Droitwich Lifesaving Club
April 2011, Updated 2016

Droitwich Lifesaving ClubConstitution

The Club shall be called “DroitwichLifesaving Club” hereafter referred to as DLSC.


The objects of the Club are to advance the education of the public through the provision of education and training in life saving, life support, water safety, resuscitation and first aid, through the participation in the Award schemes and competitions of the Royal Life Saving Society United Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as RLSS UK) and such other activities as are appropriate and thereby contributing to the preservation of life.


The aims of the DLSC shall be:



2.1To deliver a quality, customer focused culture that permeates every aspect of the club.

2.2To provide facilities for and promote participation of the whole community in Lifesaving

2.3To create greater opportunities for the general public to become involved in all aspects of the Club’s work

2.4To promote the wider benefits of Lifesaving as a healthy, fun and worthwhile recreational activity and competitive world class sport.

2.5To promote, publicise and communicate information about the RLSS UK to present a positive image of the Club and RLSS UK

2.6To promote and maintain the highest standards of technical competence and safety in sport.

2.7To provide equal opportunities for successful participation by all sections of the community

2.8That DLSC shall be affiliated to:

  • The Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) and will promote their awards scheme to all ages.
  1. DSLC must maintain their membership with RLSS UK.



3.1Membership of DLSC is open to any member of the public who is above the age of 10 years at the time of enrolment, who comply with this constitution and DLSC rules and have paid the annual subscription. Members may be accepted younger than 10 years of age at the discretion of the Management Committee.

3.2All those under the age of 18, must have their Membership form signed by their parent or guardian.

3.3All members are subject to the Constitution of the Club and the regulations of the National Governing Body.

3.4Membership shall not exclude anyone due to gender, race, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, and impedimentand/or learning ability; however a reasonable swimming ability is advised.

3.5Membership subscription will be set per person per year, which is renewable September each year (Appendix A). All teachers and membership committee must pay membership subscription. The management committee reserve the right to alter the subscription to cover expenditure of the club annually before the subscriptions are renewed.

3.6Members are also expected to pay for the use of the facilities, as defined by the premises.

3.7Members must complete membership forms and renew their subscription each September (Appendix B). New members must also complete a membership form and pay for subscription during September. Before September their details shall be recorded and they will be contacted through the returning month regarding the appropriate course start date.

3.8All members shall have access upon request to the relevant Code of Conduct, Policy Statements, Rules and Child Protection policy and Constitution. Publications from RLSS are available via their website

3.9Courses will be advertised and promoted through the club notice board at Droitwich Leisure Centre and through local press releases as necessary by the Marketing Promotions Officer.

3.10The membership entitles individuals to train and practise their skills within DLSC; they are also able to pass awards according to the RLSS award scheme (extra costs for certain exams.). All members are also invited to attend the Annual General Meeting.

3.11Acceptance of membership is at the discretion of the Management committee. The Committee shall not be required to give a reason for refusal of any membership application.

3.12It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that their membership of the Club does not lapse. If there is a lapse of 30 days or more post the start date in September, the individual will not be able to attend the Club, until the fee is paid.

3.13The total membership of the DLSC shall not normally be limited. If however the Management Committee considers that there is a good reason to impose any limit from time to time then the management Committee shall put forward appropriate proposals for consideration at the General Meeting of the Club.

3.14Life Time honorary members can be elected by the Management Committee at any point.

3.15Trainer Assessors and members of the Management committee may be issued with keys to access training equipment. The keys shall be returned to the club if the member becomes inactive in their role. See appendix C.

4.Discipline and Appeals


4.1Termination of membership is at the discretion of the membership committee. This maybe necessary due to not adhering to DLSC rules (Appendix D). This includes the individuals’ behaviour and/ or safety of other members. Termination must be discussed with the individual involved and a result of a unanimous decision of the management committee. The membership subscription maybe refunded at the discretion of the management committee.

4.2Any complaints must be written to DLSC secretary and shall be addressed by the Management Committee at the next meeting.

5.Management Committee.


5.1The Management Committee shall be elected by the members at Annual General Meetings by a show of hands vote.

5.2If a Management Committee member relinquishes their Office, a letter must be sent to DLSC secretary.The position must be advertised to all members with a date that applications must be received by, which is at least three weeks before an Annual General Meeting. Applications must go to the Secretary. The Management Committee may temporarily accept an individual for the post until the AGM, at which the members must then vote for the individual to fill the vacancy.

5.3Should applications exceed vacancies, the vote shall be held by Ballot, which shall be drawn up by the Secretary.

5.4Any persons who assist in any way with the Club's activities shall be deemed as associated members of the club and therefore covered by insurance. Assisting with the Club's activities shall include, but not be restricted to, administrators, associate members, voluntary instructors, teachers and coaches, committee members, helpers, Honorary members, life members, officers, patrons, Presidents technical and non- technical officials, temporary members, vice presidents and verifiers or tutors of the RLSS UK educational Certificates.

5.5Any additional posts that are deemed necessary by the Management Committee should be proposed and appointed at the Annual General Meeting by a vote. Also should a post become redundant or changes required to the role, the management would proposed these alterations and then formally agreed at the AGM

5.6Any member of the club over the age of 18 may be elected and hold a post on the Management Committee, with the exception of a Youth representative.

6.Offices Held and Roles


Vice- Chairperson



Child Protection Officer.

Membership Secretary

Senior Training Officer

Equipment Officer

Marketing Sub-committee.

Rookie Coordinator

Youth Representative

Co-opted members.

See appendix E.




7.1Management meeting shall take place approximately every six weeks but shall be no later than ten weeks.

7.2The quorum is five, but must include either the Chairperson or Vice- Chairperson.

7.3Each of the Management committee has one vote each and voting shall be made with a show of hands. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson has the casting vote.

7.4There is a set agenda to each meeting (AppendixF).

7.5The Secretary or other appointed person by the Management Committee shall keep a full and accurate record of proceedings at the meeting. These shall be available to all members on request. In accordance to data protection these will be subject to sanitisation.

8.Annual General Meeting(AGM)


8.1The AGM shall be held within 13 weeks of the end of the financial year.

8.2The AGM shall be called by the Management Committee with no less that twenty-eight days clear notice of the intended meeting date.

8.3Each meeting shall have an agenda (for example see AppendixG), which details posts that need to be elected and proposals. This will be available for all members at least 7 days prior to the AGM.

8.4Each fully paid member shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting. Members that are under the age of 14 may bring a parent to the AGM to represent themselves.

8.5The quorum for AGM is no less than 25% of the total club membership.

8.6The Management Committee shall present the report and annual accounts of the Club for the preceding year.

8.7Proposals requiring a change to the Constitution of the Club need to be passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting.

8.8Proposals of a non-constitutional nature shall be passed by a simple majority of the members present and voting.

8.9The Secretary or other person appointed by the Management Committee shall keep a full and accurate record of proceedings at the AGM.

9.Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)


9.1The management Committee has the power to call an EGM of the Club at any time. The secretary shall call the meeting, with at least fourteen days clear notice of the intended meeting date.

9.2All the procedures for the EGM shall be the same as the AGM.



10.1DLSC must have a clear record of the income and expenditure which is kept by the Treasurer.

10.2Any cheques, etc relating to DLSC bank account must be signed by at least two of the following Committee members: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Treasurer, of which the Bank have been notified of. There is an option to Bank transfer funds, which also requires two authorisations, from the signatories.Appendix H shows a list of current signatories.

10.3All money acquired by the group, including donations contributions and membership fees, shall be paid into the DLSC account operated by the Management Committee. All funds must be applied to the objectives of the group and for no other purpose.

10.4Expenditure can include and is not restricted to:

  • Club membership to RLSS UK
  • Equipment
  • Hire of facilities
  • Resources
  • Office equipment
  • Postage
  1. All expenditure must be agreed by majority of the management Committee, where this amounts to over £50, with the exception of award forms, and candidate manuals.
  2. Any member of the Management committee, Trainer Assessor or Assistant teacher that hold an active role within DLSC may have their RLSS UK membership fee paid for by the Club accompanied by a valid receipt.
  3. The Accounting year shall run from 01 April to 31 March.

11.Safeguarding and Child protection


11.1DLSC agrees to adopt the RLSS UK Safeguarding and Protecting Children policies and Procedures 2010.

11.2All individuals involved in Lifesaving through DLSC at every level, including participants, Officials, Trainer/Assessors, Volunteers, Administrators, Club Officials or spectators agree to abide by the RLSS UK Code of Ethics and Conduct (“Code”) and all such individuals participating or being involved in Lifesaving through DLSC in one of the aforementioned roles in a role which comes with the intended ambit of this paragraph and the RLSS UK Safeguarding and Protecting Children policies and Procedures generally are deemed to have assented to and as such recognise and adhere to the principles and responsibilities embodied in the Code. This includes the use of social networking and web sites.

11.3Each and every constitute member of DLSC including without limitation all Clubs and disciplines, shall be responsible for the implementation of the RLSS UK Safeguarding and Protecting Children policies and Procedures in relation to their members.

11.4All those who are on the management committee and/or volunteer (either in the capacity of a Trainer Assessor or Assistant Trainer) shall be required to have a CRB, or appropriate checks to ensure safeguarding of DLSC members. The results of these checks may effect the Management committees’ decision to approve the applicant in the role applied for.

11.5All photographs that are taken for training or publicity use must have consent from the individuals involved, or their parents if under the age of 18. This can be consented for on the membership form (Appendix C). Those who do not give their consent must not have their photograph taken under any circumstances. Publicity photographs must be approved by the management committee before use.

12.Amendments to the constitution


12.1The Constitution may be altered by a Resolution passed by not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at the AGM.



13.1A resolution to dissolve the Club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM by not less that two thirds of the members present and voting.

13.2In the event of dissolution, any assets of the Club that remain after the payment of debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Club, but shall be given or transferred to one or more approved non-profit making Charitable bodies or organisations having similar aims and objectives of this Club.

13.3A copy of the statement of accounts for the final accounting period of the Club must be published and made available to the Club members.


Droitwich Life Saving Club hereby adopts and accepts this Constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of its members.

This was approved by the Club members on......

And is to be reviewed on……………………………………………………

Signed: ...... Date:......

Position: Chairperson

Signed: ...... Date:......

Position: ......

Signed: ...... Date:......

Position: ......

Signed: ...... Date:......

Position: ......

Appendix A – Current Membership Costs

Appendix B – Membership Form

Appendix C - Current Key Holders.

Appendix D – Rules of the Club

Appendix E - Role of management members.

Appendix F – Example Management Meeting Agenda

AppendixG – Example AGM Agenda

Appendix H – Current Signatories for DLSC Bank Account

Final Version (April 2016) Page 1 of 2