Events & Marketing Committee
Tuesday 14 March 2017
Attendees: Cllrs Penny, Kay, Baird, Ball, Lusty, Holloway and C Elsmore
1.Apologies were noted from Cllrs Whittington
2.There were no declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
3.There were no dispensations requests
4.The minutes of7 February were noted.
Cllr. Baird asked for his apologies to be recorded.
Cllr. Penny’s presented proposals (from 7 February meeting) to be formally added.
5.To make recommendations re the 1st Battalion of the Rifles marchthro’ Coleford
Cllr Penny referred to a letter received from Chairman of FoDDC, inviting the 1st Battalion to plan to exercise their right to march through the main towns of the Forest of Dean, by virtue of the ”The Freedom of the District” authority.
That Coleford Town Council fully support, by formally inviting the Battalion, seeking involvement at all stages of planning in any future event.
6.To have an update on planned events.
CllrPenny reported on a number of events planned, including: St. George’s Parade (23 April) with about 250 young people attending. Coleford Walking Festival (15-21 May) with 25 walks planned, across the Coleford District, and range of abilities, working closely with RSPB and Forestry Commission. Busking Festival already established on the calendar, and everything else is going to plan. Some discussion about electronic promotion, through a ‘touch-screen’ facility located in the TIC, and Cllr. Ball was asked to investigate with known users, and report back, as this would then need to be considered by the Finance & Office Committee. A ‘flyer’ is also being printed and its distribution maximised over the Easter Weekend and to be also be coordinated with the newsletter distribution.
7.To make recommendations re the website
Cllr Penny re-presented the 4 draft design options, and all agreed that Option 4 was the preferred choice, with some minor alterations in respect of tabs, background and text.
That Option 4 be accepted, subject to modifications on images, tab links and text/format changes.
8.To make recommendation re the newsletter
Cllr Penny keen for the newsletter to be progressed urgently, and articles were identified for inclusion, with the NDP suggested as the lead story. General agreement that the newsletter should be more about what the Council were doing and delivering upon, as well as maintaining profile of Councillors and Town Council.
That newsletter is coordinated by Town Clerk, in time for next Full Council Meeting, to then be printed (4,000 copies) by end of March, and distribution to be undertaken, along with events ‘flyer’; and for Mount of Olives Church to be approached to involve their young people with delivering, with an agreed fee.