Sand and Water Area

Number and Operations:

I see you have 3 boats. How many boats would you have if you added 2 more?

I see you made a structure in the sand. How many scoops did you use to make your shape in the sand?

Geometry and Spatial Sense:

You drew a shape in the sand. Can you tell me about the shape? How many sides does it have? Do you see the same shape somewhere in the room?


I see you have 2 containers of water/sand. Which one has more? How do you know? How many scoops did it take to get the amount in your container?


Look! You made a pattern/design in the sand. What other pattern could you make? Could you show me?

Data Analysis:

You have different sand molds. What container did you use to make that mold?

Could there be another type of mold you can make?

You separated the bubbles from the boats. Were there more bubbles than boats or more boats than bubbles? How can you tell?

Music and Movement Area

Number and Operations:

Counting beats withrhythm sticks.

Geometry and Spatial Sense:

Different sounds if tapped top, middle, bottom. Describe shape of the stick.


Bigger/smaller sticks, thicker/thinner


Pattern of action (legs, floor, sticks together)

Data Analysis:

Who has small sticks? Big sticks? Different colors? Sounds?

Cooking Area

Number and Operations: When I use a recipe with my class, I make a picture recipe for children- laminate.

Count number of ingredients. How much of each?

Use picture recipes. Ask about steps.

Geometry and Spatial Sense:

Cookie cutters (shapes)/sizes (big/small)/topping or decoration.

Measurement: (Use different shapes, sizes and measurement tools.)

How much of each? What did we use the most of?

Which cookie shape is bigger/smaller? Which shape is less/more?


Make pattern on cookie sheet to bake.

Data Analysis:

Graph how many of each shape/type. Tally favorites.

How any with or without sprinkles?

Outdoor Area

Number and Operations:

How many kids are swinging, walking beam, etc.

Up high-down low

Geometry and Spatial Sense:

Beam-Who is in front of, behind, etc.?

Where is the beginning/end?


How many can we fit on the beam?


Can you build a pattern...color, eye color?

Data Analysis:

How many/who walked one foot in front of the other, side by side.

How many/who made it to the end?

Dramatic Play

Number and Operations:

How many pieces of pizza make up the pizza? What if you ate one?

Show me the number keys. If there are 4 friends, how many forks/plates would we need?

Geometry and Spatial Sense:

What shape is your pizza? Are there other shapes of pizza? If you take a slice away from the pizza, what shape is that slice?


Which food on your plate is the biggest?

Do you want to order a small, medium, or large pizza?


I notice you have a lot of vegetables and fruit. Can you make them repeat and form a pattern?

Data Analysis:

How many pieces of food are on your plate? Can you sort the food? How?

Outdoor Area-m Swings

Number and Operations:

How many pumps to get really high? How many swings? How many kids? Are there enough for everyone? How many more would we need?

Geometry and Spatial Sense:

Where is your body in space (high vs. low)?


Whose swing is taller/longer/shorter? How far can you jump off the swing?


Pattern- pumping feet (front, back, front).

What would you have to do to get on the same party line as your friend (or swing opposite your friend)?

Data Analysis:

Do you think more boys swing versus girls swing? Ask swingers: how are your clothes the same? Different?

Snack Area

Number and Operations:

Count the number of items being handed out. When people are done, how many are left?

Geometry and Spatial Sense:

Describe the shape of the food.

Cutting (fractions)

Positional (put peanut butter on top)

Where is your food item?


Food sizes

Comparing foods

Making items- cooking

How many ____ long is ____?

Liquid volume comparison


Order; pattern; step by step; sequence; pass out stuff

Order of operations (hand washing, snack procedure)

Data Analysis:

Who likes...?


Sort food items (i.e. animal crackers)

Library Area

Number and Operations:

How many books are about (topic)? Ordinal numbers. What happens 1st, 2nd, 3rd in the story?

Geometry and Spatial Sense:

Tell me about the shapes you see in the illustration.

Noticing book orientation- back, front.


Noticing long side, short side. Tell me about the size of the characteristics in the story. Which one is bigger/smaller?


Noticing patterns in stories- Eric Carle books. What does Wolf say when he gets to the little pigs house? That's a pattern.

Data Analysis:

How many places did Goldilocks visit in the story?

Graph which kids want to read a book or which kids like a book? Then, ask "How many children like a book... how many don't... which has more or less?

Discovery Area

Number and Operations:

Living vs. Non-Living: How many are living? How many are non-living? Which one has more?

Geometry and Spatial Sense:

Patterns: What color comes next? What shape is next?

Clay: Snakes; which one is longer?


Yarn: Mine is longer than yours. Whose is longer? Whose is thicker?

Finger Knitting- spool of yarn gets smaller and smaller.


Velcro Fruit: Cut apart; snack preparation (cut in 1/2)

Data Analysis:

Separate beans, beads, etc. Make a graph out of colors, numbers, size, etc.