Program me and Achievements of the Early Nationalists.

1. Mention three Phases of Indian National congress.

2. Who were the early Nationalists?

3. Mention the beliefs of the early Nationalists?

4. Demands of the Early Nationalists—Constitutional,Economic,Administrative and Civil Rights.

5. Methods of the Early Nationalists.

6. Mention the achievements of the Early Nationalists.

7. Why were the early nationalists have been criticized?

8. What was the official attitude of the British Government towards Congress?

9. Briefly state the contributions made by Dadabhai Naoroji,Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Surendranath Banerjee.

The Rise Of Assertive Nationalism

1 .Who were the Assertive Nationalists?

2. Explain the following causes that led to the rise of assertive nationalists.

a) Recognition of the true nature of the British Raj.

b) Failure of the early nationalists.

c) Worsening economic conditions.

d) Growing consciousness among Indians.

e) Need for Mass Action.

f) Influence of International events.

g) ILL-treatment of Indians abroad.

h) Growth of Education and Unemployment.

i) Repressive policies of Lord Curzon.

j) Partition of Bengal.

3. What was the main objective of the assertive nationalists?

4. Explain the methods of the assertive nationalists. Swadeshi, Boycott, National education and Passive resistance.

5. Mention the achievements of the Assertive Nationalists.

6. Compare the early nationalists and the assertive nationalists.( 46)

7. Briefly state the contributions made by Lal, Bal and Pal.( 50&51)

Partition of Bengal

1. When did the Partition of Bengal come into effect?

2. What were the reasons given by the British for the partition of Bengal?

3. What were the real motives of the British behind the partition of Bengal?

4. State the reaction of the masses to the proclamation of the partition of Bengal?

5. What was the impact of anti-partition movement?

6. What is meant by the terms –Swadeshi and Boycott?

7. How did Swadeshi and Boycott movements spread throughout the nation?

8. State two reasons for the partial failure of the Swadeshi movement>

9. Mention the impact of Swadeshi and Boycott.(pg 59)

10. What were the issues on which the two wings of Congress had differences of opinion?(Surat split of1907)

The Muslim League

1. Explain the following factors that promoted the formation of the Muslim league.

a) Loss of Sovereignity by Mughal rulers.

b) British policy of divide and rule.

c) Relative backwardness of the Muslim community in education, trade and industry.

d) Role of Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan.

d) Erroneous interpretation of history.

e) Rise of assertive nationalism.

f) Economic backwardness of the country.

2. Explain the following events that lead to the formation of the Muslim League.

a) The Hindi-Urdu controversy.

b) Foundation of Mohammedan Anglo Oriental association.

c) The Alligarh politics.

d) Partition of Bengal.

e) Muslim deputation to the viceroy, Lord Minto.

3. When was the Muslim League formed? Mention the aims and objectives of the Muslim League.

4. What was the impact of formation of Muslim League on the national movement.

Lucknow Pact, Home rule league and August declaration

1. What was the Lucknow Pact?

2. Mention the circumstances leading to the Lucknow Pact.

3. Mention the clauses of the Lucknow Pact.

4. What was the siginificance and impact of the Lucknow Pact.

5. Mention the drawbacks of the Lucknow Pact.

6. Name the fonders of Home rule movement in India.

7. What were the objectives of the Home rule movement in India.

8. Give two main features of the August declaration.

Rise of Dictatorship

1. What is the meaning of Fascism.

2. Explain the causes for the rise of Fascism in Italy.

3. Mention the aims/ features of Fascism.

4. What were the causes for the rise of Nazism in Germany.

5. Mention the aims/features of Nazism.

6. What were the similarities between the ideologies of Fascism and Nazism.

7. What were the simililarities between the causes of Fascism and Nazism.