Domestic Violence Service Directory - Mallee


Mallee Sexual Assault Unit and Mallee Domestic Violence Service provides services for women, men, and children throughout the Mallee. In the Mildura Rural City Council LGA centre-based family violence services are provided in Mildura (24-hour response). Outreach services are also provided flexibly and on demand in the surrounding areas including Ouyen, Mallee Track, and Werrimull.
Assistance provided includes assessment, advocacy, safety planning, support, information, counselling, access to crisis accommodation, court support, case management, family and children work, housing support, referrals, access to flexible support packages and referrals to other services.
Risk Assessment Management Panel (RAMP)
Mallee Sexual Assault Unit and Mallee Domestic Violence Service is also responsible for the Risk Assessment and Management Coordinator. The Coordinator facilitates the Risk Assessment Management Panel (RAMP) which is a formally convened meeting, held at a local level, of nine key agencies and organisations that contribute to the safety of women and children experiencing serious and imminent threat from family violence. Women who are referred to a RAMP are identified as being at serious and imminent threat from family violence and require a comprehensive risk assessment and co-ordinated action plan to lessen or prevent the threat to her (and her children’s) life, health, safety, or welfare. RAMPs are not a substitute for the existing system but work to enhance the response to this high-risk group. RAMP convenes in Mildura monthly.
Multi - Disciplinary Centre (MDC)
In Mildura, a 24-hour Sexual Assault centre allows victims of a sexual assault to receive a consistent and comprehensive response to their needs by police, sexual assault workers / counsellors, health nurse and if appropriate child protection practitioners. The Sexual Assault Centre includes a specially trained police unit, the Sexual offences and Child Abuse Investigation Team (SOCAT), the Mallee Sexual Assault Unit (MSAU) a Child Protection Team (DHHS) and a Community Health Nurse.
SOCAT is staffed by detectives whose specific role is to investigate sex offences and child abuse and provide support to victims.
The Child Protection Team is staffed by specialist practitioners whose specific role is to investigate allegations of physical and / or sexual abuse against children. These investigations may be conducted jointly with SOCAT.
The MDC Community Health Nurse (Sunraysia Community Health Service) will provide a comprehensive client centred health service to adults, young people, children, and their family members (non – offending) who have experienced a recent or past sexual assault.
MDC promotes agency collaboration and integration of the services by information sharing, joint training and planning, shared space, staff group meetings, joint community education and training with a view to improving client experiences and outcomes.
Family Violence Flexible Support Packages
Family Violence Flexible Support Packages are available to people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence. Family violence flexible support packages are designed to provide a new individualised approach to respond to victim/survivors experiencing family violence. Individualised packages of up to $7000 will be available, with an average cost of $3000. Packages can only be distributed to victim/survivors who have a case management/support plan this can be with the specialist family violence service or with another support agency.
P: 50212130 W:
144 – 148 Lime Avenue, Mildura
Meminar Ngangg Gimba
Meminar Ngangg Gimba is a culturally respectful and sensitive service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children dealing with and addressing family violence. The service provides crisis support, safety planning, court support, case management, family and children work, housing support, cultural planning, advocacy, referrals and 24/7 supported accommodation with onsite facility.
P: 50 22 5000 W:
Men’s Case Management Program
Provides support and assistance to men excluded from the family home because of family violence, men subject to police and court intervention due to their continuing violent behaviour, repeat or first-time offenders of family violence.
The service provides preventative and intervention case managements services to Indigenous men, financial assistance that aids completion of an individual’s case plan, help finding suitable accommodation, assistance to access counselling, court support, advocacy, and linkages to support services, information about family violence and its effects and a support group for men in the program.
P: 50 18 4100 W:
120 Madden Avenue, Mildura
Indigenous Men’s Behaviour Change and Healing Program
This program is designed to assist Indigenous men to identify their emotions and personal strengths and in doing so discover their own leadership potential and develop a vision for their lives. The aim is to equip Indigenous men to become leaders, role models and mentors within their communities. The aim of the work is to build protective factors, empower Indigenous men, recognise leadership potential, and promote help seeking behaviour, builder stronger and safer communities.
P: 1800 435 799 or 0499 044 753 W:
Victoria Police provides policing services to the Victorian community, services include:
§  Responding to calls for assistance in matters of personal and public safety, emergencies, and serious incidents.
§  Preventing crime through a range of proactive community safety programs.
§  Detecting and investigating offences, and bringing to justice those responsible for committing them.
§  Supporting the judicial process to achieve efficient and effective court case management, providing safe custody for alleged offenders, supporting victims, and ensuring fair and equitable treatment of victims and offenders.
§  Promoting safe road-user behaviour.
In addition, Victoria Police have established Family Violence Units in Mildura and Swan Hill, police officers within these units will provide follow up support, assistance and referral to family violence perpetrators and victims.
P: In an emergency call 000 for the Family Violence Unit call (03) 50185325.
Men’s Behaviour Change Program works towards the reduction and prevention of male family violence and fosters a non-violent relationship through working with individuals, families and groups whilst promoting women’s and children safety.
Men’s Behaviour Change provides:
-  Assessment,
-  Delivery of a 40-hour group based program designed to run weekly over 20 weeks. Currently two groups are running in Mildura one after hours and the other during business hours.
-  Partner contact to maximise and to support their journeys of healing and empowerment throughout the course of the program.
P: (03) 5022 5444 W:
137 Thirteenth Street, Mildura
Women’s Health Loddon Mallee (WHLM) is a non-government organisation that works along-side community health and other services to improve the health and wellbeing of women in the Loddon Mallee area. WHLM assists women to make choices which will maintain or improve their social, emotional, and physical health and wellbeing. WHLM works with others to build an equal society in order to prevent family violence.
P: 1800 350 233 or 54 43 0233
47 Myers Street, Bendigo
Murray Mallee Community Legal Service - Family Violence Legal Unit
A Specialist Domestic Violence Unit Solicitor is collocated with Mallee Domestic Violence Service and works to support victims of family violence by providing information, advice, legal education and casework court representation for family violence, family law and relevant legal matters. A full-time position is in Mildura.
This service is funded by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department, funding is until mid-2018 and is from the Women’s Safety Package.
Murray Mallee Community Legal Service - Intervention Order Support Scheme
The Murray Mallee Community Legal Service provides help at court to victims of family violence through our Intervention Order Support Service (IOSS). A lawyer from MMCLS is available at the Mildura Magistrates Court every Monday to provide advice and representation to people who have experienced family violence and need help navigating the court system. A MMCLS lawyer is also available at the Robinvale and Swan Hill Magistrates’ Courts fortnightly and the Kerang Magistrates’ Court. Help is provided on a duty lawyer basis, with ongoing casework available depending on the availability of legal aid funding, people’s need for assistance and the capacity of the MMCLS at any given time.
P: 1800 243 002 W:
Financial Counselling
The Financial Counselling Program is a free and confidential service. The Financial Counselling Program does not offer monetary assistance. A Financial Counsellor can:
• Give information about laws relating to bills and debts
• Help to work out payments with creditors
• Tell you about government assistance, which may be available
• Explain what you can do if you can’t pay bills, fines, or debts
• Help with consumer debt issues
• Help to organise your budget
• Give information about bankruptcy
• A financial counsellor can advocate on your behalf with creditors to negotiate payments of outstanding bills that you might not be able to pay;
A financial counsellor can assess income and expenditure to develop an appropriate budget. A financial counsellor can only provide advice about options available to the individual. A financial counsellor is co-located with the Mallee Domestic Violence Service.
P: 50 23 5966 W:
122 Ninth Street, Mildura
The Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria is an Aboriginal community controlled organisation established to provide assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims of family violence and sexual assault and to work with families and communities affected by violence. The service provides free legal advice, referrals, ongoing casework, and court representation in matters relating to intervention orders, family law, child protection, victim’s compensation and other legal problems arising from family violence. FVPLS also engages in community legal education, community development, policy, and law reform.
Phone: 03 50 21 3200 Free call 1800 105 303
151 Langtree Avenue, Mildura
Specialist Family Violence Service which provides counselling support, group work and resources for individuals and families affected by family violence. This service is funded by the Federal government.
P: (03) 50510050 w:
136 Lime Avenue, Mildura
SMECC Families Strengthening Project
SMECC provides specialised support to prevent and respond to family violence and other related gender issues within Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities. This project is integrated with SMECC’s broader settlement services and community programs supporting refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants. This project is funded to October 2018. This service is aimed at supporting men or women (including both survivors and perpetrators of family violence) from CALD communities who:
1)  Face barriers in initially accessing mainstream services due to language, cultural, privacy or confidence considerations
For these community members SMECC services may include:
- Client and community engagement activities to identify at-risk and affected individuals;
- Initial intake, assessment, socio-emotional support, linking with broader SMECC community programs, case coordination support with external agencies;
- Referrals to specialist mainstream agencies;
- Post-referral ‘bridging support’ assistance for clients as required to help support them to maintain their engagement with specialist mainstream services.
2)  Are existing clients of external mainstream services
For these community members SMECC services may include:
- Technical support to external services staff around cultural, religious, community considerations to improve service delivery and/or maintain engagement with clients;
- Assist external services staff to appropriately re-engage CALD clients who have disengaged from their service;
- ‘Bridging support’ assistance for CALD clients of other services to help other services maintain engagement with their clients – and to support attendance if further referrals;
- Welcoming referrals from other services to SMECC for additional socio-emotional support, and into SMECC’s range of community programs to support a client’s broader health & well-being.
3)  Are refugee & migrant families who have recently arrived in Australia
For these community members SMECC services may include:
- Client engagement activities to identify at-risk and affected individuals requiring further support;
- Supporting individuals to develop their understanding of Australian laws and expectations in areas such as family violence and women & children’s rights;
- Socio-emotional support for families experiencing stressors associated with family reunification.
Address: 107-111 Twelfth St, Mildura
P: 5022 1006,
Email: OR -
Indigenous Family Violence Regional Action Groups are operating across Victoria to implement community led responses that educate, prevent, respond to and reduce family violence in Aboriginal communities.
Eleven Indigenous Family Violence Regional Coordinators are employed through thedepartment to support the Indigenous Family Violence Regional Action Groups.
The Indigenous Family Violence Regional Action Groups are an inclusive mechanism for the Victorian Aboriginal community to develop local responses to family violence matters, ensuring they are responsive and culturally relevant to Aboriginal individuals, families, and communities in Victoria.
In the Mallee, the IFRAG supports a number of initiatives through the Community Initiative Fund. The fund supports the implementation of locally led community based projects and aims to assist Victorian Aboriginal communities to prevent reduce and respond to Aboriginal family violence. The Community Initiatives Fund grants seek to provide one-off funding to projects that facilitate community led responses to family violence. A total of $59,000 per Indigenous Family Violence Regional Action Group region is available annually for projects of varying amounts.
If you are a victim of a violent crime, help is available through the Victims Assistance Program (VAP). VAP will assign a Case Manager to help you manage the effects of the crime by providing you with services tailored to your needs.
This service is available for direct victims of violent crime, to those who witness, or provide assistance at the scene of a violent crime and family members of affected victims.
Depending on each individual’s needs, the following services are available:
§  Referrals to additional support services, such as solicitors, counselling, and therapeutic services
§  Assistance with information about the criminal justice system
§  Advocacy on the Victims behalf
§  Supporting the Victim in making statements to police and courts
§  Providing support at court and VOCAT hearings
§  Assisting with preparation of Victim Impact Statements and submissions to the Adult Parole Board
The Victims Assistance Program is the primary referral point for police referrals for men who are victims of family violence. The service provides support across the Mallee.
P: 1800 819 817