Scripture: Isaiah 48Opening PrayerClosing Prayer: V. Fabiano

Docket/Format ApprovalProjected Terminus: No later than 10:20 p.m.

Minutes: 04/16/’13

Financial Report: 04/30/’13.


Church Calendar Items (for May-June)

Ministry of Mercy: (* denotes special attention tonight)

1. Financial Statements for 04/30/’13

2. Aged, Infirm, Shut-ins, Widows: R. Beck. T. Boziskovich. J. Denton, E. Keveson, J. Meertens, J. Payne. A. Rubin,

R. Shipsey. E. Spiller, M. Wu

3. Specific Needs: (a) Unemployed? E.. Horta; D. Nunez. A. Setyon. R. Severe. J. Solka (b.) Medical Expenses: J. Solka. (c.) Other:

4. BPCC: $200.00 per month for assistance in 2013 (Assessment at mid-year). Sponsor 2 tables, i.e. 800.00 for 16 people, for 10/19 fundraising banquet Other ways to help?

5. Monthly assistance for Zecky’s family in Eritrea? Response to communication to CCOPC (Pastor Peter Van Doodewaard)

6. Hurricane Sandy Relief Matters: A. Rubin J. Meertens. Other?

New Business/Ongoing Business:

1. Progress on Handicap Access (A. Zarek/ V. Fabiano/ B. Shishko) Report on new architect & feasibility study.

2. Heating/Cooling of building:

3. Custodial items (V. Bahadur)

4. “Keeper of the Keys” (A. Artino): Does everyone have the necessary keys? Church key to W. Malichek?

5. Seating. Keep urging people to sit toward the front, esp. in the evenings. Lectern in evenings. Make use of other ushers.

6. Check emergency lighting: October & April, i.e. on work days.

7. Discussion of How Do Guests See Your Church Building? Article.

Subcommittees: (remember format for going from discussion to execution)

1. CD Ministry / Audio-Visual/Security /Chime System (B. Dieckmann / P. Dannenhoffer / D. Dieckmann)

2. Book Nook (R. Bloch/B. Shishko):

3, Nursery, Church Office, Reformation Lounge: (B. Dieckmann):

4, Kitchen (V. Fabiano / B. Fabiano):

5. Coffee Hours (A.& C.Artino): Do we need more people to sign up?

6. Library (B. Shishko/P & S. Dannenhoffer): We have a program to inventory the books. Need to complete carding system.

7. Ushering & Greeting (R. Bloch / P. & W. Malichek):as Do we need to sign up more greeters?

8. Property Improvements: We will need to prioritize these as 2013 projects.

Church: (1) Proposal to re-do front of church/Handicap access/Sidewalk replacement (2) Misc.projects, e.g. *Repair & paint steeple (A. Artino). replace nursery entrance, re-do bathrooms in back of bldg, foyer & office heating,. (3) Re-do carpeting in nursery? (4) Paint front & front side outdoor windows. (7). Update ventilating system in kitchen.


9. Fumigation (V. Bahadur / “Fumigation Miguel”): “Sightings?”

Old Business:

1. Review Policy Manual: (Bill)

2. Carpet cleaning /Cleaning of pews. Fellowship hall floor. (???) Next cleaning?


Miscellaneous Business:

1. Lord’s Suppers in June. Fellowship meals Close-up arrangements: June.

2. Prospective Diaconal Candidates:

3. Piano tuning (A. Artino/M Vaeth). We probably need a tuning soon.

4. Church Picnic for June 29, 2013.

5. Items from Shishko 09/22/’11 e mail correspondence: Host blood drive at church?

6. Work days for 2013: April 6 & October 5 (change batteries in clocks)

Adjournment/Closing Prayer: V. Fabiano Next Mtg.: Tues., 06/25/’13, 7:00 p.m. Next Joint mtgs: 9/17 & 12/17