SURVIVAL KIT: Materials listed in the Survival Kit are to be taken to EVERY LESSON.
All items should be clearly marked with the student’s name.
Ø  Pencil case, to contain:
§  blue ball point pens / §  red ball point pens / §  black ball point pens / §  pencils (HB/2B)
§  soft eraser / §  glue stick / §  small stapler / §  small scissors
§  ruler / §  pencil sharpener / §  assorted coloured pencils or non-permanent felt pens
§  pack of highlighter pens / §  correction tape / §  USB pen drive / memory stick (at least 4GB capacity)
§  Scientific Calculator [available for purchase from the school office and includes engraving of your child’s name].
Ø  clear, plastic water bottle / Ø  school-approved hat
(available from W Titley & Co) / Ø  safety footwear
(enclosed, impervious uppers)
BANNED ITEMS: Permanent markers and correction fluid.
(included in Textbook Scheme) / STATIONERY
THE ARTS / §  A4 ruled exercise book
§  Display folder
§  Visual Art Journal ($5 from the office)
LIFE CHOICES / §  A4 ruled exercise book
ENGLISH / $10 dictionary
$10 thesaurus
$17.95 (Y8) Lockie Leonard
$14.90 (Y7) The Black Snake / §  A4 ruled, 2-subject, exercise book (*to be shared with the Humanities subject)
§  Plastic document wallet
HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION / §  A4 ruled exercise book
§  Students will require sports uniform (including joggers); togs and towel, etc for swimming; mouthguard for Rugby League, etc.
LOTE / §  A4 ruled exercise book
§  1 display folder
MATHEMATICS / §  A4 ruled, 2-subject, exercise book (**to be shared with Science)
§  Maths Kit (compass, protractor, rulers, etc.)
§  A4 graph paper (1mm)
§  Scientific calculator (see Survival Kit)
SCIENCE / §  A4 ruled, 2-subject, exercise book (**to be shared with Maths)
§  A4 graph paper (1mm)
§  Scientific calculator (see Survival Kit)
HUMANITIES / $54 Jacaranda Atlas 11th Edition / §  A4 ruled, 2-subject, exercise book (*to be shared with English)
§  Research journal (additional A4 exercise book)
TECHNOLOGY / §  MANDATORY: Students will require closed-in, protective footwear for Agriculture and Manual Arts; drill cotton pants (eg jeans) for Agriculture; ingredients for cookery, etc.
§  A4 ruled, 4-subject, exercise book (to be used for all Arts/Technology rotations)
§  Display folder
Students will require money for buses (eg trips to Friemann Oval/the Agricultural Farm), entry fees for the swimming pool and fees for general excursions throughout the year, at the discretion of parents and depending on subject rotation.
The Text and Resources Scheme provides for numerous additional items including computer access (internet access, toner, paper, maintenance, etc.), Motivational Media, student diary, sunscreen (all outdoors activities), use of all sporting equipment, use of the library, photocopying, etc.

All STUDENTS commence school on Monday 22nd January 2018

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