


XYZz Software.

Contracted by Acme Tae Kwon Do

ICS 52

Summer 2003

Instructor: Michele Rousseau

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Table of Contents


2Architecture Style

3Module Design

3.1User Interface Manager Module

3.2Report Generator

3.3Student Management


4Abstract Data Types

5Comprises Diagram

6Uses Diagram


This document presents an overview of the main architectural style for the Dojoman system. It is based on the official requirements document for the same system, as developed by XYZz Corporation.

Dojoman is a student management system for Acme Tae Kwon Do (ATKD) studio. It enables the users (staff members primarily) to keep track of student’s records, generate reports as well as maintain and update the information. XYZz Software has been hired to develop the complete system.

In this document we describe the system design in terms of modules, sub-modules, their relationships, and behavior. Other aspects of the system such as the database are also described in detail. The system will be implemented in modules. It will be broken down so each module is easy to implement and integrate.

2Architecture Style

The Dojoman system is designed using a combination of Repository and layered approach. The layered approach tends to allow for a good separation of concerns and the repository model is well suited because there would be separate parts of the system interacting with the database. This along with the layered approach allows for good separation of functionality at different layers hence enhancing the performance of the system. This would also facilitate the independent evolution of modules at different layers without much dependence on modules above it. Any layer above is totally dependent on the layer below for data and communication, thus also making it secure. The layered approach will also assist any future enhancements to the user interface as that would not affect any functionality below it and any enhancements at lower levels would require adding additional sub-modules which would have independent functionality from the ones already existing hence minimizing the work load.

The following diagram depicts the high level architecture of the Dojoman System.

User Interface Manager:

The User Interface Manager module is concerned with separating the functionality for the different types of users. The most important function of this module is managing the user UI and providing information to the user. For the purpose of this design we do not consider the functionality of different types of users, i.e. we ignore separate functionality.

Student Management:

Student management module is the main module of the system where all the processing of the student information is done based on the input received from the upper level modules. It is the primary means of manipulating the database. The report generator module does not have “write” privileges of the database but this module has privileges to insert, delete, and update records of students.

Report Generator:

Report Generator accesses desired information from the database to appropriately compose the desired report. The reports are generated based on the request from the user that is directed from the user manager that also displays the information.


Database is the central repository where all the information pertaining to a student is stored, primarily a Microsoft Access database.

3Module Design

This section provides detailed module level design. Here we specify the details of each module by breaking it up into sub-modules. All the modules from the high-level architecture are broken down into sub-modules. In this section we describe all the modules, sub-modules and their interactions.

3.1User Interface Manager Module


The purpose of the UI Manager module is to provide the functionality that is needed by a regular staff member for managing student information. This module provides the UI for adding, deleting, searching, and presenting reports to staff members.

The sub modules of this module are:

1) Module Student Information is responsible for adding, deleting, updating student information.

2) Module Medical Information is responsible for adding, updating student’s medical information.

3) Module General Information is responsible for adding, updating student’s general information.

4) Module Report is responsible for generating various reports.

5) Module Search is responsible for searching and displaying the search results.

Provided Interface

This module is a top-level module, so it does not provide any interface.

Required Interface

The required interface for this module is provided in part by Student Management Module as well as Report Generator module. The required interface of this module is a combination of the required interfaces of the sub-modules



This sub-module is authenticating the user and logging him/her into the system.

Provided Interfaces

Boolean authenticateUser (String login, String password);

Description: This method authenticates the user to use the system

Return Type: Returns if the user is valid

Parameter: login – the login name supplied

password – the password supplied

Required Interfaces

None at this stage as it uses a file and not a database for authentication.

3.1.2Student Information


This sub-module is responsible for providing the staff member with the UI for adding, updating, and deleting student information.

Provided Interfaces


Required Interfaces

boolean addStudent(StudentInfo student)

Description: This method adds a student to the database

Return Type: Returns if the student has been added successfully

Parameter: StudentInfo, is an ADT that gets the student information from the UI to be stored in the database, it is defined as,


String lastName,

String firstName,

String parentsName,

Boolean holdHarmAgree,

String class,

Boolean active,

String notes,

Int beltSize,

Int Gup, //stands for belt color

Date birthdate,

String homePhone,

String workPhone

String address,


String zip


int updateStudent (String studentID, StudentInfo student)

Description: This method updates the student information in the database

Return Type: Returns if the student has been updated successfully

Parameter: studentID is the unique ID to identify the student.StudentInfo, is an ADT that gets the student information as defined above.

Boolean deleteStudent (String studentID)

Description: This method deletes the student’s information from the database

Return Type: Returns if the student has been deleted successfully

Parameter: studentID is the unique ID to identify the student.

Boolean deleteGeneralInfo (String studentID)

Description: This method deletes the student’s general information from the database

Return Type: Returns if the student has been deleted successfully

Parameter: studentID is the unique ID to identify the student.

Boolean deleteMedicalInfo (String studentID)

Description: This method deletes the student’s medical information from the database

Return Type: Returns if the student has been deleted successfully

Parameter: studentID is the unique ID to identify the student.

3.1.3General Information


This sub-module is responsible for providing the staff member with the UI for adding, updating, and deleting student’s general information.

Provided Interfaces

Boolean deleteGeneralInfo (String studentID)

Description: This method deletes the student’s general information from the database

Return Type: Returns if the student has been deleted successfully

Parameter: studentID is the unique ID to identify the student.

Required Interfaces

boolean addGeneralInfo(String studentID, GeneralInfo genInfo)

Description: This method add student’s general information to the database. The student has to be present before adding this information

Return Type: Returns if the information has been added successfully

Parameter: GeneralInfo, is an ADT that gets the student’s general information from the UI to be stored in the database, it is defined as,


String Email,

String PrevMartArts

String PMAStyle,

String PMAWhen,

String PMAWhere,

String PMABelt,

String IntSelfC,

String IntSelfD,

String IntDisc,

String IntFit,

String IntConc,

String IntComp,

Date DateSigned,

String IntOther,

String Reference,

Date StartDate,

Int Dues


int updateEmail (String studentID, String newEmail)

Description: This method updates the student’s email address in the database

Return Type: Returns if the field has been updated successfully

Parameter: studentID is the unique ID to identify the student.NewEmail is the new email id of the student.

Boolean deleteGeneralInfo (String studentID)

Description: This method deletes the student’s general information from the database

Return Type: Returns if the student has been deleted successfully

Parameter: studentID is the unique ID to identify the student.

3.1.4Medical Information


This sub-module is responsible for providing the staff member with the UI for adding, updating, and deleting student’s medical information.

Provided Interfaces

Boolean deleteMedicalInfo (String studentID)

Description: This method deletes the student’s medical information from the database

Return Type: Returns if the student has been deleted successfully

Parameter: studentID is the unique ID to identify the student.

Required Interfaces

boolean addMedicalInfo(String studentID, MedicalInfo medInfo, EmergencyInfo emInfo)

Description: This method adds student’s medical/emergency information to the database. The student has to be present before adding this information

Return Type: Returns if the information has been added successfully

Parameter: MedicalInfo, is an ADT that gets the student’s medical information from the UI to be stored in the database, EmergencyInfo is an ADT that gets the student’s emergency contact information from the UI to be stored in the database, they are defined as,


String AllergiesSpecialCond,

String FactorsEffectCareQ,

String FactorsEffectCare,

String MedProbsQ,

String MedProbs



String EmPhone,

String AltEmPhone,

String EmContact


int updateEmergencyContact (String studentID, EmergencyInfo emInfo)

Description: This method updates the student’s emergency contact information in the database

Return Type: Returns if the student has been updated successfully

Parameter: studentID is the unique ID to identify the student.EmergencylInfo, is an ADT that has the student’s emergency information as defined above.

Boolean deleteMedicalInfo (String studentID)

Description: This method deletes the student’s medical information from the database

Return Type: Returns if the student has been deleted successfully

Parameter: studentID is the unique ID to identify the student.



This sub-module is responsible for displaying the reports to the students. It provides the UI for displaying the reports

Provided Interfaces


Required Interfaces

EmergencyRep[] getEmergencyInfo ();

Description: This method generates the report for emergency contact information of provided students

Return Type: Returns emergency contact information, the ADT is defined below

Parameter: None.


Int studentID,

String lastName,

String firstName,

String EmPhone,

String AltEmPhone,

String EmContact


StudentInfo[] getStudentInfo ();

Description: This method generates the report for student information of provided students

Return Type: Returns student information

Parameter: None.

BeltInfo[] getBeltInfo ();

Description: This method generates the report for students in various category of belts information of provided students. Information to be color coded and grouped by belt color

Return Type: Returns Belt information in an ADT BeltInfo, described below

Parameter: None


Int StudentID,

String lastName,

String firstName,

String BeltColor,




This sub-module is responsible for displaying the search results to the staff members. It provides the UI for displaying the results and performing the search. We implement only two types of searches, search student by student ID and search student by last name.

Provided Interfaces


Required Interfaces

StudentInfo getStudentInfo (int studentID);

Description: This method generates the report for student information of provided students

Return Type: Returns student information

Parameter: searches by student ID.

StudentInfo[] getStudentInfo (String lastName);

Description: This method generates the report for student information of provided students

Return Type: Returns student information

Parameter: searches by student last name.

StudentInfo[] getStudentInfo (String beltColor);

Description: This method searches for students in a category of belt

Return Type: Returns student information in an ADT BeltInfo

Parameter: beltColor based on which search is to be performed

3.2Report Generator


The purpose of the Report Generator module is to provide the functionality needed to communicate with the database to generate the various reports that are requested by the User Interface Manager Module. It only has read access to the database and retrieves all the information that is asked for by the user manager module. The module is sub-divided into two sub-modules, one is responsible for communicating with the Database while the other is responsible for communicating with the user interface manager.

Provided Interface

The report generator module provides most of the interfaces that are required by the user interface manager module for displaying reports. The functions are

EmergencyRep[] getEmergencyInfo ();

BeltInfo[] getBeltInfo ();

StudentInfo[] getStudentInfo ();

Required Interface

The required interfaces are the same as the provided interface as the same functionality is expected from the database.

3.2.1Report Generator UI


This sub-module provides the functionality that is required by the User interface manager module for displaying the reports.

Provided Interface

Same as provided interface of the module.

Required Interface

Same as the provided interface of the sub-module.

3.2.2Database Comm


This sub-module provides database communication. This allows for good separation of concerns and performance gains.

Provided Interface

Same as that of Report Generator UI sub-module.

Required Interface

None, since this is the lowest level sub-module above the database.

3.3Student Management


The purpose of the Student Management module is to provide the functionality needed to communicate with the database to add, update, and delete student information from the database. This module has write access to the database. This module takes in information from the user interface manager and modifies the database.

Provided Interface

The report generator module provides most of the interfaces that are required by the user interface manager module for displaying reports. The functions are

EmergencyRep[] getEmergencyInfo ();

BeltInfo[] getBeltInfo ();

StudentInfo[] getStudentInfo ();

Boolean addStudent (StudentInfo student);

boolean addGeneralInfo(String studentID, GeneralInfo genInfo)

Boolean addMedicalInfo (String studentID, MedicalInfo medInfo, EmergencyInfo emInfo);

int updateEmail (String studentID, String newEmail);

int updateStudent (String studentID, StudentInfo student);

int updateEmergencyContact (String studentID, EmergencyInfo emInfo)

Boolean deleteStudent (String studentID);

Boolean deleteGeneralInfo (String studentID);

Boolean deleteMedicalInfo (String studentID);

StudentInfo getStudentInfo (int studentID);

StudentInfo getStudentInfo (String lastName);

StudentInfo getStudentInfo (String beltColor);

Required Interface

The required interface is the same as the provided interface, because all calls are made to the database layer which provides all the functionality.

3.3.1Student Management UI


This sub-module provides all the functions that are needed by the user interface manager for managing students. This is used separately from database communications to provide for good separation of concerns and performance gains.

Provided Interface

Same as that of main module.

Required Interface

Same as that of the sub-module.

3.3.2Database Comm


This sub-module provides database communication. This allows for good separation of concerns and performance gains.

Provided Interface

Same as that of Student management UI sub-module.

Required Interface




The database is used for persistent storage of data. This is where the student information is stored currently. It has one table that stores all the information. This is the design for simplicity purposes and will be changed in the future.

Data Structure

Here we explain the various fields of the database, some of the fields are self-explanatory and might not require any mention.

"ID" – lists the student ID

"LastName" – the students last name

"FirstName" – the students first name

"ParentsName" – the students parent name in case of minor

"HoldHarmAgree" – a yes/no field if the student holds the studio harmless in case of injury

"Class" - Whether the student is enrolled in the early or late class

"Active" – whether the student is currently active/attending classes etc.

"Notes" – free form field for entering comments

"BeltSize" – beltsize of student, here for future use

"Gup" – the gup corresponds to the color of the belt (more information below)

"Birthdate" – birthdate of the student






"EmPhone" – Emergency phone for the student

"AltEmCont1" – Emergency Contact (other then parents)

"AllergiesSpecialCond" – medical conditions, allergies that need to be taken care of in emergencies

"FactorsEffectCareQ" – did they check yes to “Are there factors that may effect the care of you/your child? “

"FactorsEffectCare" – what were the Factors that effect their care – if any.

"MedProbsQ" – did they check yes to ”Do you/your child have any injuries, handicaps, or medical problems?

"MedProbs" – what medical problems do they have

"Email" – email address of the student