12/09//13 Athletic Booster Minutes

Tosa East Raider Athletic Booster Club Meeting Minutes

Monday, 09 December 2013, 7 pm, Tosa East Library

Attendance (15):

Patrick Brown (VP), Chris Edersinghe, Robby Dubinski, Juli Jensen (Treasurer), John Kratzer, Jim Larson (Merchandise), Kari Leon, Kim Mihelich (Program), Linda Nikcevich (Program), Brice Osinski (Pres), Chris Richey (Fundraising), Toni Uhrich (Secretary), Cathy Van Meter (Membership), Pete Venturi (Spaghetti Dinner), Linda Vitrano (AD)

Meeting began at 7:03 pm.


1.  Bylaws work group meet twice in November. Group includes Steve Kuranz (writer), Bill? Murphy, Kari Leon, Patrick Brown, Brice Osinski. Patrick says the re-write of the bylaws is an attempt to simplify the process of organization of fundraising, money dispersement, operating procedures, updates to ‘roles’, etc. Improved organization. Each committee chair is asked to document their own operating procedures (time line of when things happen, help for future chairs to do the job, archive as necessary, etc), do some post mortem to offer suggestions for future change, and actively recruit to replace your position.

2.  Raider Review does not have Athletic Booster Club upcoming events. This needs to happen so that the school community knows about what is on our calendar. Kari Leon responsible????

Old Business (Committee Reports)

1.  Minutes of October and November. Peter Venturi moves to accept minutes from both meetings. Kim Mihelich seconds. Approved unanimously without debate. Juli Jensen says that the Club laptop can be used to store archives of meeting minutes.

2.  Treasurer’s Report (Juli Jensen).

·  Since last month, $1100 from program, money in from girls basketball fundraiser. We are saving for Hart Park fund should we be asked to pay that.

·  Report on Quickbooks. Club Liabilities and Equity= $31,434.41.

·  Income from Membership=$6054, Program =~$3687, from Spiritwear -$1606 (still lots of stock to sell).

·  Donations to the following teams: boys basketball, boys lacrosse, football, girls cross country, and girls golf (total $3192.55).

·  Evergreen CD liquidized.

3.  Fundraising (Chris Richey). Fundraiser scheduled for Feb 21, 2014 at 7 pm at J&B Blue Ribbon Hall on 53rd and Bluemound Ave). Looking for $500-1000 donations. Have a Fish Charter committed and a stay at the Von Trapp Family Resort in Stowe VT. Soliciting from Admirals, Packers, Bucks, Brewers (need Tax Exempt #). Coaches will be asked to provide a basket. Agreed that entrance would remain the same as last year: $25/person, $35 at door and for non-members.

4.  Merchandise (Jim Larson). Nothing to report. Brice, Chris Richey, Cathy Van Meter visited CSE in New Berlin to look for items for the Fundraiser and/or Spiritwear. Brice brought samples of Red Solo cup (sturdy look-a-like) and coffee mug that would have TE logo on it. Well-liked by members in attendance.

5.  Sports Programs (Kim Mihelich). Done collecting money that was committed for Fall Program. Will still accept ads. Go to press with Winter Program after VIP sends team photos and coaches ID student-athletes. Kim is still looking for candid/action shots, esp wrestling and swim. Chris E will be at boys/girls games this week. Linda Vitrano will provide info about David Wells, the new Strength and Conditioning coach. Program also to include photo of MVPs from fall sports.

6.  Membership (Cathy Van Meter). 1 new member. Will resend letter to help recruit new members (template to forward to coach). Robby Dubinski, as the sole coach present, says that he would have no problem personalizing and forwarding such a letter.

7.  Website (Krista Templeman). Not present.

8.  East/West Basketball day (Pete Venturi). Feb 15th, 2014 is East/West basketball game at Tosa East. Both girls (5:45 pm) and boys (7:30 pm) teams play at home; Jr Raiders will have games earlier in day. Girls TBL to play???? Pete is planning (3 versions of) pulled pork sandwich meal (chips and drink) for $4-5. Although no one is a big fan of hot dogs, think it may be necessary for kids for that day. Pete votes for all beef. Likely have restricted concessions open. Pete needs to know how long the day is so he can plan. Does not need a lot of volunteers. Dessert?

New Business.

1.  Linda Vitrano. David Wells would like additional equipment for weight room though would like a bit longer to assess true need. More heavy weights. He comes in non-gratis on Saturdays.

2.  Funding request from Robby Dubinski, girls soccer. Requests 24 Adidas Stadium jackets for varsity team at a total cost of $2160. Would replace the 15+ year old parkas that they currently have and that the JV team will use. Price includes logo. Linda Vitrano will pay for numbers to be embroidered for tracking who has what jacket. With motion from Jim Larson and a 2nd from Brice Osinski, motion to fund $2160 passes.

3.  Funding request from Terry Benter, girls softball. Pitching machine and duffle bags. Linda Vitrano has purchased pitching machine with Athletic money. She attests that the bags are in ill-repair. Kari Leon asks how much did we spend on boys bat bags? $700-900? Kari Leon motions and Cathy Van Meter seconds motion to spend up to $900 on softball duffle bags. Motion passes.

4.  Poms funding for National trip to Disney World. School currently pays for all trips, competition fees, and uniform needs that are part of school competition. This trip is an invitation from participation in a summer camp, not a qualifying win from a competition. The ABC members present agree this is akin to a trip like band, orchestra, and foreign language such that the family is responsible for the cost more than the school. Fundraising is appropriate (Tosa West has similar trip that they have been fundraising for 2 years). Club willing to help with other costs though not this sort of ‘vacation’ trip.

5.  John Kratzer brings up the idea of an email blast to all Booster Members prior to a meeting with agenda items attached. Brice has the ability to do this though not easily without all email addresses visible (something he does not like to do for privacy of those that want the privacy). Great idea for increasing participation at monthly meetings.

????? I had the prase ‘Idea sheet’ at the end of my notes. Any ideas what that was about?

????? I had Jokish—website for basketball under East/West game. Obviously I can write and not engage my brain. Help?

?????Brice asks for someone to help Krista (with what?????)

If no clarification, I will just leave out.

Meeting adjourned ~7:55 pm after motion from Jim Larson and second by Pete Venturi.

Submitted respectfully by Toni Uhrich.