Requesting a Substitute to be paid with Grant Funds
What: The following instructions detail the steps necessary for requesting a substitute for a teacher to attend a grant funded/sponsored activity. If a substitute will be paid for with grant funds, this request process must be followed. Adhering to these instructions will ensure that a substitute request will be entered into AESOP for the teacher’s absence.
Why: The Grants Office is responsible for monitoring all expenditures, including payments to substitutes, from a grant. Following this process enables the Grants Office to track the substitute request and ensure the correct accounts are charged for the expense. If the grant will be covering the cost of the substitute, the steps below must be followed.
Who: Building/site secretaries must use this process to request a substitute for teachers.
1. Enter the absence into AESOP using the two digit absence reason code given to you from the Grants Office. These codes are to be used only for the grant related activities and for no other purpose. Each participating site is responsible for entering the absence. The building/site secretary will have access to the necessary codes in AESOP.
2. In the “Notes to Administrator” enter the name of the training that the teacher is attending and the school name. For example: ELA Achieve – Virginia Court. If the “Notes to Administrator” section is left blank, the request will be denied.
3. If a substitute has been pre-arranged to take this job, provide the name of the substitute in the “Notes to Administrator” section after the information outlined in step 2 above. For example: ELA Achieve - Virginia Court, substitute requested John Smith.
4. Complete the “Sub Request Form” (see attached) detailing the absence that was requested and submit the form to Ruth Gonzalez (). The first tab on “Sub Request Form” includes instruction for completing the form. The Grants Office must receive this form in order to approve the AESOP entry. The sub request will not be approved in AESOP until the Grants Office receives this form.
The Grants Office is committed to timely processing and approval of requests. We ask that sites plan ahead to ensure sufficient time for the Grants Office to approve the request in AESOP.
If you need further assistance with your sub request or AESOP questions, please contact Eula Campbell in the substitute office (). For Grants Office questions, please contact Ruth Gonzalez ().
August 2015