The Zebulon Lions Club and Zebulon Lions Auxiliary jointly provide scholarships for college-bound students who exhibit outstanding leadership in the area of service to their community. Scholarship recipients are selected by the Zebulon Lions Club Scholarship Committee. An applicant’s record of service to his or her school and community is the major criterion for selection. The Selection Committee will also consider an applicant’s academic performance, personal references and the applicant’s personal statement. The applicant must be a member of the 2018 high school graduating class.
The Zebulon Lions are interested in rewarding area students who have demonstrated personal integrity and a commitment to the concept of service to others. The financial status of the applicant, and/or his or her family, is not considered.
The Zebulon Lions reserve the right to withhold any scholarship award if, in the opinion of the Club’s Scholarship Committee, the Club does not receive any applications that merit consideration. Multiple scholarship awards, eachfor at least $1000.00,are presented annually by the Zebulon Lions.
Applicants for the Zebulon Lions Service Scholarship must have attendedan accredited high school and must show they have been accepted for admission to attend an accredited two or four-year college/university or other institution of post-secondary higher education. Proof of acceptance must be submitted with the application for the scholarship award. Applicants will not be restricted on any basis, including age, sex, field of study, race, ethnic background, religious beliefs or political affiliation.
Completed applications may be submittedbye-mail to or by postal mail sent to:
Jeff Price, Chairman
Zebulon Lions Club Scholarship Committee
9404 North Manor Drive
Zebulon, North Carolina27597-9145
The deadline to submit an applicationis May 1, 2018. Scholarship recipients will be notified no later than June 1, 2018.
Please contact Jeff Price at the above e-mail address if you have questions or would like additional information. Phone inquiries may be made to (919) 269-9003 or (919) 696-6679.
Thank you for your interest in the Zebulon Lions Service Scholarship Program.
Zebulon Lions Service Scholarship Program
Application for 2018 Scholarship Award
Feel free to include attachments if needed
Applicant’s Legal Name______
Applicant’s Address______
Applicant’s e-mail address ______
Applicant’s Phone Number______
Applicant’s Date of Birth______
Please provide the name and address of the college, university or other institution of post secondary higher education you will attend. Please attach a copy of your acceptance letter.
Please list the name and address of your high school and dates of attendance. ______
Please list your extracurricular service activities in your school, in your community, or elsewhere. Please be specific and include dates, a description of the organization or event, and describe your involvement, including any positions of leadership you may have held).
Please list your extracurricular non-service activities in your school, in your community, or elsewhere. Please be specific and include dates, a description of the organization or event, and describe your involvement, including any positions of leadership you may have held).
Please list any academic honors or awards you have received. ______
Please list your hobbies or special interests ______
If you have been employedeither part time or full time while attending school, please provide the name, address, and phone number of your employer(s), dates of employment, name of your immediate supervisor, a description of your job, and indicate the average number of hours you worked each week.
What is your Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) ______on a 4.0 scale. Please attach proof of GPA. Your most recent school transcript is required.
What is your current class rank? ______(Please indicate class size)______
Please attach two (2) letters of reference (letters should be limited to one page in length).
Please provide a brief essayof 250 words or less on the topic, “Why is service to othersimportant?”
Please attach a copy of your college/university acceptance letter granting you admission.
Please return this completed application and all requisite documents by May 1, 2018 to:
Jeff Price, Chairman
Zebulon Lions Club Scholarship Committee
9404 North Manor Drive
Zebulon, North Carolina27597-9145
Applications may also be submitted by e-mail to .