Please complete as much of this form as possible and return it to the appropriate Member at Large by April 6th. It is very important to remember that by simply filling out this form, you are ensuring that a part of your chapter’s history is preserved for your future Brothers to learn from.
Don’t let all or your hard work be forgotten.
If possible, please type your responses.
Chapter Information
Chapter Name:
Year Chartered:
Year Re Chartered (If applicable):
Chapter Number:
Current Active and Conditional Membership:
Total Membership Since Chartered:
Chapter Mascot:
School Information
School Name:
School Location:
Year Founded:
Approximate School Enrollment:
Band Information
Size of your Band Program:
Bands Nickname:
Year Band Program Founded:
Director of Bands:
Name and Words to Fight Song:
Name and Words to Alma Mater:
What is your chapter’s mailing address?:
Who is your Big Brother Chapter?:
Please list all of your past Chapter Sponsors/ Director of Bands in chronological order:
Please list some of your chapter’s Honorary Members, especially any recent ones:
Has your chapter ever been an advisor to a colony? If so, please list their chapter and school names:
Does your chapter have any unique traditions? If so, what are they and how did they come about?
What joint events has your chapter hosted with Tau Beta Sigma?
What work has your chapter done with other student organizations?
Has your chapter ever commissioned any musical works? If so list them.
Please list your current chapter officers.
Please explain an activity that your chapter sponsored this school year that was successful:
Please explain an activity that your chapter sponsored this school year that was not so successful:
Please list some of the events your chapter has been a part of recently (District Workshops, District Day, District Convention, any activities with other chapters, ect):
Fell free to respond to these questions on a separate sheet of paper if you are unable to type directly into this document. You may also include any other information about your chapter not listed here so that it too can be preserved by the Southwest District.
______Please indicate here (YES/NO) if you give permission for this form to be included in an online Southwest District History Archive.
Please postmark this application by March 22nd, 2010 to:
Mark Daniels
Southwest District President
124 Caspari St Apt A
Natchitoches, LA 71457