preslar, Secretary
Annette Carey
Pat Moss Interpreters:
Barbara King Stephenie L. Jaggie
Pam Roush Dolly Ford
Dr. Michael Sullivan
J.D. Corbin
I. Welcome and Introductions
Doug Godfrey called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. Everyone introduced themselves.
II. Approval of the Minutes
After reviewing the minutes from the February 19, 2004 meeting, Emily Hopta made an amendment to Section X. The minutes should read “DHHR has a booth at the State Fair every year and it is staffed by the different officeseach day.” Barbara King made a motion to accept the minutes with the amendment. Gary Vandevander seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.
III. Executive Director’s Report
Deanna Stone reported that WVCDHH has purchased two Interpreter Mirrors. Dolly Ford demonstrated how to use one of the mirrors. These are available for loan to interpreters at conferences or big meetings. The Commission will loan them to classrooms if teachers would like to try them out before purchasing.
A variety of books and videos for interpreter training has been ordered. These resources will be housed at the West VirginiaRehabilitationCenter’s library in Institute and will be available for loan through the inter-library loan program. A listing of the resources available and instructions on how to borrow them will be on the website after the materials arrive.
III. Board Term Update
Emily Hopta reported that hopefully by July all of the vacant board positions will be filled. John Law has been working to find out what the status is on the nominations. There are four vacancies. John Knisely’s nomination was approved this week. There are two more applications that are waiting for the Governor’s approval. The bill was approved in March and by law the commission must wait 90 days before accepting more nominations. Deanna will make the board aware of when the 90 days are up.
IV. Mission Statement Review
Deanna Stone reported that Pat Moss requested the board to wait to discuss this. Gary Vandevander made a motion to table this issue until the next board meeting. JD Corbin seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.
V. Disability Day
Doug Godfrey reported that besides himself, Pierre Sevigny, Howard Hurd, Kari Preslar, Stephanie Jaggie, Lori Matheny and Deanna Stonestaffed the booth. They attended a rally at 1:00 p.m. There were several speakers. Doug suggested that the Commission consider having a Deaf Awareness Day next year. There were such a variety of different issues that were highlighted that day and very few deaf and hard of hearing people attended. Deanna reported that 156 people visited the booth.
VI. Deafywood
Deanna Stone attended the performance on April 8. She said it was a unique experience and she is glad that she attended. Pierre Sevigny was there with some students from the School for the Deaf. It was not very well attended probably because it was during spring break.
VII. NAD Conference
Deanna Stone and JD Corbin will be attending the conference in Kansas City on July 6-11. On Monday evening that week Deanna will meet with directors of other deaf and hard of hearing commissions for an organizational meeting.
VIII. State Fair
The Commission will staff the booth on Saturday, August 21. The commission has ordered some promotional items to give out. Deanna will be looking for volunteers.
IX. Deputy Director interviews
The interviews for the Deputy Director position will take place on Friday, May 14. Those on the interview committee include: Deanna Stone, Doug Godfrey, Jimmy Harrison, and Emily Hopta. Jennifer Burgess made a motion to give the interview committee authorization to choose the person for the position. Gary Vandevander seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.
X. RID Conference
Deanna Stone will be attending the RID Conference in Puerto Rico on May 20-23. She will attend workshops on the new code of ethics and the new certification process.
Annette Carey reported that there is a need for more interpreters in the state and there is a need for more training.
XI. Presentation of plaques
Doug Godfrey presented plaques to Dr. James Spencer and Delores Pyles for their years of service on the Board.
XII. Other Business
Barbara King reported that TTYs have been installed in rest areas on the interstates throughout the statelargely due to action taken by Liz Leisure. She made a motion that the Commission write a letter to Liz thanking her for her work in getting the TTYs installed. She needs to be commended for advocating for the deaf. Jimmy Harrison seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Public comments:
Earl Hollinshead came from an Olmstead meeting. One of the things he is working on is improving education for deaf children.
Jimmy Harrison reported that the WVAD picnic is on August 7 near Burnsville.
Mike Sullivan made a motion to go into Executive Session. JD Corbin seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.
The regular session resumed at 3:00 and the meeting adjourned at 3:09 p.m.