November 3 & 4, 2007
offered by
of Lynchburg, VA
Boonsboro Ruritan Club, 1499 Coffee Road
Lynchburg, Virginia24503
Two UKC Agility Trials each day - OUTDOORSPRE-ENTRIES ONLY, Received by October 22, 2007
Limited entry of 200 runs per judge per trial
Judges are Rae Tanner and Shelly Weeks
Emergency Information
Animal Emergency Clinic - Lynchburg (434) 846-1504
3432 Odd Fellows Road, LynchburgVA (Rt 29 Bus Exit 7)
Boonsboro Rescue Squad 911
Judge's Briefing 15 minutes before start of judging.
Saturday judging starts at 9 am. Sunday judging starts at 8:30 am.
Two rings will be judged simultaneously. If the entries are extremely small, we may run the classes consecutively in order to avoid conflicts. See your judging schedule after entries close.
TRIAL #1 (AM):
Rae Tanner judges Agility I; Shelly Weeks judges Agility II and III
TRIAL #2 (PM) will begin at 12:00 noon or at the conclusion of Trial #1
Shelly Weeks judges Agility I; Rae Tanner judges Agility III and II
TRIAL CHAIRMAN Clair Malinowski, 102 Walnut Place, Lynchburg, VA24502
(434) 237-1916 email:
Judy Smotrel, 2575 Hawkins Mill Rd, Lynchburg, VA24503-4968
(434) 384-3177 email:
AGILITY ENTRY FEES: PRE-ENTRIES ONLY by October 22Payable to DOTC. A Judging Schedule will be emailed or mailed after the closing date to all exhibitors.
$15 first entry;$10 same dog entered in additional class in same trial
Example: Sam in AGI-A in all four trials = 4 x $15 = $60
Joe in AGIB and AGIIB in all four trials = 4 x ($15 +$10) = $100
Spot in AGIB, AGIIB, AGIII in all 4 trials= 4 x($15+$10+$10) = $140
Mail to
Judy Smotrel, 2575 Hawkins Mill Rd, Lynchburg, VA24503-4968
Course familiarization at the beginning of each height division (for AGIA and AGIIA only) will be on lead with 3 to 4 dogs on course. The course will be run outdoors on grass, regardless of weather. A heated building with restrooms and concession stand will be available for the comfort of you and your dog. Crating is allowed inside the building.
All qualifying scores receive blue qualifying ribbons.
Trophies will be awarded separately for each trial.
Prizes of equivalent value may be substituted by club.
First through Fourth Place in Each Height Division
Rosette & Dog Treats or Toy
Highest Scoring Dog in Trial Rosette and $25 Gift Certificate
Highest Combined Score AGI and AGII Rosette and $25 Gift Certificate
High Scoring Junior HandlerRosette and Dog Gift Package
Each Dog Completing A TitleMedallion
When you call to make reservations, tell them you are with the local agility trial and verify their dog policy and fees. We ask that you help us to retain these motels for our performance events by doing the following:
Clean up after your dog - both inside and outside.
Bring a sheet to protect the bedspread.
Bring your own towels to dry or clean your dogs if needed.
Promise never to wash your dog in the sink or tub!
Quality Inn (formerly Comfort Inn) - Rt 29 Business at exit 7 Oddfellows Road - 434-847-9041 - next to Outback - hot breakfast buffet included - 15 minutes from trial site – block of rooms reserved DOTC
Ramada Inn - Rt 29 at exit 7 Oddfellows Road: 3436 Odd Fellows Rd, Lynchburg 434-847-7500 (beside Quality Inn) - 15 minutes from trial site
Best Western - 2815 Candlers Mountain Rd, Lynchburg 434-237-2986, 15 minutes
Holiday Inn Select, 601 Main Street , Lynchburg VA 24502; 20 min from trial site; RT 29 Expwy at Exit 1 - Main St; (434) 528-2500 or (800) 465-4329 (downtown - elevators - mulch area for dogs to exercise)
OVERNIGHT PARKING AT THE SITE: No Hookups. $10 fee per night to be donated to the Boonboro Ruritan Club for future improvements. You may send in your overnight fees with your entry form and fees to Judy Smotrel, Trial Secretary.
Trials are open to all UKC registered dogs, 6 months of age or older.
Trial will be judged under the current regulations (8/1/2005)of the United Kennel Club. Request rules from UKC at 100 East Kilgore Road, Kalamazoo, MI49001-5598 or
All dogs must be on leash or confined when not competing.
No bitches in season or dogs exhibiting signs of aggression may attend.
Refund of fees less $5 per run for Bitches in Season or injured dogs with written statement signed by veterinarian.
As a condition of attending these trials, participants and spectators release the Dog Owners Training Club of Lynchburg, its agents and officials and the Boonsboro Ruritan Club from liability for damage, injury or loss of any kind to their property, person, children or dogs.
Entry fees shall not be refunded in the event that the dog is absent, disqualified or excused by Judge or Veterinarian. If because of riots, civil disturbances or acts beyond the control of the club it is impossible to operate or complete the trial, no refund of entry fee will be made.
A food concession will be provided indoors at the show site.
Photos of qualifying dogs may be published in Bloodlines. Details will be provided at the trials.
DIRECTIONS to Boonsboro Ruritan Club on Coffee Road:
In general, follow the signs to Rt 501 North! Here are the details:
See new detailed map at
US 460 - From the West of Lynchburg: From 460, take the right-hand exit to 460 E Business (Timberlake Rd). Proceed for about 3 miles. At the junction of Rt 501, exit to the right and follow 501 North for about 2 miles to a traffic light at Rt 221. Continue straight on Rt 501 N through the light at Rt 221. At the next light, turn left onto Rt 501 North, “Lynchburg Expressway”. At the next light at Boonsboro Rd, turn left (still 501 N) and go about 2 miles. Turn left onto Coffee Road (Rt 644) and go about 2 miles. The BoonsboroRuritanClubBuilding is on your right.
US 460 - From the East of Lynchburg: Exit Rt 460 at Candler's Mountain Rd (a right turn exit). Follow signs to Rt 501 North (River Ridge Mall will be on your left, and Days Inn will be on your right). Take the exit ramp to the right to Rt 501 North/Rt 29. Follow 501 N for about 3 miles to Lakeside Dr, Rt 221. See italics above.
US 29 – NEW DIRECTIONS due to new Bypass around Madison Heights!
As you approach SweetBriarCollege, stay on Rt 29 Lynchburg/Danville. Do not take Business 29 to Madison Heights unless you want to go through all of that traffic! Don’t take the SweetBriarCollege exit. As you near Lynchburg, take exit to W 460/S 29 to Lynchburg. Rt 501 N soon joins 460 W. Exit Rt 460 at Candlers Mountain Road/Buena Vista and follow the directions from Rt 460 East above.
US 29 - From the South of Lynchburg: Follow Rt 29 North into the city limits (pass River Ridge mall entrance on your right). Take the exit ramp to the right to Rt 501 North and proceed for about 3 miles to Rt 221. See italics above.
For more information, call Judy Smotrel, (434) 384-3177.