Dorset County Ladies Indoor Bowling Association


1.Open to ladies and gentlemen who are members of DCIBA & DCLIBAclubs affiliated to the EIBA Ltd

2. All matches to be played under the Laws of the sport of Indoor Bowls,and EIBA rules

i.e. 4 hour limit excluding trial ends and extra ends,unless otherwise stated.

3.Challengers to offer two dates, one of which may be an evening/ weekend date.

If the opponent has previously arranged to play a National or County competition on one of the two dates offered, then the challenger must offer another date.

4.The Challenger shall, within 5 days of the closing date of the previous round, offer her opponent the choice of dates for playing of the tie. In the event of this not happening, the second named becomes the Challenger. When dates are offered, the arrangements must be confirmed within 72 hours and any arrangements must be adhered to. Tie to played on challengers green.

5.Results of all matches to be telephoned to the County Competition Secretary within24 hours of

the game. Winner’s score card correctly signed to be sent to the County Competition Secretary immediately. When using a substitute this should be shown clearly on the score card

5a.Any competitor conceding a game, to telephone theCounty Competition Secretary and then forward a score card, duly annotated that the match has been conceded, to the County Competition Secretary.


Up to and including semi-final – greyskirts/tailored trousersor cut offs- white or club coloured tops -

White/ club colouredwaistcoats or cardigans -grey/ brown/white shoes.

Final – White skirt/tailored trousers or cut offs - white or club coloured tops – White/ club coloured waistcoats/ cardigans - white shoes.

(All players in the team shall wear the same white/club coloured top).

7.Lightrefreshments to be provided by challengers.

8.Green fees to be shared.

9.Once a substitute has been used, only she or he may be used as a substitute in future ties.In a Pairs, Triples, and fours game, players taking part in the first game constitute the team. One and the same substitute may be used at any time provided she/he has not already played in the competition concerned. If the substitute is required prior to the start of the game, she/he may play in any position. If required during the game, she/he may play in any position other than skip.

10.All bowls to have only club stickers on

11.Competitors may only play for one Club.

12.Any dispute will be dealt with by aCommittee consisting of the President, Secretary and Match Secretary and Competition Secretary, whose decision will be final.

AGM June 2015

** All semi-finals to be played on a neutral green to be arranged by the Competition Secretary

***New 2-wood Singles to be played at Dorchester IBC on Saturday 28th January 2017

Registration at 9.30 am for a 10 am start. Final will be during “Finals Weekend”