APR 2015 – Mar 2016
Document development and version control
Date / Version / Circulation List01.05.15 / Vs1 / Acting Head of Strategic planning and Commissioning
01.05.15 / Vs2 / Acting Head of Strategic planning and Commissioning
05.05.15 / Vs3 / Redesign Project Team Leader – Comms’ officer
06.05.15 / Vs6 / Strategic Planning and Commissioning Team
18.05.15 / Vs7 / No circulation, editorial version
19.05.15 / Vs 8 / No circulation, editorial version based on returned comments
21.05.15 / Vs 9 / No circulation, editorial version based on returned comments
27.05.15 / Vs 10 / Acting Head of Strategic planning and Commissioning
01.06.15 / Vs 11 / No circulation, editorial version
02.06.15 / Vs 12 / Acting Head of Strategic planning and Commissioning
03.06.15 / Vs A1 / Strategic Planning and Commissioning Team
03.06.15 / Vs A1 / Integration team
03.06.15 / Vs A1 / Strategic Planning Group
1.ContextPage 4
2.AimsPage 4
3.RationalePage 4
4.Methods of CommunicationPage 5
5.Methods of EngagementPage 5
6.Phased communication planPage 6
7.Programme of Engagement Action PlanPage 7
i.Phase One communication key messages
ii.Phase Two communication key messages
iii.Phase Three communication key messages
iv.National nine outcomes for people
v.Previous Communication and engagement
We are moving towards the integration of health and social care. This Communication and Engagement Plan sets out how those involved can ensure that there is optimal consultation and engagement around the development of Dumfries and Galloway’s Strategic Plan for Health and Social Care.
The integration of health and social care services offers up both challenges and opportunities to reshape the way we deliver care and support. Therefore, every effort will be made to ensure information relating to the strategic plan for health and social care is as far reaching as possible.
This cannot happen without the input of our staff, partners, stakeholders and those who use our services, their Carers and families and members of the public. People are our greatest asset which is why it is important to carry out such a broad consultation on the shaping of the development of the strategic plan.
- Aims
The aim of this Communication and Engagement Plan is to lay out co-ordinated andplannedactivities that will ensure an optimal level of communication. We wish to give as many people as possible the opportunity to engage with the consultation of the strategic plan.
The engagement programme will communicate the range of activities that will take place to ensure everyone has a chance to have their views considered or to influence the Strategic Plan.
Wherever possible engagement activities will link into existing planned events and will be undertaken in collaboration with the work being undertaken for the development of each Locality Plan.
- Rationale
Stakeholders / Reasoning
General Public / People should be given opportunities to be engaged and involved in helping to develop and shape the future of health and social care in their communities.
Partnership / Working in partnership will maximise the effectiveness of available resources. To achieve this, all partners will be given the opportunity through this Communication and Engagement Plan to inform the thinking around new ways of delivering care.
Individuals/Carers/ People who access services / The people who use health and care services will be effectively and meaningfully engaged and involved in discussions on any proposed changes in relation to potential changes in the way Health and Social Care is delivered.
Staff and volunteers / Staff and volunteers across the partnership will be informedand consulted on the development ofthe strategic plan to ensure thatthey haveopportunities to become engaged with developing services fit for the future.
- Objectives
5.Methodsof Communication
- Representatives of the Strategic Planning Group
- Cascading of information through organisations and groups
- Media Coverage
- Strategic Planning Framework informationis available on the Integration website
- Strategic Planning Framework information is available on NHS and Council Intranet Page
- Links to main Strategic Planning documents on stakeholder websites
- Highlight reportsand briefings
- Leaflet and poster distributionin easy read and plain English versions
- Presentations
- Telephone number available & appropriately staffed
- Methodsof Engagement
- Focus groups
- Stands at wider stakeholder events
- Drop ins
- Information sessions
- Team and group written briefings and verbal updates
- Existing networks
- Questionnaires – paper
- Questionnaires – online
7.Phased communication plan
Phase One – May - June 2015
A detailed programme of community engagement activities will be coordinated across each locality.
Wide circulation electronically and by post of the consultation document, including the launch of the online consultation survey across all stakeholders websites. Easy read posters and leaflets will be circulated at this stage as well as staff briefings and presentations made available upon request to meetings, groups and workshops.
The Strategic Planning Group met during phase one to shape and inform the consultation documentation of the strategic plan.
Key messages associated with phase one can be found in Appendix 1
Phase Two – July 2015 – August 2015
Implementation of thecommunicationengagement programme will take place during phase two alongside regular releases using the media, the Integration website and links from our key stakeholder websites.
Phase two will deliver on the main programme of engagement activities within each locality and will not be repeated in stage three.
The Strategic Planning Group will identify sub-groups that will meet to enable discussion to take place on the strategic plan, supported by their representatives.
Key messages associated with phase one can be found in Appendix 2
Phase Three – October 2015 – November 2015
During this period of engagement we will circulate the revised version of the strategic plan.It is intended that annexes to the plan will be included in this phase of engagement.
The Strategic Planning Group will meet to review the progress of the Strategic Plan and this Communication and Engagement programme.
Key messages associated with phase one can be found in Appendix 3
Programme of Engagement Action PlanAPR 2015 – MAR 2016
a)Ensure that staff, partners, community groups, and individuals have access to the Consultation document and drafts of the Strategic Plan
Audience / Approach / Action/Aim / Responsible / StatusPublic, staff, service users, carers & their families / Information and Awareness Raising / Circulation of the consultation document and online links /
- Locality leads
- PHPs
- Stakeholder leads
- Service managers
- Elected Members
- Integration Team
- Strategic planners & Commissioners
- Strategic Planning Group
Public, staff, service users, carers & their families / Media / Ensure Comms officer has access to relevant information/websites/social media/etc / L Hyland & T Saunderson / June
b)Ensure that staff, partners, community groups, and individuals have an opportunity to participate and engage in shaping and development of the Strategic Plan
Audience / Approach / Action/Aim / Responsible / StatusStaff / Information and AwarenessRaising / Engage localities to attend existing events / forums / conferences etc /
- Locality leads
- PHPs
- Stakeholder leads
- Service managers
Public, carers, families / Information and AwarenessRaising / Provide a range of information/publicitymaterial
- Easy read leaflets
- Plain English
- Engagement posters
- LeafletsHIPPO / Council Intranet Page Flash Ad
Print Company tbc / June - August
Stakeholder Reps / Information and AwarenessRaising / Convene SP Group to engage to shape and inform development of draft document / A Little & L Hyland / May
Staff, stakeholders, public, carers, families / Information and AwarenessRaising / SP Info page on Integration web page / R Langton / June
Staff / Information and AwarenessRaising / Power Point Presentation briefing for reps / V Freeman / June
Audience / Approach / Action/Aim / Responsible / Status
Staff / Media / Issue regular press release promoting activities / Partners Comm’s teams / June - December
Public / Media / Ensure Comms officer has access to relevant information/websites/social media/etc / L Hyland & T Saunderson / June - December
Stakeholders / Media / Record impact of media coverage / Partners Comm’s teams / June – April 2016
Strategic Planning Group / Media / Measure traffic on Integration webpage / Robyn Langton / June – April 2016
Staff, stakeholders, public, carers, families / Engagement / Coordinate with localities to arrange Focus groups, drop ins, workshops, discussions, etc
- Nithsdale
- Upper Nithsdale
- Stewartry
- Wigtownshire
- Annandale & Eskdale
Community centres
Health centres
GP Surgeries
Hospital foyer
Cottage hospital
Supermarkets /
- Locality leads
- PHPs
- Stakeholder leads
- Service managers
- Elected Members?
- Integration Team
- Strategic planners & Commissioners
Audience / Approach / Action/Aim / Responsible / Status
Public, carers, families / Engagement / Send out engagement flyers to front line staff / L Hyland / June - August
Staff / Engagement / Send out engagement facilitation pack to key stakeholders
- Briefing document
- Latest version of SP
- Power Point
- Leaflets / Posters
- Engagement timeline
- Strategic Planning Team
- Integration team
Staff, stakeholders, public, carers, families / Engagement / Review with Strategic Planning and Commissioning Team opportunities to link to locality work /
- Locality Leads
Public / Engagement / Linking with community groups and SPG representation /
- Strategic Planning Team
- Integration team
Staff, stakeholders, public, carers, families / Engagement / Ensure online links available to wider stakeholders, partners, and community /
- L Hyland
- R Langton
- T Saunderson
Staff, stakeholders, public, carers, families / Engagement / Presentations to service user groups, staff etc
- LGBT groups
- Learning difficulties
- Disability Scotland
- Alzheimer Scotland
- Aged Scotland
- British Red Cross
- Strategic Planning Team
- Integration team
- Locality leads
Staff / Feedback / Ask participants which method would be best for ongoing feedback on the development of and finalised plan. /
- Engagement staff
Staff / Monitoring and Evaluation / Ask participants which method would be best for feeding back progress on the strategic plan. /
- Engagement staff
c) Ensure that the Action Plan relating to this Communication and Engagement Plan follows the National Standards for Engagement
Audience / Approach / Action/Aim / Responsible / StatusStaff, stakeholders, public, carers, families / Communication& Engagement Strategy and Plan / Review approach against National Standards
- Involvement
- Support
- Planning
- Methods
- Working Together
- Sharing Information
- Working with others
- Improvement
Staff, stakeholders, public, carers, families / Feedback / Carry out feedback dissemination as requested by Phase one /
- Strategic Planning Team
- Integration team
- Locality leads
Staff, stakeholders, public, carers, families / Monitoring and Evaluation / Carry out monitoring and evaluation dissemination as requested by phase one /
- Strategic Planning Team
- Integration team
- Locality leads
Staff, stakeholders, public, carers, families / Final Circulation / Circulate final working draft document as requested by first stage consultation / Integrated Joint Board / December 2015
Appendix i
Key Communication Messages for the Engagement Programme to the Dumfries and Galloway’s Strategic Plan for Health and Social Care.
The following key messages form the standard wording used in communications relating to the community engagement programme on the strategic plan for health and social care.
This information can be used by key partners and stakeholders to form the basis of press releases or when addressing any enquiries.
- The document in circulation is the firstConsultation Document of the Dumfries and Galloway’s Strategic Plan for Health and Social Care.
- This consultation document on Dumfries and Galloway’s Strategic Plan for Health and Social Careemerges from the Health and Social Care Partnership and looks to build on progress already made
- It is based on what we have learnt from listening to local people – those using services, Carers, members of the public, clinicians and professionals and other partner organisations – as we consult and engage on the development of the Strategic Plan for Dumfries and Galloway
- The Consultation document relating to the Dumfries and Galloway’s Strategic Plan for Health and Social Care
- Describes our vision for health and social care in Dumfries and Galloway in the Future and the outcomes we want to achieve for people
- Outlinessome of the challenges we face going forward, and
- Details how we intend to meet those challenges
The plan also sets out how we will measure our impact on improving outcomes for people
- Through the Integration of Health and Social Care we seek to deliver care and support that is:
- Designed and developed for and with the people who use them
- Delivered in a way that focuses on maintaining well-being, prevention and anticipatory care.
People often need support from more than one service or any single organisation. For them to have the best possible experience of care, it needs to be:
- Personalised – care that places the person in charge or person-centred with the person being a partner in their own care.
- Developed with the person and their family and Carers
- Well-coordinated between different sectors and services
What is the Strategic Plan trying to achieve?
The Strategic Plan is shaped around our vision “A Dumfries and Galloway where we share the job of making our communities the best place to live active, safe and healthy lives by promoting independence, choice and control”. (Dumfries and Galloway Integration Scheme)
Our aim is to achieve the nine outcomes for people that have been set nationally. These can be found in Appendix vi.
Dumfries and Galloway Strategic Planning Group
This newly formed representative group shape and influence the development of the strategic plan. The broad representation on the group is as set out in national policy and guidance.
Members of the group have a responsibility to share information with the organisations and people they represent. They should also capture feedback from the people that they represent and reflect this in their feedback.
Strategic Planning Workstream
The Strategic Planning Workstream provide the oversight of the development of the strategic planning framework and support the work of the Integration Programme Board
This workstream is responsible for creating a range of documents that will support the work of the Integration Joint Board. These include:
- The Strategic Plan for Health and Social Care of Dumfries and Galloway
- Four Locality Plans, each setting out, at a more detailed level, the needs, challenges and priorities for that particular locality
- A Strategic Needs Assessment that will help identify what people’s needs are and the resources available. The needs assessment also helps to identify if there are gaps to be addressed.
- A Financial Plan that will lay out the details for the integrated budget for health and social care
- A Market Facilitation plan that sets out how commissioners will work with health and social care providers to make sure we continue to be able to offer the care and support we anticipate people will need
- A Performance Management Framework that will include the nine national outcomes and allow the new Integrated Joint Board to monitor progress
Key challenges
The Consultation Draft of Dumfries and Galloway’s Strategic Plan for Health and Social Care outlines a range of key challenges which the vision and purpose of the Strategic Plan aims to address:
- Health inequalities leading to poorer outcomes for people’s health and wellbeing
- Increasing number of people with multiple long term conditions, including dementia requiring higher levels of support to enable them to live independently and at home or in a homely setting in the community
- Lack of appropriate housing to meet projected demand in areas where people wish to live, creating unsustainable and imbalanced communities.
- Increasing number of Carers requiring greater levels of support to reduce any negative impact of their caring role on their own health and wellbeing
- Maintaining high quality, safe care and protecting vulnerable adults in the face of increasing need and reducing resources
- Future sustainability of primary (including GPs and out of hours), and community-based services
- Reducing working age population resulting in fewer people to care for an increasing number of older people
- National challenges in relation to the recruitment of health and social care professionals
- Present and anticipated rise in hospital admissions and delayed discharges resulting in increased pressures across all of health and social care
How can people get involved?
The finalised approved version of Dumfries and Galloway’s Strategic Plan for Health and Social Carewill be published on Friday 1 April 2016. There will be easy read versions.
People can become involved by:
- Contacting their representative on the Dumfries and Galloway Strategic Planning Group, details on Appendix vi
- Taking part in one or more of our activities during our Strategic Plan Communication and Engagement programme: July – August 2015
- Sharing information about the consultation document with those you feel it will affect
- Responding to the consultation document online or through the postal questionnaire
You can find out about the engagement activities to take part in through the publishedCommunication and Engagement Plan for the Strategic Plan on the integration website once it is up and running. This document includes details of all the local activities planned.
Further information will continue to be published on the Integration website:-< insert web address here>
Appendix ii
Key Communication Messages for the Engagement Programme to the Dumfries and Galloway’s Strategic Plan for Health and Social Care.
The following key messages form the standard wording used in communications relating to the community engagement programme on the strategic plan for health and social care.