Components: 40.20.102, 40.20.151, 40.20.161, 40.20.451


Pursuant to California Penal Code §§13823.15-13823.16, the statewide Domestic Violence Assistance (DV) Program provides local assistance to existing domestic violence (DV) service providers throughout the State. The DV Program funds agencies to provide services to survivors of domestic violence and their children. The Program is also designed to provide support for the development of DV services for unserved and underserved populations, including, but not limited to, rural areas, non-English speaking individuals, persons of color, and various geographical areas without services.

Projects funded are mandatedto provide the 14 services outlined below:

  • Twenty-four-hour crisis hotlines;
  • Counseling;
  • Business centers;
  • Emergency “safe” homes or shelters for victims and families;
  • Emergency food and/or clothing;
  • Emergency response to calls from law enforcement;
  • Hospital emergency room protocol and assistance;
  • Emergency transportation to shelters/other safe locations;
  • Supportive peer counseling;
  • Counseling for the children of victims;
  • Court and social service advocacy for victims;
  • Legal assistance with temporary restraining orders and other protective and/or custody orders, devices, and custody disputes;
  • Community resource and referral for victims; and
  • Household establishment assistance.


Fiscal Year / Types of Funding / Total Funding
FY 2015-16 / Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) FFY13 / $7,814
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) FFY14 / $54,767
VOCA FFY14 / $1,763,381
State General Fund (SGF) FY15 / $20,601,957
VAWA FFY15 / $663,561
VOCA FFY15 / $18,793,106
Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) FFY15 / $6,850,788
FY 2016-17 / VOCA FFY15 / $8,785,595
SGFFY16 / $20,401,980
FVPSA FFY16 / $6,850,788
VAWA FFY16 / $663,561
VOCA FFY16 / $11,778,682
FY 2017-18 / Unknown


174,575 / Twenty-four-hour crisis line calls received.
43,386 / Number of new DV victims that received individual counseling services.
24,233 / Number of new DV victims that received group counseling services.
54,435 / Number of new DV victims served at the Business Center.
19,750 / Number of DV victims and children provided emergency shelter.
638,320 / Total number of bed nights (# beds x # nights occupied) for DV victims and their children in emergency shelter.
26,549 / Number of DV victims and their children provided emergency food/clothing.
19,028 / Number of new DV victim referrals from law enforcement.
17,181 / Number of responses to emergency calls from law enforcement.
3,796 / Number of times a DV Advocate responded to emergency room calls.
12,150 / Number of DV victims provided emergency transportation.
7,610 / Number of children of DV victims that received counseling services.
21,152 / Number of new DV victims who received criminal justice and social service advocacy.
26,334 / Number of new DV victims who received legal assistance with temporary restraining orders, protective and/or custody orders.
14,589 / Number of DV victims referred for legal assistance.
11,862 / Number of times an advocate accompanied a victim to court.
7,374 / Number of community collaborative meetings attended by funded DV agencies.
8,188 / Number of DV victims provided with household establishment assistance.


Not Available


Not Applicable

The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
Program 40 - Criminal Justice Programs / DV Program