Swansea Planning Board

68 Stevens Road

Swansea, MA 02777


September 21, 2015

Members Present:Chairman: Scott Adams

Vice Chairman: Robert Medeiros

Clerk: James Hanley

Tim Cabral

Greg Denis

Staff:Steve Antinelli – Town Planner

Vice Chairman Medeiros opens the public meeting at 6:30 PM

Vice Chairman Medeiros reads the following:

The Swansea Planning Board will record the proceedings of its meeting this evening. Any member of the audience who wishes to do so, also, should state his intention at this time.

Form B:

Preliminary Plan – Kamal Hingorany – Clark Lane

Mr. Antinelli stated that this is a division of property located at the end of Clark Lane. This will be a 4 lot subdivision that is owned by Kimal Hingorany who is a former member of the Planning Board. Mr. Hingorany stated that he is not present tonight because of his need but because of Mr. Marquis trying to change the lot sizes. The increase in the lot sizes will be a burden on my wife and me, my children and my grandchildren stated Mr. Hingorany. I am here tonight to strictly protect my wife and children. Mr. Hingorany stated that this plan was submitted 15 years ago when Mr. Marquis was also trying to change the lot sizes. Mr. Hingorany is looking for protection from any changes in the bylaw stated Mr. Antinelli. All lots meet the required frontage and area. This is a very flat piece of property with a 5 minute perc rate. The board advised Mr. Hingorany that a definitive plan must be submitted within 7 months from approval to secure protection.

MOTION by Mr. Jim Hanley to APPROVE. SECONDED by Mr. Greg Denis. UNANIMOUS VOTE.


1. Preliminary Subdivision Plan dated 9/9/15 prepared by Narragansett Engineering, Inc.

Prepared for Kamal & Denise Hingorany – Location is 87 Old Warren Road

Old Business:

Request for Waiver of Site Plan Review – South Coast Educational Collaborative Swansea Campus – 2201 GAR Highway:

Mr. Adams enters the meeting.

Mr. Antinelli stated that John Marchand of ThompsonFarland provided comments on Friday. The applicant has addressed the majority of the comments with the exception of a

few that they would like to speak to the board about. Justin Lamoureaux of Horsley Whitten Engineering, representing South Coast Educational Collaborative, was present

and stated that he would like to discuss Items 1-9 on the review comments regarding zoning. We would like to request a waiver on all those items. The issues regarding the overall peaks, we are just shy of the peak flow, and we would like to request a waiver for that. The scope of work is to replace what was currently there now with new only. Mr. Adams stated that you are removing the gravel and installing asphalt. Mr. Antinelli stated that striping of the parking lot should not be waived. Mr. Adams questioned if the Fire Chief was satisfied with an 18 foot wide driveway in lieu of 20 feet in the parking lot? Mr. Antinelli stated that he would check with the Fire Chief.

The board stated that the stormwater calculations must be submitted and approved by our review consultant and that all ADA requirements will be met.

Richard Shannon of South Coast Educational Collaborative stated that when we purchased this property from Swansea Oil they use to park their trucks here. We removed the concrete pad to provide better access to the site.

MOTION by Mr. James Hanley to GRANT the waiver of site plan review for South Coast Educational Collaborative with the condition that the stormwater calculations be submitted and approved by our review consultant ThompsonFarland, Items 1-3 and 7-9 be waived, striping in place in the parking lot area and a screening around the dumpster. SECONDED by Mr. Greg Denis. 4-0-1 Mr. Adams Abstained.

MOTION by Mr. Robert Medeiros to RECESS the regular Planning Board meeting and open the public hearings. SECONDED by Mr. Jim Hanley. UNANIMOUS VOTE.


1. Letter from Justin Lamoureux at Horsley Witten Group to Town of Swansea Planning

Board dated August 13, 2015 – Re: South Coast Educational Collaborative Swansea

Campus Access Drive, Parking and Site Improvements

2. Proposed Site Plan for SCEC Campus Parking Improvements dated September, 2015

Prepared by Horsley Witten Group, Inc. Prepared for South Coast Educational


3. Letter from John Marchand at ThompsonFarland, Inc. dated September 18, 2015

Public Hearings:

Raymond Allard Road – Special Permit for a Hammerhead Lot:

Shawn Ainsworth of Insite Engineering was present to represent the applicant. Mr. Ainsworth stated that when we were before the board we submitted two plans. The original plan showed the house close to Raymond Allard Road and the alternative plan showed the house to the rear near the water. We went before the Conservation Commission and Ms. Brown submitted an extensive memo with all the Commissions comments and concerns. Mr. Ainsworth stated that when we went before the Commission with the plans, they were very concerned with the house being placed near the water. The property is located in a flood zone, very close to the wetland line, with the house located within the waterfront area and driveway crossing the wetlands.

The Commission did not say no to the project but stated that they would rather see the house located towards the front of the property. The Commission stated that we would need to meet all requirements regarding stormwater, and they would require that a consultant review the project. The Commission’s major concern was with regards to the culvert. Mr. Ainsworth stated that the culvert is about 4-feet down. All work will be above the culvert, and the house will be elevated because of the flood plain. The house located up front was preferred by the Commission but it agreed that the house located near the water could be permitted if all guidelines were met.

Mr. Ainsworth stated that he requested a letter to be forwarded to the Planning Board from the Conservation Commission stating that they were in agreement with both plans, but Ms. Brown forwarded an 8-page letter expressing their concerns with regards to the culvert. Mr. Ainsworth stated that the owner met with the Town Administrator and Ms. Brown to discuss the culvert and to see who is responsible for maintaining the culvert. Mr. Ainsworth stated that we offered to give the town an easement to maintain the culvert, but no one could answer us as to who was responsible for the maintenance of the culvert. The culvert is one of Ms. Brown’s big concerns, stated Mr. Ainsworth. Mr. Ainsworth stated that he does not feel this culvert will have any impact on this project and should not have any bearing on the decision from the Planning Board or the Conservation Commission.

The Conservation Commission was worried about the integrity of the culvert during construction. Mr. Ainsworth stated that he does not feel that the integrity will be affected during construction. This is a concrete culvert. The only issue is whether the culvert is blocked, stated Mr. Ainsworth. Mr. Adams stated that the culvert does not fall under this board’s jurisdiction. Mr. Adams stated that he feels that this board needs to enforce the intent of the hammerhead bylaw. The house needs to be placed outside the handle. Mr. Adams stated that he feels that the house located near the water meets the intent of the hammerhead bylaw. Mr. Ainsworth questioned how long does the handle have to be? Mr. Adams stated at least 150 feet. Mr. Adams stated that if I am going to advocate that hammerhead lots are good for the town, I need to make sure that we are meeting the intent of the bylaw. Mr. Ainsworth stated that he will try to reconfigure the lot with the house up front and try to meet the intent of the bylaw. The handle might be 120 to 150 feet long. Mr. Adams stated that you need to push back as far as possible to 150 feet. Mr. Ainsworth stated that he will come up with a concept plan and forward to Mr. Antinelli for the board to review.

MOTION by Mr. Jim Hanley to CONTINUE to the next scheduled meeting. SECONDED by Mr. Greg Denis. UNANIMOUS VOTE.


1. Memo from Colleen Brown to Swansea Planning dated August 17, 2015 – Re:

NOI Filing Donaldson SE72-1421 Hammerhead Lot, Raymond Allard Road

2. Special Permit Plan dated April 14, 2015 prepared by InSite Engineering Services.

Prepared for Frank Donaldson – “Donaldson Property” Raymond Allard Road

Map 32, Lots 121 & 122

Landmere, LLC – Marvel Street:

Mr. James Hanley reads the following:

In accordance with the provisions of MGL Chapter 41, Section 81T, and MGL Chapter 40A, Sections 9-11, and the Swansea Zoning By-law, Section 5.2.2, the Swansea

Planning Board will hold a public hearing on September 9, 2015 at 7:00 PM, at the Town Hall Annex, 68 Stevens Road, Swansea, Massachusetts on the application of Landmere LLC, Regent Court, Swansea, MA for approval of a Special Permit for a Hammerhead Lot entitled:

Approval Not Required and Special Permit Plan

Marvel Street

Map: 31 Part of Lot 1

Swansea, MA

This site is located on Marvel Street, A.P. 31, Lot 1, and the plan proposes to creation of one (1) lot.

Phil Martelly was present. This was a previously approved division of property that incorporated a Hammerhead Lot stated Mr. Antinelli. The applicant is looking for a change in lot lines, with the properties located to the west remaining the same. The larger lot will remain non-buildable. The applicant reconfigured Lots 3 and 4 and creating a new Hammerhead Lot (Lot 5). Lot 5 will now have the shared driveway, and Lot 3 will have access over its own frontage. The Zoning Board of Appeals granted the special permit for the driveway.

MOTION by Mr. Robert Medeiros to CLOSE the Public Hearing for Landmere, LLC. SECONDED by Mr. Tim Cabral. UNANIMOUS VOTE.

MOTION by Mr. Robert Medeiros to APPROVE the Special Permit for a Hammerhead Lot for Landmere, LLC – Marvel Street Map: 31 Lot: 1. SECONDED by Mr. Tim Cabral. UNANIMOUS VOTE.


1. Approval Not Required Plan and Special Permit Plan for Marvel Street Map 31 Part of

Lot 1 prepared for Landmere LLC prepared by Gorodetsky Engineering, LLC dated

August 14, 2015

MOTION by Mr. Robert Medeiros to RECESS the public hearing and OPEN the regular Planning Board meeting. SECONDED by Mr. Tim Cabral. UNANIMOUS VOTE.

Site Plan Review:

Sp15-0230 Swansea Beach Revitalization – Ocean Grove:

MOTION by Mr. James Hanley to continue to the next scheduled meeting. SECONDED by Mr. Tim Cabral. UNANIMOUS VOTE.

New Business:

Notice of Permit Application Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 91 – Jess Cabral – 120 Sawyer Avenue – Map: 50 Lot: 151A:
The board stated that this falls under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission and authorized Mr. Antinelli to sign off.

Old Business:

Request for Waiver of Site Plan Review – SITEC, Inc. – Southcoast Hospitals Group, 479 Swansea Mall Drive:

MOTION by Mr. James Hanley to continue to the next scheduled meeting. SECONDED by Mr. Tim Cabral. UNANIMOUS VOTE.


August 17, 2015:

MOTION by Mr. James Hanley to approve the minutes of August 17, 2015. SECONDED by Mr. Tim Cabral. 4-0-1 Vote with Mr. Adams Abstaining.

Meeting Adjourned:

MOTION by Mr. Jim Hanley to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 PM. SECONDED by Mr. Tim Cabral. UNANIMOUS VOTE.

Respectfully Submitted:

Jennifer Howard

Planning Minutes Clerk

Approved– Planning Board Minutes Page 1

September 21, 2015