Don McGillivray Memorial Prize in Explanatory Journalism 2017-2018
The Don McGillivray Prize in Explanatory Journalism is intended to encourage the art of explanatory journalism, that is, a story, column or editorial that explains to the reader a complicated matter in easy-to-understand terms. Don McGillivray (1927-2003) was a reporter, editor and columnist for over 40 years, as well as a professor of journalism at Concordia and Carleton universities. His enduring contribution to coverage of public affairs was as a political and economic columnist in Ottawa. As noted in his obituary in The Gazette: “…he brought the common sense of his Prairie dust bowl roots to the business and editorial pages. The economics of running this country weren't a mystery to him and he considered his job was to make sure his readers understood them, too...”
Eligibility: Open to all journalism program students, full-time and part-time
To Apply: Submit by email to Sandra Cochrane, Undergraduate Program Assistant for the Department of Journalism at .
Each applicant must submit one copy of:
One example of explanatory journalism -- a story, column or editorial that explains to readers some complicated and newsworthy matter in easy-to-understand terms. Writing examples can be in any field, including, but not limited to: government law or policy, scientific achievement, economic or financial matters, health or medical treatment or discovery or any topic of general or public interest.
Eligible pieces of writing include class assignments and student or community publications.
Submissions that were produced during a paid employment period or summer internship are eligible but must be clearly identified as such and will be treated as examples of professional work by the selection committee.
When submitting the documents above you must save them in one pdf document.
Please note:
1) Applications submitted in paper form or by fax will not be accepted.
2) Late applications will not be accepted.
3) Incomplete applications will be not accepted.
Deadline: noon, Friday, September 15, 2017