Faith Reformed Church
There is one body and one Spirit…one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all…Ephesians 4:4-6
February 28, 2016
Call to Worship
God is Able
Good, Good Father/Give Us
Clean Hands
Lord’s Prayer
Baptism (8:30)
of Addison VanBeek
Children’s Message
Even So Come
Elder’s Prayer
Text: Matthew 3:13 - 4:11
“Jesus Is One of Us”
Doxology vs 1 & 2
Doxology vs 3 & 4
Today’s Special Offering supports Center of Hope, whose mission is, “Sowing seeds of God’s love, physically and spiritually” It is fulfilled through adult Bible studies, bikes-for-work ministry, providing winter coats at a minimal cost, and offering a Bible-based recovery program offered at their Sioux Falls, SD location.
Prayer focus:
-- We ask God’s healing hand upon Al Meerbeek who is undergoing rehab at Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls following a stroke last week.
-- Praying for Marcia Harmelink, of Lawrence, KS, who will undergo breast cancer surgery on March 1. Marcia is the daughter of John & Marge Harmelink.
-- Continue to wrap in prayer Gertrude VanderVelde’s family, including son Jim and Gracia. Mrs. VanderVelde went home to the Lord last week.
-- Please God place you healing hand onLacey Klaahsen as she receives treatment for cancer.
-- Remember prayerfully Loren and Milinda LeLoux who are in Haiti this week using their hands and heart to share God’s Word.
-- Please keep in your prayers our Northwestern College studentsserving others during their spring break March 5-14. Serving others around the world in the name of Jesusare
Katie Brandt in Nicaragua;Jana Vermeer in Compton, CA; Joanna Heemstra and Meghan Teunissen in Jonesboro, AR;and Samantha VanderVelde in New Orleans, LA.
-- We celebrate the birth of Ty Louis, son of Jon and Alison Wallenburg born February 17. Mom and baby are doing great. Big bother Kellan excitedly welcomes Ty to the Wallenburg home. Grandparents are John and Dori Wallenburg
--Our military and those with family ties to Faith:Kirk Eknes, Chris Kooima, Travis Sybesma, Grant VanDriel, andCaleb Wynia
--Thank you to all those who donated and/or supported the Winter Festival - we are humbled by your generosity!
Rock Valley Christian School Winter Festival Committee
This Week at Faith:
TODAY: 8:30 & 10:45am Worship.
9:30 Fellowship Coffee in the FLC
9:35-9:50 Children’s Choir: 3 year olds through 6th grade
9:35 Sunday School: Grades 7th to 12th
9:50-10:35 Adult Education meets in classroom below the FLC
9:50-10:35 Sunday School: 3-year-olds through 6th grade
11:00 Worship at the Lighthouse. Speaker: Merlyn Sandbulte
4:30 Adult Choir practice
5:00 CREW
7:30Sunday Night Praise & Worship
MONDAY7:00pm Friendship Bible Study, Fellowship Hall
WEDNESDAY: 6:30am Women’s Bible Study
7:00pm RCYF/Catechism/Adult Bible Study
THURSDAY: 6:00am Men’s Bible Study at the church
FRIDAY: 6:30am Men’s Breakfast Bible Study in the FLC
Noon Community Prayer at the Lighthouse will focus on prayerfully focus on Justice for All.
PRAYER 7:45: Wade Gort
Chad & LouAnn Janzen
Travis & Brittany Laackmann
S.S. Keith & Jacque LeLoux
10:45 Brian & Melissa Moser
8:30 Jerald Hoogendoorn, Mike Harmsen, Greg Heemstra, Bob Huyser, Chad Janzen
10:45 Wes Kats, Mike Koedam, Brian Kooima, Scott Kooima, Phil Kooistra
Lynette Dolieslager/SOKS
SOUND: Don Harberts
VIDEO: Mike VanZee
Sonja Heronemus
Merlyn Sandbulte
PRAYER 7:45:
Cal & Jaime Helmus
Harlyn & Diane Kempema
8:30 Brent & Jennifer Rus
SS Greg & Jodi Rus
10:45 Darin & Krista Smith
8:30 Travis Laackmann, Howard, Kooistra, Chad Kraai, Glen Lutjens, Brian Moser
10:45 Randy Post, Arnie Post, Paul Remmerde, Kent Rhods, Scott Schelling
Helen DeZeeuw - Choir
SOUND: Eric VanZee
VIDEO: Casey Vermeer
POWERPOINT: Jeremy Phipps
Merlyn Sandbulte
Offerings for February 21, 2016 .
General Fund 2/21/16 Year-to-Date
Actual $ 10,929 $ 84,529
Goal $ 10,550 $ 84,400
Ahead of Goal $ 129
Building Fund $ 351 $ 4,278
Youth News
CREW Feb 28 “Praying for Others: Part 2”
Lunch: Damian DB, Derek E, Abby H, Lexi H
RCYF March 2 “Is Hell Real?
Lunch: Keely S, Matthew VT, Connor VP, Eric VV,
Wade V
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings!
February 28: Lorna Huyser, Karlynn Kleinhesselink
March 1: Vicki Schelling, SandySchlumbohm,
Jeremy & Kerri Hoogendoorn
March2: Autumn Koldenhoven, Alan Thielvoldt
March 3: Dan Soodsma, Jana Vermeer, Scott Westra
March 4: Donny Kraai, Julie VanOtterloo
March 5: Jordan Lutjens, Harlan VanDis
Sioux County Relay for Life is taking orders for daffodils. Funds raised are used in the search for a cure for cancer. Order your $10 bouquet by Tuesday, March 1 and pick them up March 15-19 at Something Special in Rock Valley at 476.2588.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness Support Group meets 7:00pm Tuesday, March 1 at Central Reformed Church, Sioux Center. Elizabeth Addink-Scholten will share her life story with mental illness. Individuals and family members coping with mental illness are welcome. For information call Shirley Matheis 722-4462.
Women’s World Day of Prayer is Friday, March 4 at 1:30pm. Pioneer United Methodist Church is hosting the service that joins Rock Valley with other women around the world on this day set apart for prayer. This year’s featured country is Cuba. Men are welcome too!
The deadline for the Israel trip is March 4. You are invited to join Keith and Anita Sietstra on a once in a lifetime trip. Rekindle your faith while deepening your love for the scriptures. Journey to the land Jesus lived, breathed, walked, died and resurrected. Up to 50% of the cost may be covered through our Missions Team. Please let Keith know by March 4, so paperwork can be completed!
On Friday, March 4, St Mary’s Knights of Columbus is hosting “All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry” Lenten supper. Serving in the church basement from 5:30 to 7:00pm, enjoy fish, French fries, coleslaw and drinks for $8.
Next Sunday’s Lesson 24
“No Ordinary Man”
Mark 4:1-20
Community Health Partners and Hegg Memorial Health Center are sponsoring an Adult Health Fair on Monday, March 7 from 4:00 to 8:00pm in Faith’s fellowship hall. Free screenings include blood pressure, weight, BMI, diabetes, vision, dental and more. No appointment is necessary.
People’s Bank hosts theShepherd’s Table on Monday, March 7 from 5:15 to 6:30pm in Faith’s FLC. The community is invited to enjoy a free supper with friends. Visit the health fair in the fellowship hall too.
LoveIn the Name of Christ’s (Love INC) annual meeting is Tuesday, March 8, at 7:00pm at the Rock Valley office located at
962 Westview Drive. The 2015 financial reportand services provided report will be given. Refreshments will be served.
Would you like to remember someone with an Easter Lily? Order forms are on the Welcome Table. Please return the completed form and $11.25 per plant payment to the “Church Office” mailbox by Sunday, March 13. The lily will be displayed during 930am Easter worship. You are welcome to take your lily home following worship.
Faith members - would you help supply refreshments for
Kid’s Block March 21 and 22? Sign-up at the Welcome Table. Drop off your donations at Faith’s church office by Sunday, March 20.
From Pastor Mike’s Desk:
March 27 is Easter Sunday. It is the day we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and His victory over our enemy, death. Easter celebration begins for me when we gather as a community at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. We read God’s Word and we sing praises to our Savior and Lord. It is my WOW of the morning.
Then we will come together for worship at 9:30 in our sanctuary. However, the service will begin with a drama based on some rather obscure verses in the Bible. Verses that I never preached from and I don’t think I ever heard a sermon on. Matthew 27 is the story of the crucifixion. When Jesus died, we read that this took place: “The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.” Matthew 27:52-53.
The death and resurrection of Jesus is the greatest story ever told and sometimes it is too AMAZING to explain. I preached my first Easter sermon when I was trying to receive my first call from the congregation in Greenleafton, Minnesota. I was hoping they would be impressed because I was getting ready to graduate from seminary and I needed a church.
They were gracious enough to give me a call but I wasn’t all that impressed with what I said on that Sunday. When I got back to Michigan, my pastor was anxious to hear how things went. I told him I didn’t think I did very well with the sermon. He said, “Do you really think you could out do the story of the Resurrection?” Pastors sometimes have a way of putting you in your place.
The story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is amazing and we won’t have a complete understanding of it until we reach Heaven. However, it tells us that God is capable of doing something amazing and the day of our resurrection is going to be amazing. I can’t say I totally understand what is all going to take place, but I do believe we are in for something that is HUGE!! Have a blessed Easter and celebrate Jesus resurrection and your future resurrection.
Greetings from Uganda!
We hope you are doing well! We have been in Uganda for three months, and God is at work in amazing ways! To give you a brief update, Kari is working with 3 three different organizations to provide speech therapy services, seeing 40 kids each week. The kids are making incredible progress, and we know that this is God's doing! Kids who were non-verbal in November are now beginning to speak. Families who walked in discouraged and hopeless are now finding hope and encouragement! Three weeks ago, we met a 13-year-old girl who lives in the slums who had been locked in her home for 10 years with no interaction with other people. When we first saw her, she sat in the corner with her head between her knees, rocking back and forth. Visiting heryesterday; she was looking around with her head up for the entire hour. She isstarting to talk, smile, and laugh. She now has an incredible family caring for her. We see God doing great things in her life! Communities' perceptions about disabilities are changing. Families are being empowered to make a change in their child's life. Praise God!
Ben stays busy working with Mercy Childcare and Light the World Church. As an intern and volunteer coordinator, Ben currently works alongside Mercy's three interns, while developing the internship program for future volunteers. He spoke at the LTWC youth services and at the Youth Overnight where 300 young adults from all across Kampala came to worship and pray from 6:00pm to 6:00am! It was amazing to look at the next generation leave the comfort of their beds to seek the Lord. The presence of the Lord was so real. He moved in mighty and awesome ways.
We have loved our time here. Uganda feels like home already.
We have so much peace and joy knowing we are exactly where God has called us to be! Thank you Faith! We are so grateful for your prayers and support. Without them, this would not be possible!! Lives are being changed because of your prayers on our behalf.
February 21, we arrivein the United States and plan to stay eight weeks, returning to Uganda to continue the work God has called us to do. Lord willing, we will return to the U.S. again in June to finish up Ben's citizenship process. Please, too, pray this process would go smoothly.
We would love to come to Faith and share what God is doing here and thank Faithfor your prayers and support!
Ben and Kari David
Greetings with love and blessings to Faith,
We realize it has been quite some time since our last update. We were thankful for the opportunity to visit and update many of you during our recent home assignment. For the rest, those who continue to support and encourage in the midst of our silence, we send our sincere thanks and apologies. The writer of the letter to Hebrews wrote many encouragements to Christians facing trials, reminding them of God’s unfailing love, the faithfulness of Jesus in all things, and the importance of the Body of Christ as we spur on and encourage one another. We are thankful for God’s faithfulness to us, how He continues to use each of you to spur us on and encourage us. We are also very encouraged by God’s work in our family and the ministry He has called us.
FH/Cambodia(FH/C) “Food for the Hungry” facilitates integrated, holistic community development among villages experiencing high levels of poverty. We show God’s love through FH/C, which generally works with a village for 10 years or until they are able to continue on their own and even teach others. In the summer of 2015, FH/C celebrated the “graduation” of 27 villages, many former Khmer Rouge communities. This is such an exciting, encouraging time to celebrate growth and progress as well as a time to start working in new places.
Mark’s Health Thank you to all who are praying, encouraging, financially supporting and walking with us on this journey – you fill us withcourage to press on! We are sorry to report this summer’s surgery did not have the results we hoped for. However, as we continue to pray for wisdom, Mark presses on by working to manage his pain through a combination of medication and lifestyle changes (sitting less and walking more). Mark is increasingly able to return to his regular routines including exercise and teaching full-time. We still pray for complete healing in all aspects.
Mark & Deb Wilson - RCA and Faith supported missionaries serving in Cambodia.
The church in Cambodia was nearly wiped out by the Khmer Rouge, only three Christian pastors within the country reportedlysurvived Pol Pot’s reign of terror. The church is growing,in need of nurturing and leadership. Mark works with Cambodian church leaders designing and implementing a curriculum that will help pastors, lay leaders, and students understand and carry out missional ministry. Learn more at